Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) is a young extraterrestrial girl with the ancient soul who has been in a written, live internet contact with us, Robert and Gosia, since September 2019 to the present day (ongoing). Her and the Taygetan team have been in communication with us, as well as with other people, directly from the terrestrial orbit.
Yazhi, physically, is around 9 years old.
She is an expert in time travel and time manipulations, timelines, genetics, navigation, spirituality, science, and many other fields, and spiritual guide for us as well as for many Taygetan Pleiadian team members who she has been with.
Since 2008 the Taygetan crew contacted hundreds of people on Earth under the official program "First Contact". The program is no longer in operation. However, the Taygetan crew continue in contact with us, Robert and Gosia, and few other people, passing a lot of current, spiritual, historical, scientific and technological information, and maintaining the friendship.
It is the first time in history when an extraterrestrial race shares directly such an enormous amount of information. It is time for us to wake up and learn more about the reality that surrounds us!