Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

UFO and Exopolitics Groups and CIA - Infiltrations - Athena and Yazhi Swaruu

Cosmic Agency II April 22, 2022

We are going to talk about the ufology circles and CIA manipulation. Comments from Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia), Athena Swaruu, and also mine.

Exopolitics and Ufology Circles and CIA - Infiltrations - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 25, 2022

We are going to talk about the ufology circles and CIA manipulation. Comments from Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia), Athena Swaruu, and also mine.

Los Extraterrestres Ummitas y La CIA - Athena Swaruu #Taygeta

Despejando Enigmas, Robert April 08, 2022

Los Extraterrestres Ummitas y La CIA - Athena Swaruu #Taygeta

Viaje al Futuro - Salto HiperEspacio - Viajes en el Tiempo - Athena Swaruu

Despejando Enigmas, Robert April 10, 2022

Viaje al Futuro - Salto HiperEspacio - Viajes en el Tiempo - Athena Swaruu

Contacto Extraterrestre Controlado por la CIA - Sophia Swaruu

Despejando Enigmas, Robert April 11, 2022

Contacto Extraterrestre Controlado por la CIA - Sophia Swaruu

Movimientos OVNI y la CIA - Infiltración - Athena y Yazhi Swaruu - Información Extraterrestre

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia April 18, 2022

Vamos a hablar de la CIA y los circulas ufológicos, llenos de la manipulación de la CIA. Comentarios de Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia), Athena Swaruu, y tambien mios.


Despejando Enigmas, Robert April 05, 2022


Sodium and Salt - Zombification of Humanity - Black Magic - Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 14, 2022

Today's video is based on the information given by Yazhi Swaruu about sodium, salt, black magic, zombis, Jewish rituals, and at the end Yazhi gives some inspiration for the starseeds.

Sodio y Sal - Zombificación de la Sociedad - Magia Negra - Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia April 14, 2022

El video de hoy es la información dada por Yazhi Swaruu sobre el sodio, sal, magia negra, zombificacion, rituales de los rabinos, y al final un poco de inspiración para las semillas.

Navegacion Estelar III - Vuelo Interestelar - Hiper Espacio - Viajes en el Tiempo - Athena Swaruu

Despejando Enigmas, Robert April 03, 2022

Navegacion Estelar III - Vuelo Interestelar - Hiper Espacio - Viajes en el Tiempo - Athena Swaruu

Lo que Veo En Este Punto - Reflexiones y Conclusiones de Athena Swaruu

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia April 09, 2022

En este video Athena Swaruu nos comparte sus recientes conclusiones sobre el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania.

What I See at This Point - Athena Swaruu´s Thoughts and Conclusions

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 09, 2022

In this video Athena Swaruu shares with us her recent conclusions about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.