Illustration of Mari Swa Mari Swa (Mari)

Mari Swa, or as everybody calls her Mari or MariSwa, is 16 years old as of 2024. She arrived here in 2021 and she is living most of her time onboard SS Toleka with the Taygetan crew, having adapted well.

Her personality is soft and joyful, always loving a good joke and a good laugh. She has full memory of several past lives, as just about everyone in the Swaruu family does, and she is a member of the Swaruunean race.

She has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, but her main interests are art, classic dance and gymnastics, as well as engineering, exo-politics, history, sociology, medicine and communications, among countless others. She is learning all she can from the Taygetan crew in an organised school way.

She likes to share what she has learned but she also likes to feel fully independent and that is what led her to create her own YouTube channel. She is part of the team and, at the same time, she is working on her own.

It is the FIRST direct and official YouTube channel ever made by someone from the Taygetan team. It is all written, designed, and produced by Mari herself.

Mari´s YouTube channel:
Videos are made in English and Spanish

Since 2008 the Taygetan crew contacted hundreds of people on Earth under the official program "First Contact". The program is no longer in operation. However, the Taygetan crew continue in contact with us, Robert and Gosia, and few other people, passing a lot of current, spiritual, historical, scientific and technological information, and maintaining the friendship.


It is the first time in history when an extraterrestrial race shares directly such an enormous amount of information. It is time for us to wake up and learn more about the reality that surrounds us!