Transcripts - Swaruu Official - English

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Who is Sophi (Sophia Swaruu)

Swaruu Official - English February 13, 2023

Originally written in English

Escape the matrix 3, your body and death. (English)

Swaruu Official - English February 10, 2023

Originally written in English

The Sun and its portals. (English)

Swaruu Official - English February 06, 2023

Originally written in English

The problem with UFO researchers. (English)

Swaruu Official - English February 02, 2023

Originally written in English

The problem with science on Earth. (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 30, 2023

Originally written in English

Important thoughts after 5 years of contact (English)

Swaruu Official - English December 25, 2022

Thoughts about what happened in the last 5 years of my predecessors talking and sharing information on line with many YouTubers. Originally written in English.

You can use a part of the video but please do not re-upload it completely and much less without clarifying that I'm the original owner of the video or leaving such ownership ambiguous. Pease always include a link to the original video from my official channel. Thank you very much. Mari Swaruu

Why Minecraft, Pool Area and Main Garden (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 27, 2023

Originally written in English

Reality, Egregores, Manifestation and the Paranormal. (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 24, 2023

Originally written in English

Paranormal Portals, the portals we all make part 3 (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 20, 2023

Originally written in English

The portals you make, part 2, the Paranormal. (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 17, 2023

Originally written in English

The portals we all make, prelude (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 15, 2023

Originally written in English

How Mari Swaruu got here. (English)

Swaruu Official - English January 12, 2023

Originally written in English