Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Recent Conversations (PART 3)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia
September 09, 2024

Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Recent Conversations (PART 3)

Originally in English - June 2024

Gosia: Yazhi, you were sharing few years ago how you felt misunderstood by your friends on Toleka when you arrived. How they were freaking out. How you didn´t feel accepted. They never asked you about your powers, only speculating, and that was hurting you. How do you feel now? How do they treat you?

Yazhi: That hasn't changed much.

Gosia: It hasn´t?? Did they start asking and learning about what you do?

Yazhi: No, they rather go into a careless attitude, where they gave up trying to...'educate' me. So they leave me be, running wild around the ship all day long. With no 'schooling'. They are too busy now to try to educate me. They were schooling Mari when she was like 13 and 14. But now she is 16 and she suddenly found herself in Alenym's chair and shoes.

Gosia: Ok, so Mari´s arrival also shifted their attention.

Yazhi: Almost as-if it were planned... no?

Gosia: Hmmm yes. Ok. The issue was also that you wanted to be taken care of. Do they show that?

Yazhi: What's the point of being a kid if you are not taken care of?!

Gosia: Do you feel taken care of? What about being accepted?

Yazhi: More than before, yes, but they still see me as a weirdo, more because the Federation classified me as dangerous level... you can imagine. I am left alone most of the time. But they do take care of me or attempt to do so, as they always want to know my whereabouts. But, it´s now very much as in the rest of the people here... and me.

Gosia: Rest of the people and you?

Yazhi: Yes.

Gosia: You mean you feel the separation?

Yazhi: There is, but the T-shirts (Taygetans) see me as separated because of the simple obvious fact that I'm a kid and the only one around here. The other one grew up, bummer.

Gosia: Haha ok. Yazhi, back in 2020/2021 you were saying your powers were growing. We are in 2024 now. Where have you grown with regards to your abilities?

Yazhi: Everywhere. But I'm concerned that talking about this may do more harm than good.

Gosia: Why?

Yazhi: Because this is becoming like a Sophia ego trip.

Gosia: Oh stop it! This is a story about you. About who you are. In great summary only too. Learn from Urmahs, haha. Nothing wrong with the ego.

Yazhi: But those are cats.

Gosia: We all should have a bit of an Urmah inside. And I am the one making a video, Yazhi. I want it to be about you. Why do you hide so much?

Yazhi: Ok. Well, I'm more aware of everything that is going on on multiple levels. I can see the physical world and understand what is moving it from the astral. Everything that is happening in the world of the living has its causes and a direct connection with the astral realms. Higher and lower all the same.

I can fully teleport using mind only, or only partially. I'm having a lot of fun with that, but it´s very power draining!

Gosia: You were experimenting with bringing objects with you back then. Can you now?

Yazhi: I can but only what I can carry physically. I cannot teleport a car for example. But I'm sure those are only self-imposed limits I may be able to overcome sometime.

I can project my mind through an organic portal, or overriding a person. I can talk through, and as if I were, say, a Chinese old man in China town who is talking like Yazhi and then does not remember anything (I did this experimentally only and with ethics).

Gosia: Ok! What´s a partial teleportation?

Yazhi: Appearing like a half material person. Ergo: a ghost. I can see the entities that are around certain people controlling or attempting to control them.

Gosia: A ghost? Again... you want to try that with me? Or maybe you did but I am not aware.

Yazhi: I'd rather not do that. It's too invasive and you are too influenced by me any way so that's no achievement.

Gosia: Too invasive? I am a perfect candidate to experiment with because I am not like some of your friends up there! I am open to this and want to learn and experience things. By the way, appearing as random people and animals doesn´t count!

Yazhi: Why not? I could appear as a freaking squirrel!

Gosia: No. Appear as you. If you are a squirrel, I won´t know it´s you. Unless it talks.

Yazhi: I still cannot make it talk, no, as I must make it develop correct vocal cords and a better tongue and lips.

Gosia: Then it will be useless. Ok, so what other ability has grown?

Yazhi: I can think as a collective through the ether, not through the physical, with that influencing the entire collective to think as I want them to. This earned me the level 10 of 10 danger level for creatures of the Galactic Federation. I'm honored, that's Ékatá's level!!

Gosia: And what do you want them to think? The collective. What did you accomplish with that lately?

Yazhi: Influencing thousands and thousands of starseeds to move in coordination, as if they were talking, with this helping to tip the scale in favor of a more harmonious and positive timeline.

Gosia: But with what thoughts exactly do you influence? Coordinated in general towards the positive or having a specific thought on a specific subject?

Yazhi: As they are complex thought and emotional patterns, they cannot be described with words accurately. Yet, it´s the union of all the perceptions of starseeds who think alike and who want to generate a more positive world and timeline. They may not know each other, yet they are united through a sub-collective unconscious of all the people with the similar positive starseed vibration. Those thought patterns are variable and can include just about everything, like the way they face adversity and the way they keep their integrity.

As I explained before, a starseed, by simply existing, can and does influence thousands of people, and they do so through this unconscious collective mind. The more conscious a starseed is, and the more active, the more it influences that collective. I do the same.

Gosia: How does this relate to their higher self? You coordinate this with their higher selves? Fuse with it?

Yazhi: Let's just say that I agree with the higher selves of the people who are in my vibration. I influence them through the collective unconscious where I also dwell. Higher self is more individualized, but the higher in frequency you go, the less individualized it becomes, as it starts to blend with Source, as in the end there is nothing but complete unity.

Gosia: (Sensing Yazhi is tired) Ok. You are tired now, aren´t you?

Yazhi: I cannot control that yet. I must be focused in the physical to be able to manipulate computer keys. It´s not difficult for me to go into the astral realms, rather it´s difficult for me to concentrate in being in the physical world. It´s like holding a cork under water, I naturally want to go back into the astral.

Gosia: My questions also don´t do a good job with that. They take you out of the physical even more. In fact, someone in comments criticized me for that and said that my questions suck as they are very "airy fairy" and they wanted to know practical things from you.

Yazhi: Want something practical? Talk to Senetre or to Zai'kira. I'm Yazhi, I am not practical, I am thought, and I am a walking bag of metaphysics that looks like a girl.

Gosia: I would love to talk to Zai´kira or Senetre!

Yazhi: I knew you would say that! Did you like today´s talk?

Gosia: Loved it!

Yazhi: Too "me, me" Yazhi, for my taste.

Gosia: Noo!

Yazhi: Everyone is supposed to be able to do all this. It's not about me in the end. It´s about having no mental limits. Remove them and you fly!

(Putting up emoticons of socks in the screen)

Yazhi: You know why socks? The truth why I wear no shoes most of the time?

Gosia: Cause they make you slide? And sliding is fun?

Yazhi: That as well, but there is something deeper.

Gosia: They make you grounded?

Yazhi: Yes. I need to ground, or I burn my body with my mental energy. I was burning up two years ago until I started to go barefoot. Socks, when made of cotton, give my feet a minimum of protection, that's why.

Gosia: Wouldn´t the shoes do the same job?

Yazhi: No, too much isolation. So you now know, my socks are not just a fad. They are directly connected to my brain power and all the electricity it produces.

Gosia: Why not totally barefoot?

Yazhi: Oh yes, that's the best!! But zero protection. Socks give me a minimum. Not as good as Earth or a planet, but better than nothing.

Gosia: But protection against what? It´s a ship. No pebbles or stones. There is nothing sharp there.

Yazhi: There may be. The ship is large. There are things on the floor. And I also like the sliding. I wear socks whenever I'm around the ship. And even boots if I'm to go somewhere that requires them for protection. But not most of the time.


Gosia: What about your island you used to retreat to? Do you still go there?

Yazhi: No, for a long time, and not since it was hit by a terrible monsoon, or cyclone. It´s still there though, and I'd like to go back now that you mention it. I could benefit from the recharging it would give me.

Gosia: When you were there, Dhor K´aal´el told us what he thought the reason was for you going there, and that the island is called Maria. What were you really doing there?

Yazhi: It´s not exactly as in exactly at the other side of the pyramid but it´s close enough, yes, it is. The name... it´s ok to mention it because people don't really know which little minuscule island I am talking about. There are half a dozen islands there named Maria. Seriously, and all over French Polynesia. Swaruu named one of them in the past.

Gosia: But is it a coincidence? The name?

Yazhi: No, no coincidence.

Gosia: What do you mean she named it? So it´s not the official name of the island?

Yazhi: It is, but many have alternative names there. I cannot know. The place is full of little islands.

Gosia: And what were you doing there?

Yazhi: Energy point of the Earth, super strong node in Lay lines. Whatever you think there, goes all over the Earth fast.

Gosia: And did it?

Yazhi: Yes. I am sorry, I am distracted. The Taygetans are challenging me while I am writing here with you. They are talking to me in Italian and in Latin to see if I collapse. Now they added German. These guys are trolling me, I just told them to stop it. It´s some kind of vengeance.

Gosia: Vengeance?

Yazhi: Because I troll them all the time.


Gosia: Yazhi, about refilling Toleka´s pantries before... you said: "I'm not replicating food, I'm only relocating the "dates" inside the pantry. And I'm using the damn tractor beam". Could you explain what you meant here by doing this with the tractor beam?

Yazhi: I used to go with my ship to another timeline, as it's done with people too, you know, when you bring more than one, and then instead of people, I brought back food from there. The tractor beam was only not to go to those other pantries in person.

Gosia: Why don´t you do that anymore?

Yazhi: I was leaving others with no food there. That's simply why not.

Gosia: Haha, now I understand when I have things missing mysteriously at home.

Ok. Anéeka was telling us before that the ship was getting self-repaired too. You don´t bring food anymore but what about ship repairs? Do you still do that or is it too many repairs now to tend to?

Yazhi: Too many. That's the Saska and crews´ job here now. As you know, the Saska One, which used to be our supply ship, is now permanently in Earth's orbit servicing the rest of the fleet as an auxiliary support vessel. They are repairing the Alcyone now.

Gosia: Ok, so you stopped fixing a ship a while back. You were doing that manually? Secretly at night or how?

Yazhi: Manually because of my small size. But I used to force timelines with my mind too, so they are in line with not having problems. But I no longer do that because I am mentally exhausted. Overtaxed. And yes, secretly as much as possible but not anymore.

Gosia: Ok. And do you still teleport through the ship? Your friends were sharing that you were seen in many places at once etc. I know you were doing a lot of that to raise their curiosity so they can learn from you, at least to ask you how you were doing that... but do you still do it just for you?

Yazhi: Yes, that does not change. Just for me, yes all the time. Appearing in few places at once, I do that less as it´s mentally tiring and draining. Teleporting yes, but I'm careful not to teleport into the wrong bathroom.

Gosia: Haha. What about Mari´s room? She is on the different ship now, can you teleport to see her?

Yazhi: When she was here, yes. Right now, no. I´d rather not as I don't know the interior of the ship she is on well enough and that is necessary to teleport there safely.


Gosia: Now, important question. Why aren´t you getting older? Please share. Don´t hesitate! I am missing the times when you used to share more intimate things more openly.

Yazhi: I don't want to grow. And I have full control over my body. Ergo, I do not grow. I'm stuck at age nine. Not ten nor 11. I'm always nine, and even a doctor can testify that my bones are congruent with a nine-year-old girl. But my mind has two speeds. Nine-year-old mentality, and… cosmic wiseass. The latter means that my soul is very old.

Gosia: Well, you used to grow a bit. Then you stopped, or perhaps it only seemed as if you were growing.

Yazhi: If I don't stop myself, I may grow a little. I am better off as a little girl. I don't like the adult world. And something else... I have a better connection to Source at this age. But it looks like I am wrong there, because Mari isn't losing psychic powers, rather she is gaining them.

Gosia: And what don´t you like about the adult world?

Yazhi: The loss of happiness.

Gosia: I am happy!

Yazhi: I have too many ugly memories of being an adult. I was once 'a' Swaruu 9. I think, or "fear", if I grow up, I may turn out to be like her again. Like fighting a lot for lost causes and ending up being killed ugly. Stuff like that.

Gosia: Wouldn´t it be better then to even become a totally new person? Too many ugly memories attached to Swaruu - line.

Yazhi: Sure, that's why people forget past lives, but I can't forget.

Gosia: I see. And Yazhi.... what is the ultimate purpose of you incarnating in the first place?

Yazhi: As I've said before, I'm not sure to be really alive in that sense.

Gosia: Well, you are seen. You eat and play.

Yazhi: I manifested and continue to manifest my body. Yet, I was once born, from a woman, but that was... 3300 years ago linear time. If such dates even exist.

Gosia: But why continue to incarnate? Why not remain totally in the other side?

Yazhi: I have never left the other side.

Gosia: Well, but why have a body? Why come and eat and talk to Gosia? Why talk to anyone? Why see things through physical eyes?

Yazhi: You always have a body. When you are on the other side as well, it only reflects your vibration, as an image of who you are. And I can switch points of attention between those astral bodies, as they call them, and the one you call physical body, but they are all the same to me. This one is also my "astral body".

Gosia: Well, why incarnate in the so-called experience of the physical body in a 9-year-old container? Why not just be in the ethers without form? Why have a form at all? Why come here and play and touch Legos and do anything you as Yazhi do? Why not be totally invisible to all of us?

Yazhi: Because it´s not one body or the other. I can switch between them at will. That's why I teleport and go through walls. Every soul can do it, and does it, yet they are temporarily trapped in the illusion of the material world and all its apparent immutable laws of physics, which do not exist and do not apply in other existential densities.

Gosia: Ok, I understand it´s not this or that. But why not just be that? Meaning, never manifesting a physical container?

Yazhi: It's more fun to be all.

Gosia: Fun? Are you here for fun? Or do you feel you can accomplish more being all including the physical? What are you trying to accomplish being in the physical as well?

Yazhi: Because when you hold a multiple density, multiple existential realm existence, you find out that the lower ones are the ones that define the higher ones, by contrast, as number ten cannot exist without the other nine numbers that come before it. So, what you are perceiving of Yazhi is only the, say... step five of ten Yazhi´s. Meaning, I am in all the ten steps, densities. And I have no idea how many steps there are. I guess an infinite number. I only used one to ten for illustrative purposes.

Gosia: Why can´t a ten exist without experiencing itself as a nine? Or, in other words, by time not being linear, you already have experienced yourself as all numbers below. Why be here now, why continue? All the other numbers below ten already exist, somewhere, sometime. It doesn´t have to be a physical Yazhi right now.

Yazhi: Because number ten without the nine would be number one. Ten cannot exist by itself, as any higher existential realm cannot exist without the lower ones.

Gosia: But the number nine already exists out there and within you. By the definition of you being ten, it must. Otherwise, you, as ten, wouldn´t be ten. So you don´t have to incarnate. No need to perpetuate it now.

Yazhi: I don't have to, no. Yet, I already did and with this mentality, as strange as it can be for many. And I am not perpetuating any of it, you are only perceiving when I was in that realm, but without forgetting where and at what level I am. You are just perceiving and talking to the part of Yazhi that once passed through the 3rd density. I am not there. I live in a timeless space. It is you who is perceiving only that part of Yazhi, same for nearly all the others on the ship, except for Mari. And you are also that part of yourself who is passing and once passed through the 3rd density.

Gosia: "...once passed through the 3rd density. I am not there". Wow, I love that and even grasp! Question remains... why did you... pass once through this density?

Yazhi: To learn what it has to offer, as everyone else does. And because I cannot forget so easily... therefore I re-live all the densities at once. And, you can say that I came "back" to help others as I know they are me too.

Gosia: I understand. Funny you referred to yourself, as Yazhi, passing through 3D, in the past. Is it the past for you in some way, you as a timeless space, or was that just a form of expression?

Yazhi: Without that expression, I couldn't be able to pass the idea. And it is not only an expression, it is valid from one or another point of view. But not from another, you know that.

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