Transcripts - Swaruu Official - English
This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.
Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!
Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Under no circumstances is it allowed to publish the information presented in our channels and on this page for commercial purposes (sale of books and promotional materials).
library_booksTable of Contents
- Swaruu Official, (English)
- Escape from the Matrix 01 (English)
- Origins of the Lyran / Human race (English)
- Consciousness, oneness, gravity and the numerical Universe (English)
- Stellar Navigation, Basic principles (English)
- Important thoughts after 5 years of contact (English)
- Taygetan spherical drones (English)
- Yazhi and child’s play (English)
- Escape from the matrix video number 2 (English)
- Extra-terrestrials living among you. (English)
- Extra-terrestrials living among you, video 2 (English)
- How Mari Swaruu got here. (English)
- The portals we all make, prelude (English)
- The portals you make, part 2, the Paranormal. (English)
- Paranormal Portals, the portals we all make part 3 (English)
- Reality, Egregores, Manifestation and the Paranormal. (English)
- Why Minecraft, Pool Area and Main Garden (English)
- The problem with science on Earth. (English)
- The problem with UFO researchers. (English)
- The Sun and its portals. (English)
- Escape the matrix 3, your body and death. (English)
- Who is Sophi (Sophia Swaruu)
- About all the UFO rumbling in the media (English)
- Taygetean Technology: Part 1 - Suits and Boots (English)
- Antarctica, my present report. (English)
- Taygetan Technology 02, industrial replicators, clothes and makeup. (English)
- Nuclear scare, don’t worry
- Za'el and Arien, new friends in star ship Toleka
- Taygetan Star Ship private rooms and Toilets
- Stupidity and the Ego, a spiritual perspective. (English)
- Same events, different meanings - Physical or Spiritual side
- Death and the Ego (English)
- Thoughts on Karma and Dharma (English)
- How the Galactic Federation sees what happens on Earth, part 1 (English)
- How the United Federation of Planets views Earth, Part 2, Prime Directive. (English)
- Prime Directive (Core) for easy reference (English)
- Galactic Federation, UFoP, internal structure, Part 3, (English)
- How the Galactic Federation views Earth, part 4, Restrictions
- Electric Vehicles on Earth. (English)
- Positive Twist, Part One, Galactic Federation Part 5
- Light beings, Positive twist Part two, Galactic Federation Part 6. (English)
- Electric vehicles in Taygeta, and on Earth. (English)
- Why no one can escape the Matrix. (English)
- Conclusions 01, Galactic Federation. (English)
- Why no one can escape the Matrix. Part 2
- Why was project first contact a failure?
- A Perspective on the Basic Formation of a Physical Matrix. (English)
- Formation of a Matrix (English)
- The False People and you. (English)
- You are not your body therefore you are immortal. Memory is not in the body. (English)
- Artificial intelligence on Earth. (English)
- The Astral side, the Physical world and their Matrix. What makes, and what defines them. (English)
- Time, Part 1, What is Time. (English)
- What is a Soul. (English)
- Advanced Souls, and their hive mind (English)
- Motivational video for Starseeds and the awakened ones. (English)
- Everything is mind, everything is consciousness. ( English )
- Time and how it Works, Part 2, Timelines (English)
- How to Change your Past, with Swaruu of Erra
- Is it really necessary to change your past? (English)
- Alter Egos, and how they can help us cope with our daily life. (English)
- The invention of money and its uses in different societies. (English)
- Money and the Galactic Federation. (English)
- What is an Extra-terrestrial to you? (English)
- The Shadow People are an extra-terrestrial race. (English)
- Za'el and Swaruu Official channel updates ( English)
- What does it mean to be living in 5D? (English)
- The strange phenomena of Dimensional Mirroring (English)
- Time, timelines, Star-ships and your Mind. (English)
- Star seeds, light workers, and woken people’s problems, part 1 (English)
- Starseeds, problems, part 2, Frequency Incompatibility. (English)
- Time Travel and why Timelines don't really exist. (English)
- Starseed's problems, part 3, Places and Buildings / Astral Entities, Alcohol and More
- The Basic Mathematics behind the Dimensional Mirroring Phenomena
- Starseeds and their Problems, part 4, Money Issues. (English)
- Motivational video Number 2, for Starseeds and the Awakened Ones. (English)
- Is there an ultimate Truth? (English)
- Telepathic Fields (English)
- Telepathic Fields & your Egregors and Fears. (English)
- Astral Entity Attachments and Infestations, Part 1 (English).
- Attachments and Infestations, Part 2, Astral Parasites and how to get rid of them. (English)
- New Channel Presentation (English)
- UFO Disclosure nowadays, Part 1 (English)
- Disclosure nowadays, Part 2, going in deeper. (English)
- Telepathy, including directly with you all. (English)
- Attachments and Infestations, Part 3, Demons and Acorns. (English)
- Attachments and Infestations, Part 4, Lower astral, Ideas and Programming. (English)
- The Moon. Part 1 (English)
- Extra-terrestrial Disclosure, a Warning (English)
- The Moon, Part 2. Internal structure (English)
- False Alien Invasion, Another Warning, mostly for Star Seeds. With Nai'Shara. (English)
- The Moon part 3, how it influences Earth and its 3D Matrix. (English)
- The Moon, part 4, how it influences Earth’s Matrix, shady things and conclusions. (English)
- Extractions and their problems. Part 1 (English)
- Beware of Replicated Food (English)
- Extractions and their problems. Part 2 (English)
- Extractions and their problems. Part 3 (English)
- Fears, desires, thoughts and Manifestation (English)
- Extractions and their problems, Part 4, Kassia speaks directly to those who remember. (English)
- Grey Aliens. Part 1, Little Gardeners and Maitre. (English)
- Star seeds and their problems. Part 5. Remembering having lived in higher realms (English)
- Grey Aliens. Part 2, Orions, and Etorthans. (English)
- Star seeds and their problems. Part 6, Metaphysical and Astral Attacks. (English)
- Star Seeds, Part 7, Astral Projection, Astral Abductions, Night Soul Missions, Part 1 (English)
- Star Seeds. Part 8, Astral Projection, Astral Abductions and Night Soul Missions, Part 2. (English)
- The Astral. (English)
- The Astral. Part 02 (English)
- The Astral. Part 3. Important recapitulation of base concepts that describe everything. (English)
- Religions, another perspective, False History, Reality and Egregors. (English)
- Politics are being controlled from off-planet by the Galactic Federation. (English)
- Demons and evil entities of the Lower astral and the world of the living, Part 1 (English)
- Maui Fires, Complete Report. Space News Number 01 (English)
- Tenerife Fires Complete Report, (English) - Space news Number 02
- Demons and Evil Entities of the Lower Astral. Part 2
- Demons and Evil Entities of the Lower Astral. Part 3 (English)
- Deep Galactic Federation to Audit Local Federation about Earth Affairs, Early 2024 (English)
- False History, in space and on Earth, Tartaria, Cabal, Lies and the Galactic Federation. (English)
- Alpha Centauri: Historical Lies? Mari’s and Urmah's Perspective. (English)
- The Urmah Interview, Arishah-Tiger, Part 1 (English)
- The Urmah Interview, Arishah-Tiger, Part 2 (English)
- Enlightenment, and Cyndriel Aldebaran, a Mystical planet. (English)
- Urmah Ari, Second Interview. Ethics, Interstellar Feline way of life. Motivation Video. (English)
- Awakening and Awareness, What level are you at? (English)
- Ghosts and Apparitions, First Part, Necessary Context. (English)
- Ghosts, Apparitions and Hauntings, Part 2. (English)
- Holistic Society, also called Holographic Society, and Royalty in Outer Space. (English)
- Is removing the Cabal advisable? Holistic Society Part 2. (English)
- Why is the Galactic Federation so permissive towards all what causes humanity's problems? (English)
- Peruvian Mummies in the Media, there is never enough proof about extra-terrestrials, (English)
- Taygeta, origins and history. Part 1 (English)
- The Elites are Planning to leave Earth. (English)
- Society in Taygeta, Structure. (English)
- The Terrible Ending of the First Settlers on Planet Procyon. (English)
- Avoid building Karma, or build as much Karma as you can in your life (English)
- Audio and Music Conspiracy Detected (English)
- Aircraft exhaust contaminants (English)
- Stop Drinking Alcohol (English)
- Do not take Psychedelics (English)
- Artificial Weather (English ) / (Re-loaded)
- Important Comments, several other subjects, please watch to understand everything better (English)
- A Perfect Example of how a Soul becomes Strongly Attached to its past life, a true story (English)
- Light Beings, Demons, Part 4, Religion, Possessions and Star Seeds (English / Re-loaded)
- No Men in Taygeta? (English)
- The Collective Unconscious. (English / Re-loaded)
- Reflections, by Mari Swaruu, Important, please watch (English)
- Non-linear Time and its Perception (English)
- Dreams, and What They Are (English)
- Dreams, and Dark Lower-Astral Entity Night Visitations (English)
- Religions and Lower Astral Entities, and why it works against some of them (English)
- A Day in Mari’s Life (English)
- How to Control Society on Earth, and more about Holistic Society (English)
- Space News: 4 New People Arriving on The Ship. First Part (English)
- Walk-ins, Soul Swap, Body Snatching, Immersion Pods. First Part (English)
- Walk-Ins, Second Part, the Same Soul Re-Entering, but a Lot More Evolved (English)
- 4 New Crew Members on Board, Part 2, Heavy Cultural Shock (English)
- How Existential Densities work in Deep Space (English)
- Break Away Civilizations and Space Pirates (English)
- Space Pirates Break Away Civilizations, Part 2, Galactic Federation Involvement (English)
- Death, Introduction (English)
- Starseeds, What Are They? (English)
- How to Prove for Yourself that the Paranormal Does Exist (English)
- Prepare for your own Death, and for your Next Incarnation, by Living to the Fullest (English)
- What is, and who is your Higher Self? (English)
- Deep Federation, Etorthan detachment arriving, And Urmah vs Etorthans (English)
- Interview with the Urmah Tiger, Arishah, Part 3 (English)
- The Urmah, Part 1, Prelude and Context from Earth’s culture’s point of view (English)
- The Urmah, Part 2 (English)
- What’s it, with Flat Globe? (English)
- The Space Situation around Earth, December 2023. (English)
- 1st Anniversary, of this YouTube channel, Swaruu Official. Thank You (English)
- Ascension (English)
- Surviving the Holidays, for Star Seeds (English)
- Space News, and a lot of important comments (English)
- You are never really alone, Guardian Angels of all kinds, Part 1 (English)
- You are never really alone, Part 2 (English)
- You are never really alone, Part 3, Technological surveillance (English)
- The Law of Attraction, Become the Best Version of Yourself (English)
- Dramatic Life Changes, the Law of Mirrors and Quantum Jumps (English)
- Super Manifestation (English)
- Space News 8, Galactic Federation Update for January 5th 2024 (English)
- Letter for the Galactic Federation, January 7th 2024 (English)
- A Serious Incident on board Starship Toleka (English)
- Space News 10, Galactic Federation Update for January 10 2024 (English)
- The Cosmic Cat, and the Urmah Spiritual Belief System (English)
- Power Structure on Earth and Society Resets (English)
- Changes in this YouTube Channel, Swaruu Official, and a Surprise (English)
- Space News 11, Galactic Federation Update for January 17 2024 (English)
- Soft Social Resets, and how they are done with Mind Control, going deep into details (English)
- On Starships and why many look so human, and Earth as an Isolated Island (English)
- Space News 12, Galactic Federation harassing Taygeta, Update for January 23, 2024 (English)
- More on False Past, how it is studied, and Time Travel (English)
- Light Beings passing off as Normal People (English)
- Space News 13, Update January 31st, 2024 (English)
- Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, First Part (English)
- Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, Second Part (English)
- Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, Third Part. Starships (English)
- You don’t need a Starship (English)
- Thoughts on Consciousness and Awakening
- Space News 14, Federation Update, February 15, 2024 (English)
- The importance of understanding Time for Spiritual Growth, and understanding Reality (English)
- Hexa-Dimensional Space-Time (English)
- Why there is no Real History and a bit of What We Know (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 3rd Interview, Part 1 (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 3rd Interview, Part 2 (English)
- Space News 15, Federation Update, February 28, 2024 (English)
- On Aliens, Extraterrestrials and Toothbrushes (English)
- Movies and Dark Entities. The content you watch defines your world (English)
- Space News March 6 2024, Earth moving into a Positive Timeline, detected (English)
- Alpha Dracos or Alpha Draconians. Space Dragons (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger, 3rd Interview, Part 3 (English)
- On the Media and other related subjects (English)
- Reptiloids and how they view Earth and Humanity (English)
- Reptilians and the Galactic Federation, and Positive Reptiles (English)
- Human Genetic Compatibility with Reptilian Possessions (English)
- Space News March 22 2024, News and Birthdays (English)
- Technology and why I cannot share More Details (English)
- On Flying Saucers (English)
- Monitoring Spirits (English)
- Monitoring Spirits. Part 2 (English)
- Eclipse, April 8th, 2024 (English)
- Space News 18. April 6 2024, Eclipse, Starships, Meetings, Yazhi, and other news (English)
- Portals. Basic Principles (English)
- Space News 19. April 10 2024, Eclipse from Space, Starships, Black Knights (English)
- Artificial Portals (English)
- Space News 20. April 14 2024, Asterope, Mari Swa's first Live Public Presentation (English)
- Akashic Records, Part 1 (English)
- The Problem with Food and Diet on Earth (English)
- Akashic Records, Part 2
- Space News 21. April 25 2024, Kassia, Etorthans, Greys, Toleka, Asterope, My Youtube (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 4th part, Ari describes Urmah Contact Sports (English)
- The Engan People (English)
- Free Will (English)
- Space News 22. May 4th 2024, Alcyone Arriving, Black Knight Pilots, My Youtube. (English)
- The Solatian People (English)
- Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists (English)
- Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 (English)
- Post Eclipse Entities
- On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of a Spirit
- Project Second Contact, and Protocols (English)
- Project Second Contact, Extra Comments (English)
- Thoughts on Reincarnation, and the Higher Self (English)
- Space News, 24, May 25, 2024, Starships, Moghyay birds, Meteor over Spain, my YouTube (English)
- You are Experiencing the last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset (English)
- A Taygetan Supply Mission to Earth (English)
- The Importance of ET Contact (English)
- Space News, 25, June 3, 2024, Moghyays, Alenym Unwell, Mari Swa in Control (English)
- Space News, 26, June 6, 2024, Alenym, Political context, Mari Swa now Acting Queen (English)
- The Greater Interstellar Humanity, First Part (English)
- Space News, 27, June 10, 2024, Kings and Queens in Space, Alenym, Mari Swa, Ships (English)
- The Greater Interstellar Humanity, Second Part ( English )
- Taygetan Quantum Holographic Computer Technology (English)
- Full Immersion Communication Technology, Part One, Applications (English)
- Space News, 28, June 20, 2024, Alenym, brand new S.S. Hyades (English)
- A Case Against the Existence of Gravity (English)
- Space News, 29, June 24, 2024, Hurricane in Temmer, Fluffy Cotton in the Sky (English)
- Full Immersion Communication Technology, Part 2 (English)
- Full Immersion Communication Technology, Part 3 (English)
- Space News, 30, July 01, 2024,?️, Hurricane in Temmer, Aftermath (English)
- Gori'el Report. Why the Earth must be kept as it is according to the Galactic Federation (English)
- The Two most Self-destructive, Star Seed Beliefs (English)
- Forced Reincarnation? (English)
- Space News, 31, July 11, 2024, Hurricane, Chat GPT, and other things (English)
- Lupus Cosmicus, My quest to find Space Dogs and Wolves. With Ari the Tiger (English)
- What it is like to be the Taygetan Princess Queen and a Youtuber, Part 1, Queen Alenym. (English)
- Space News, 32, July 18, 2024, Beryl, Attempt against Carrot, Gori'el Rep-2, New Ship (English)
- What it is like to be the Taygetan Queen and a Youtuber, Part 2, My Experience (English)
- Analysing the Galactic Federation and Gori’el’s Report, and the New Age (English)
- I am Mari Swa (English)
- Step Down Anecdotes and Stories Number 1, Unwanted Visitors (English)
- Space News, 33, July 29, 2024, Attacks against Alenym and Carrot, Bye Bye Toleka. (English)
- Star Ship Sadicleya (English)
- What it is like to Remember Past Lives (English)
- Taygeta Space News, 34, August 5, 2024, Swaruuneans No More, Bad-G.F., New-Meetings (English)
- More on Genetics, Swaruuneans, and Other Things, Reaction Video (English)
- Remembering Past Lives 2, Implanted Memories, Walk-Ins and Extreme Gaslighting (English)
- Taygeta Space News, 35, August 12, 2024, Good Bye Starship Toleka (English)
- Galactic Federation, Current Situation, Taygetean Exo-Politics and Diplomatic Incident (English)
- Taygeta Space News, 36, G.F. Cancels Project Second Contact Toleka and Vigilant Eagle (English)
- Parasited Places (English)
- Gender Roles and Homosexuality in Space Lyrians and on Earth, and Past Lives (English)
- Taygeta Space News, 37, Galactic Federation Update, Taygetan exo-politics (English)
- Galactic Federation Conspiracy Theories (English)
- Higher Realms of/and the Galactic Federation (English)
- Space News 38, New Crew Member, Another G.F. Diplomatic Incident, Thinking Hat 02 (English)
- Space News 39, Another Black Knight Crash, New Pleiadian Treaty with the Urmah (English)
- Space News 40, New Pleiadian Treaty with the Urmah (English)
- Space News 41, Pleiadian-Urmah Treaty and now Antaria, Alcohol and Alfratans, Alcyone (English)
- Step Down Anecdotes 02. Bank-Office, Supplies, Difficult Return Home (English)
- Sadicleya Inside (English)
- Thoughts on the Astral (English)
- Thoughts on the Astral. Part 2 (English)
- Space News 42, Galactic Federation And Alcyone Council Update
- Space News 43, Increased Orion Grey Activity, Yazhi, Ships, ET Critics, my YouTube
- Astral Warriors, Part 1 (English)
- Garbage Dump Mistake gone Horribly Wrong (English)
- Space News 44, Galactic Federation and Earth Situation Update (English)
Swaruu Official - English September 28, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 26, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 23, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 21, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 19, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 16, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 14, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 12, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 09, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 07, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 05, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English September 02, 2024
Originally written in British English.