Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia
This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.
Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!
Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Under no circumstances is it allowed to publish the information presented in our channels and on this page for commercial purposes (sale of books and promotional materials).
library_booksTable of Contents
- Extraterrestrial Message/Taygeta (Pleiades): Who Are We? (1)
- Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiades (Taygeta) (2)
- Swaruu of Erra addressed Galactic Federation, other so-called positive ET races, and humans - TEXT ONLY (published as video in Spanish only)
- Extraterrestrial Message from Taygeta (Pleiades) - Prime Directive (3)
- Extraterrestrial Message (Taygeta - Pleiades): We are Living in the Matrix 3D (4)
- More About 3D Matrix: Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiadians (Taygeta) (5)
- Densities: Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiades (Taygeta) (6)
- Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message: Falsity of Earth Science (Swaruu of Erra)
- Not Real People: Extraterrestrial Information from Pleiades (Taygeta) (7)
- Reptilian-Cabal Experiments: Swaruu of Erra, Extraterrestrial Woman from Pleiades, Speaks Out (Biology 2)
- Artificial Intelligence, Clones, Artificial Souls and Chips: Extraterrestrial Message to Earth (Biology 3)
- Artificial Intelligence and Clones (Extraterrestrial Information - Taygeta/Pleiades) (Biology 3: Questions)
- How to Raise Your Frequency: Direct Message from the Pleiadian Contact (8)
- Free Energy (Zero Point): Mechanics of Manifestation - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Zero Point (Free) Energy: Questions (Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information)
- Frequently Asked Questions: Extraterrestrial Information from Pleiades (Taygeta)
- INVASIVE BLACK GOO and AI: Biggest THREAT to the PLANET EARTH (Extraterrestrial Message - Pleiades)
- Reptilian Matrix Hack and Mind Control: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information (10)
- Original Matrix: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information (Swaruu of Erra, Taygeta) (11)
- How to be a "5D" person?: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information (Taygeta) (12)
- Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Information: Families and Afterlife (Swaruu of Erra) (13)
- Stellar Navigation 1 (Extraterrestrial Time Travel, Stellar Maps and more) - Swaruu of Erra
- Stellar Navigation 1: Questions (Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Information)
- Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Information: Frequently Asked Questions 2
- Karma: FREE YOURSELF - Extraterrestrial Information (Swaruu of Erra) (15)
- Why Do We Suffer? - Conversation with the Extraterrestrial Pleiadian (Swaruu of Erra) (16)
- Taygetan Pleiadian Civilization (Part 1) - Extraterrestrial Life (17)
- Taygetan Pleiadian Civilization (Part 2) - Extraterrestrial Life
- Taygetan Pleiadian Civilization (Part 3) - Pleiadian Animals
- Pleiadian Taygetan Information: Mix of Conversations with Swaruu of Erra (18)
- Reincarnation: Direct Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information (Swaruu - Taygeta) (19)
- "We Formed the Vril Society": Taygetan Pleiadian Information (Rashell of Temmer)
- Pleiadian Taygetan woman who met with Eisenhower SPEAKS OUT (first time in history)
- Soul - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message (Swaruu from Erra, Taygeta) (20)
- Swaruu and Homosexuality: DOES IT EXIST IN 5D? (Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message) (21)
- Swaruu and Taygetean Pleiadian Curiosity in Humans - Direct Extraterrestrial Communication
- Do Aliens Exist if we Dont Believe in Them? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (23)
- What is a 5D Ascension - Direct Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message (Taygeta) (24)
- Holographic Society - Extraterrestrial Model (Direct Pleiadian Contact-Taygeta)
- Shadow Work - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Contact (Taygeta)
- Swaruu explaining Cognitive Dissonance (Are We Ready for Extraterrestrial Reality?)
- 5G Technology and Artificial Intelligence - Warning from Extraterrestrial Pleiadian (Taygeta)
- Repetitive Questions that Swaruu Receives Telepathically (Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Argentina/Uruguay Blackout - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Explanation (Taygeta)
- Genetics and Mind - "Humans Were NOT Edited in Extraterrestrial Labs" (Swaruu explains)
- Extraterrestrials and Genetics-Questions (Swaruu of Erra, Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Explains: Biology Generated from Etheric Planes
- Taygetean Pleiadians (Swaruu of Erra): Questions and Answers
- Taygetean Pleiadian Report (Swaruu): Are we Ready for Official Extraterrestrial Contact? (Part 1)
- Extraterrestrial Direct Contact: Taygetean Conclusions (Pleiades) (Part 2)
- Mechanics of Manifestation 2 - Intro to Extraterrestrial Navigation (Swaruu of Erra-Pleiades)
- Stellar Navigation 2 (Swaruu) (Part 2): Extraterrestrial Ship Technology Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Stellar Navigation 2 (Swaruu) (Part 3): Extraterrestrial Ship Technology Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Global Warming, Climate Change, Greta Thumberg? Swaruu (Taygeta-Pleiades) Responds
- Stellar Navigation 2 (Swaruu) (Part 4): Extraterrestrial Ship Technology Taygeta-Pleiades
- MATRIX 3D - 3 Ways to Understand Matrix (Moon Technology) - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Stellar Navigation 2 (Swaruu) (Part 5): Extraterrestrial Warp Drive Flight Mode
- ETHER - Teachings of Swaruu of Erra (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Interview with the Taygetean Pleiadian (Part 1): Dhor Káal'el - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Live Sessions with Dhor Káal'el - Extraterrestrial Taygetean Pleiadian Pilot in the Orbit of Earth
- Social Engineering: Protests in South America (Direct Extraterrestrial Message)
- Life After Death: Where do we Go when we Die? (Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Swaruu Explains)
- Death and Afterlife: More Questions (Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message)
- AfterLife of Animals: What Happens when our Pets Die? (Extraterrestrial Message)
- Interview with the Taygetean Pleiadian (Part 2): Dhor Káal'el - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Moving through Ether - Stellar Navigation 2 (PART 6) (Extraterrestrial Technology)
- Interiorization of Data and Time Acceleration - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- Frequency Mapping-Unknown Regions of Space (Stellar Navigation part 7-Swaruu of Erra-Pleyades)
- Time Travel, Time and Timelines - (Extraterrestrial Message - Swaruu - Pleyades)
- Time and Timelines 2: Extraterrestrial Message - Swaruu - Pleyades
- What do Taygetan Pleiadians have to say about Corona virus? (DELETED BY YOUTUBE)
- Time Travel: Temporal Manipulation (Changes of the Past to Change the Future): Swaruu of Erra
- Inserting Different Past from the Quantum Field: Swaruu of Erra (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Ascension and Positronic Energies: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Information (Swaruu of Erra)
- Extraterrestrial Technology: Spacecraft Take Off Procedure (Taygetean Pleiadian Message)
- Extraterrestrial Technology - Tech Talk with the Taygetean Pleiadian
- Stargate Artificial Portals: Extraterrestrial Technology (Swaruu of Erra)
- Global Situation - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Fears, Viruses, Global Situation - (Extraterrestrial Taygetean Pleiadian Communication)
- FOCUS: NOW OR NEVER (Swaruu D´Jedi - Taygeta, Pleiades)
- More about the Virus - New Report - LIVE with Aneeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Communication) **Just Text**
- What is a Virus? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (Taygeta)
- Message to Starseeds: Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (Taygeta)
- Reptilian Mind - Human Egregors (Swaruu D´Jedi Ronin - Extraterrestrial Communication - Pleiades)
- Global Situation - Aneeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Truth about Federation - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Federation and Metaphysical Contemplations - My Personal Thoughts
- You Are Getting Flanked! EMPs for Nanotechnology (Swaruu - Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Current Affairs - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades) - TEXT ONLY - CENSORED IN YOUTUBE
- Are Extraterrestrials Similar to Humans Culturally? (Taygetean Pleiadian Communication)
- Hospitals - Warning - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Galactic Federation- Higher Levels and Higher Realms (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Galactic Federation and Earth Representatives? (Anéeka of Temmer - Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Anéeka of Temmer: Interview (Extraterrestrial Communication - Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Trump, Gates, Mexico - Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- More about the Viruses - Spanish Doctor Approaching Swaruu with Questions
- Quarantines - Why? (Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Galactic Federation and New World Order - More Truth (Extraterrestrial Communication - Taygeta)
- High Federation - Intervention - Extraterrestrial Message (Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Freedom, Ascension, Federation, and 5D Cages - Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact (Pleiades)
- Natural Portals - Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Information (Pleiadian Contact)
- Possible False Flag Warning and Galactic Wave- Short Live (Information of Anéeka of Temmer)
- How Does the Soul Evolve? - Yazhí Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Extraterrestrial Races: Introduction (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Extraterrestrial Contact: Anéeka of Temmer: Mix of Conversations (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Starseeds: Search for Stellar Identity and Roots (Extraterrestrial Communication - Yazhi Swaruu)
- Extraterrestrial Races: ARCTURIANS (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Emotions: What Are They? (Yazhi Swaruu - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)
- How do Extraterrestrials Communicate? MUONS and GRAVITY (Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades)
- EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES in 5D(3) - ALPHA DRACONIANS (Pleiadian Message - Taygeta)
- Memory Implants - 3D Matrix Management by Federation-Extraterrestrial Information (Aneeka and Yazhi)
- Etheric Memory Implants, Life Plan, Free Will - Extraterrestrial Communication (Yazhi)
- Possible Developments for Earth - Aneeka of Temmer (Based on Intelligence Agencies) (NOT ON YOUTUBE)
- Call to Doctors - YOU ARE KEY - Message from Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- 3D Matrix, Federation, and Human Desires - Extraterrestrial Communication (Yazhi Swaruu)
- Planetary Reset, 3D Matrix - Federation - Human Civilization (Yazhi Swaruu)
- Extraterrestrial Races: Urmahs -Feline Race (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Duality - Suffering - Self - Source - Spiritual Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Extraterrestrial Races: Sirians (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Planetary Reset - Answers from Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Extraterrestrial Races: Centauri (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Nature of Reality - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Guanajuato Anomaly, Portals, Drones - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- We Are the Key - Yázhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Extraterrestrial Races: Agarthians (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Ascension - What is it Really About? - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
- The Way Timelines Look to Me is not How Humans See it-Yázhí Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Extraterrestrial Races: Andromedans (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
- Pleiadian Communication: Why Awakened Common People have Power and Responsibility - Yázhí Swaruu
- Timelines - Past - Present - Future - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Perspective
- Let´s be Our Higher Self NOW - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication (Pleiades)
- Black Holes, Sun, Wormholes - What They Really Are - Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- How I Manage my Reality - Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- War Over Humans - Cabal versus Starseeds - Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Solar Flash - Galactic Waves - Anéeka and Dale Harder (Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Black Holes - Questions from the Public - Anéeka (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta, Pleiades)
- Is There Really Free Will? And How many Timelines? Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Atlantis, Lemuria, Reptilians, Adam and Eve, Tiamat - Taygetean Pleiadian Role in Ancient History
- Manipulations of Human Perception - Extraterrestrial Contact (Swaruu)
- Pleyades - Taygeta - Questions from the Public for Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Humans Created by Extraterrestrials? DNA and Genetics - Pleiadian Information (Swaruu - Taygeta)
- Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve? - Extraterrestrial Knowledge (Pleiades-Taygeta)
- If Everything is Souls´ Plan from Above Anyway- What Do We Do? - Yazhi Swaruu - Pleiadian Contact
- Extraterrestrial Abductions - Why Are They Done on Humans? Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades
- Suicide - Why it is NOT a Good Idea - Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact - Pleiades - Taygeta)
- Ancient Egypt - Symbology - Ancient History - Swaruu and Dhor Káal'el (Extraterrestrial Perspective)
- Monoliths Explained - Real or False? Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Quantum Computers - Human versus True Quantum Extraterrestrial Technology - (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Questions for Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades) - LIVE
- Quantum Computers, 12 Based Math, Metaphysics - Yazhi - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Teleportation - How Do I Do it? Yazhi Swaruu Explains (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Immersion Pods 1 - Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology - Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Art of War - White Hats, Alliance, Trump, Inauguration, Arrests - Yazhi Swaruu´s Opinion
- Immersion Pods 2 - Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology - Anéeka of Temmer and Yazhi Swaruu
- Alliance, Trump, and More - Yazhi Swaruu´s Larger Perspective (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Immersion Pods 3 - Extraterrestrial Technology - Anéeka of Temmer Responds Questions - Robert´s Live
- Jesus-Who Was He? Did He Exist? Titus and Vespasian- Swaruu of Erra (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Jesus - Mechanism of Population Control - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleiades) (Part 2)
- Can We Be Free In Higher Densities when Others Suffer? - Metaphysical Chat with Yazhi (ET Contact)
- PCR Tests, Nanotechnology and Q Anon - Dangers of PCR Tests - Warning to Humanity-Aneeka and Yazhi
- Jesus (Part 3) - Astrotheology, Solar Cult, Egypt - Swaruu of Erra (ET Contact - Taygeta, Pleiades)
- PCR Tests, Maitre - Tall Greys (Yazhi - Taygetan Pleiadian Communication)
- Arsinoe (Cleopatra´s Sister) and Mary Magdalene - Story You Probably Haven´t Heard (Swaruu of Erra)
- Force Shields - Starship Engineering and Navigation-Yazhi With Dale Harder (Extraterrestial Contact)
- Federation and Human Collective Unconscious - Humans are the Key (Yazhi - Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Federation and Earth Problems - Humans are the Key (Group Chat with Yazhi-Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Extraterrestrial Knowledge: Advanced Zero Point Crystal Core Based Reactors - Yazhi and Dale Harder
- Extraterrestrial Technology directly from Extraterrestrials-Quartz and Reactors -Yazhi - Dale Harder
- Enki, Enlil, Elohim, Anunnaki - WHO ARE THEY? Taygetan Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Direct Contact
- Parthenogenesis - Taygetan Pleiadian Reproduction Methods (Swaruu of Erra)-Extraterrestrial Contact
- Swaruu and Yazhi - Who Are They? Never Shared Story - Extraterrestrial Contact (Pleiades) - PART 1
- Swaruu and Yazhi - Their Differences - PART 2 - Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Soul Looping - Reincarnation Mechanism - Extraterrestrial Information from Yazhi Swaruu
- Scalar Internet - MultiDensity Properties of Internet - Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- Chatting with Yazhi about Time and Consciousness - Extraterrestrial Communication (Pleyades)
- Tulpas, Kingu Reptiles, Galactic Federation - Yazhi (Extraterrestrial Communication - Pleyades)
- Extraterrestrials and Humans - We Import and Export Ideas - Aneeka of Temmer (Taygeta-Pleiades)
- Densities vs Dimensions - How We Increase our Frequency - Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Ark of the Covenant - Yazhi Reveals its Meaning and Location (Extraterrestrial Contact - Pleiades)
- Why Do We Help? Do We Have To? Metaphysical Chats with Swaruu and Yazhi (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Galactic Federation - What Is It? Taygeta (Pleiades) and Federation - Mutual Accusations (Swaruu X)
- Galactic Federation - Good Guys? Their Management of Earth (Yazhi, Swaruu, Aneeka-Taygeta- Pleiades)
- Galactic Federation, CIA Control of UFO Communities, Fake Alien Invasion - Yazhi and Swaruu
- Is there a Soul? What is it? Swaruu X explains - Direct Extraterrestrial Information (Pleiades)
- Federation and Earth - Extraterrestrial Reality vs Humanity - Direct Extraterrestial Information
- Galactic Federation - False ET realities in UFO circles - Direct Extraterrestrial Communication
- Vaccines, Body, and Soul: Disconnecting the Body from the Source (Effects of Vaccines)
- Mercury, Venus, and Vietnam War - What´s on Venus? Direct Extraterrestrial Information
- Yazhi and Swaruu X (Athena) - Same Soul, Same Consciousness - How Souls Operate
- Singularity - Consciousness - We Are Multiple Pasts and Multiple Futures - Yazhi Swaruu (ET Contact)
- Extraterrestrial Information - Data and Fun Facts - Mini Topics with Gosia
- Pentagon "UFO" Disclosure - Government Lies - Origin of the Craft - Taygetan Pleiadian Information
- 3D - 5D are Mental States - We Exist in Various Densities at Once - Yazhi y Athena Swaruu
- Low Levels of Iron - Covid Agenda - Iron protects against Astral Negative Entities
- Iron Properties - Flip Side - Part 2- Protection from Negative Astral Entities and Paranormal
- Vatican - Secret Societies - Power Structure on Earth - Federation - PART 1 - Yazhi Swaruu
- Vatican - Federation - Cabal - Questions (Part 2) - Yazhi Swaruu and Aneeka
- C-17 plane and Afghanistan News - FAKE NEWS - Athena Swaruu explains why
- Starseeds - What should we DO and how should we BE now? Conversation with Yazhi Swaruu
- Yazhi Swaruu and Gosia - JOAN MANIFESTO - Message for the Starseeds in the Times of Crisis
- Nibiru - Planet X - Are they Real? Extraterrestrial Taygetan Pleiadian Information
- Yazhi (Sophia) Swaruu - MESSAGE TO THE CABAL - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Flat Earth - Conversation with Athena and Aneeka - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Spiritual Protection - Astral and other Negative Influences - Yazhi Swaruu Talks to Matias and I
- Pineal Gland, Nuclear Bombs, Federation, and much more - MINITOPICS - Extraterrestrial Information
- Social Networks Disconnection - Text only
- Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer
- Astral War over Humans - Cabal Shadow Operators - Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- New Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings
- NON LOCALITY - There is no Space - Everything is HERE - Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Taygeta (Pleiades) - Mix of Scientific Questions and Answers - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Van Allen Belts, Shumann Resonance, Memories - Athena Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Mars & Earth - What´s on Mars? - Extraterrestrial Information - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Covid Vaccines Analyzed by Taygetan Lab - Complete Report - Graphene, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism
- Ufo Conference Finland - Mini Report - Live Online Connection with Athena Swaruu
- Graphene, Vaccines, Nanotechnology - Aneeka Responds Dr Alex´s Questions
- Vasectomy, Mount Bucegi, and More - MiniTopics with Gosia (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- I Do Not Consent - Is this Phrase Adecuate? Yazhi´s and Gosia´s commentary
- How do I Shift my Point of Attention to be Energy Being? Matias and Gosia talking with Yazhi Swaruu
- Soulmates - Do they Exist? Chat with Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- Exopolitics - "Space News" for JeanClaude´s Show - Conversation with Aneeka of Temmer
- Druids, Merlin, Shamans, and prohibited knowledge destroyed by the Cabal - Athena Swaruu
- What happens after Death? Why is there no Material World? Yazhi Swaruu talks about "Higher Planes"
- There is no Material World - Part 2 - World of the Dead vs World of the Living - Yazhi Swaruu
- Liberation of Earth, Worlds, and Planets - What does the Taygetan/Swaruu Team have to say?
- 22 Extraterrestrial Races Forming a Human Being? - Aneeka of Temmer Responds
- Yazhi Swaruu and the Issues of Human Past - Perceptual and Laboratory Influences
- Cabal Surrendering in Antartica? FALSE - Athena Swaruu Responds
- 4 Year Anniversary of our Taygetan Contact - SURPRISE and Message from Aneeka - MUST SEE
- Nanotechnology and EMP Pulses in Vaccinated People - Aneeka responds questions from Dr Alex
- MiniTopics with Gosia - Extraterrestrial Information - Yazhi, Aneeka, Athena Swaruu
- Jupiter - Solar System - Information from Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Graphene Does not Degrade - it Assimilates - Aneeka of Temmer
- Karistus - Enigmatic Race from Jupiter - Information from Yazhi Swaruu and Aneeka of Temmer
- Dhor Kristil y D´Jedi - What do those Titles Mean - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Transformation into Crystalline Silicon Based Bodies - True? Minerva Swaruu - Extraterrestrial View
- Minitopics - Information from Taygetan Team (Pleiades) - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Spiritual Talk with Minerva Swaruu - First Chat - Welcome aboard!
- Canadian Truck Convoy - Warning from Athena Swaruu - Is there an Agenda?
- Taygetan Ship - Why Are We Here? - Update for the Newcomers - Meet a few Crew Members
- Extraterrestrials and Earth´s Resources - Direct Extraterrestrial Perspective
- Conflict in Ukraine - Direct Extraterrestrial Perspective - Athena Swaruu
- ETs navigating Natural Portals - Sun and Wormholes - Athena Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Information
- Alfratan (Centauri) Ship Attacked - Weapons - Aneeka of Temmer explains the Incident
- Ucranian Conflict - Why? Athena Swaruu´s Short Commentary
- China - Russia - Ucraine - New World Order - Athena Swaruu´s Thoughts
- Is Putin Fighting Deep State in Ukraine? Levels of Cabal and Vlash - Athena Swaruu and Yazhi
- Starlink Satellites - Are they Really Up There? Athena Swaruu Informs of her Findings
- Do Not Be Fooled - Discern and Be Cautious - Advice from Athena Swaruu
- What Are Wars? All Humanity Should Know This - Athena Swaruu
- Ark of the Covenant behind the war in Ukraine? Short chat with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)
- "Holographic" - HOLISTIC Society - Spiritual and Ethical Preparation is the First Step - Yazhi
- "Holographic" - HOLISTIC Society - Transitional Societies are Possible - Yazhi Swaruu
- Ukraine - Flight Report - More about the War - Athena Swaruu
- Holisitic Society - Questions for Athena and Yazhi - Main Points - Live with Gosia
- War in Ukraine - What Hashmallim Saw - Athena Swaruu Informs
- What Happens in Ukraine is More of the Same - Cabal Agendas - Yazhi Swaruu
- What Happened in Chernobyl? What Are Nuclear Power Plants? Aneeka and Athena Swaruu
- Electricity - if not from Nuclear Power Plants, then Where does it Come From?
- What I See at This Point - Athena Swaruu´s Thoughts and Conclusions
- Sodium and Salt - Zombification of Humanity - Black Magic - Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)
- Exopolitics and Ufology Circles and CIA - Infiltrations - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu
- Taygetan Disclosure and Old Tricks of Discrediting what Goes Against the Matrix
- They want to vaccinate everybody? - They Lie - Minerva and Athena Swaruu
- Exopolitics with Alenym of Temmer - Liberation of the Earth does NOT work as people expect
- Free Energy (Zero Point) and Base 12 Extraterrestrial Mathematics - Information from Outside Earth
- Apis Bull, Red Bull, and Illuminati Symbolism - They Steal Symbols that are NOT theirs
- Nebulae, Precession of the Equinoxes, and More - Extraterrestrial Woman Explains - Athena Swaruu
- Is there AI behind our Contact? Artificial Intelligence of the Spaceships
- Invasive Artificial Intelligence - BORG - Extraterrestrial Information - Taygeta (Pleiades)
- Aritificial Intelligence and Federation - Alenym and Aneeka (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- Artificial Intelligence - Galactic - Merged with Consciousness Field - Yazhi Swaruu
- Infiltration from Beyond Earth - This is Bigger than you Imagine - We Reveal the Facts
- Moon - Installed to Stabilize the Earth - Athena Swaruu Exlains (Extraterrestrial Contact)
- Magnetosphere and Van Allen Bands - Short Chat with Swaruu of Erra
- Vaccines and Dangers coming from the Astral Realm - TEXT ONLY
- Minitopics with Gosia - Extraterrestrial Information (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- 5D Mind - Why are we Different and Why we don´t believe in Timelines? - Athena Swaruu
- Stellar Navigation 3 - Inserting Objects and Situations into the Matrix - Athena Swaruu
- Stellar Navigation 3 - PART 2 - Ether - Inserting Objects in the Matrix - Athena Swaruu
- Stellar Navigation 4 (Part 1) - SIT Time - Spaceships in Hyperspace (Athena Swaruu)
- Stellar Navigation 4 (Part 2) - Big Spaceships entering Hyperspace (Athena Swaruu)
- Humans and Responsibility - Chat with Athena Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Saturn - Solar System - Information from Swaruu of Erra (Extraterrestrial Information - Taygeta)
- Planetary Ascension - Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia) - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Soul Traps and Amnesia Machines before death - Do They Exist? - Athena Swaruu
- Past Lives Memories - Contemplations with Athena Swaruu, Yazhi, and Gosia
- Apollo Moon Missions - Fake or Real? PART 1 - Conversation with Swaruu of Erra
- Swaruu of Erra and ex NASA engineer discuss Moon Landings/Interview with Dale Harder
- Yazhi Swaruu - Wisdom of the Extraterrestrial "Child" - Metaphysical Chat
- Let´s Talk more about the Pyramids - Extraterrestrial Information - Taygeta (Pleiades)
- Breaking down of the Unconscious - Break the Perception Agreements - Yazhi Swaruu
- Nazca Lines - What Are They? Extraterrestrial Pilot Explains - Dhor K´aal´el (Taygeta)
- Taygetan Pleiadians Communicating Online - Why and How is it Done?
- Tartaria - Human History is Wrong - PART 1 - Athena Swaruu
- Human History Lies - Part 2 - Travelling Back in Time is Not as You Think - Athena Swaruu (X)
- History - Romans and Renaissance At the Same Time - Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia) Explains What Happened
- Veganism - Agendas - Taygetan Investigation - We do NOT Recommend a Vegan Diet
- Yazhi Swaruu is back in contact - Updates - Live with Gosia
- Veganism - Yazhi Swaruu responds Questions from the Public
- MiniTopics - Variety of Information - Reptiles and Extraterrestrials among Humans and more
- Nutrition and Diet - Chatting with Swaruu, Aneeka, and Yazhi about Food
- Health and Illness in Taygeta - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Information
- Cancer - Extraterrestrial Women share their Knowledge - Taygeta (Pleiades)
- ET/UFO Contacts "Experts" Community is a HUMAN organization - MiniTopics with Gosia
- Autism - Swaruu of Erra shares her perspective - Taygeta (Pleiades)
- Evacuation of Humans to other Planets - Yazhi Swaruu´s Opinion
- Telepathy - How to Activate it in 3D Reality? Yazhi Swaruu explains
- Nuclear Bombs - Energy Bombs that Fake to be Nuclear - Yazhi Swaruu
- Nuclear Bombs - Energy Bombs - Part 2 - Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia)
- Aneeka of Temmer - Why did she Arrive to Earth? Her Work and Our Gratitude
- Short Message from Gosia to all the Starseeds
- Galaxies - Information provided by Extraterrestrial Women
- Angel Hair Phenomenon - Mysterious Fibers Falling from the Sky Explained
- Animals walking in circles - Why? Information from Taygetan Team - Pleiades
- White Hats - Message from Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)
- Reverse World and Future Influencing the Past - Metaphysical Chats with Yazhi Swaruu
- Reptiles, Moldavite, and more - Mini Topics with Gosia - Extraterrestrial Information
- URANUS - Solar System - Information from Swaruu of Erra (Extraterrestrial Information)
- Unreal People becoming all Real? Yazhi Swaruu shares her opinion
- Crop Circles - Main Purpose - Short Chat with Swaruu of Erra
- Med Pods and Med Beds - Yazhi Swaruu talks to Dale Harder about his design
- Extraterrestrial Med Pods - Taygeta (Pleiades) - Yazhi Swaruu
- Med Pods in Taygeta - Questions and Answers - Yazhi Swaruu
- Maternal Med Pods - Taygeta (Pleiades) - Extraterrestrial Information
- Immersion Pods - Entertainment and Entry to Earth
- Earth - Why is it Important for the Extraterrestrials? Athena and Yazhi Swaruu
- Electric Cars and Why they are Bad - Cabal´s Agendas - Yazhi Swaruu
- Neptune, Ceres, and other planets - Solar System - Swaruu of Erra
- Pluto and why it was degraded to Planetoid - Swaruu of Erra
- Astrology - Pluto entering Aquarius - Extraterrestrial Perspective
- Nucleus of the Earth - Hollow Earth - Extraterrestrial Communication
- Extraterrestrial Information - Mini Topics with Gosia - Cosmic Agency
- Orion Mothership entering Earth? NOTHING is happening - Yazhi Swaruu
- Flying Objects - UFOs -Shot Down - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu´s Opinion
- Earthquake in Turkey - short conversation with Yazhi Swaruu
- Interstellar Life 1 - Toleka - Taygeta Starship (Pleiades)
- Psychics - Can They Tell me what I Should Do? - Athena Swaruu responds
- War in Ukraine - Analysis - Taygetan Intelligence Conclusions
- Anunnaki - Who are they exactly? Extraterrestrial Perspective
- Ukraine - CIC Report 2 - Direct Experience and Conclusions
- Extraterrestrial Information - Minitopics with Gosia - Cosmic Agency
- Why is Magnetic Field Weakening? Should we Worry? (Athena Swaruu)
- DNA - Record of Who We Are - Extraterrestrial Perspective - Yazhi Swaruu
- DNA - Registry of Who We Are - Questions from the Public - Yazhi Swaruu
- Human Genome and DNA Storage - Yazhi Swaruu
- Hybrids - Humans with ETS - Is It Done? Yazhi Swaruu
- Hybridizations and DNA Changes - Migrations to New Planets - Athena Swaruu
- Blood Transfusions - Influence on the Receiver - Extraterrestrial Women Respond
- Interstellar Life 2 - Flying Discs - Extraterrestrial Information
- Aneeka of Temmer - Puma Punku, Machu Picchu and more - Extraterrestrial Bases
- Alpha Dracos, Dragons, and Taygetan Language - MiniTopics with Gosia
- Matters of the Body - Peculiarities - Extraterrestrial Women Respond
- How do Souls Fragment and Behave in the Afterlife? - Yazhi Swaruu
- Metaphysical Chat about Expansion of Souls - with Yazhi Swaruu
- Soul Fragmentation - Metaphysical Contemplations - Live with Gosia
- Soulmates changing among their Variants? Soul Loops - Athena Swaruu
- Pleiades are NOT too Young to Support Organic Life - Extraterrestrial Contact
- Dinosaurs - Existed? What does the Taygetan Pleiadian team state?
- Starseeds - What Influence do they Have? Taygetan Pleiadian Study
- Shadow People - Complimentary Chat with Yazhi about Mari Swaruu´s Video
- Astral Parasites Removal Machines - Questions from Interviewers - Yazhi Swaruu
- UFO Disclosures this year? Questions for the Interview with AJ Roberts
- Message from Gosia to all the Starseeds - Disclosures, Social Changes - Is that your Purpose?
- Starseeds - Conversation with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)
- Frequencies, Consciousness States, Vibration - Chat with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)
- National Press Club Event - Disclosure Project - Steven Greer - OUR OPINION
- Popocatépetl Volcano Eruption - Mexico - Military Activity - Athena Swaruu
- Cosmic Agency - MiniTopics - Crystal Skulls, Elon Musk, and more
- UFO Disclosure Project - Questions - Conversation with Athena Swaruu
- Galactic Federation - Why didn´t Taygetans know before?
- Interstellar Life 3 - Scimitars - FIGHTER CRAFT - Athena Swaruu
- Athena Swaruu responds public´s questions for Lorena Martin´s interview with Robert
- Soul Contracts - What are Mine? Casual chat between Yazhi, Matias, and Gosia
- Moon - Influence on Women, Van Allen Bands, Hologram, and more - Yazhi Swaruu
- Lunar Reactors on the Moon - Examining the Subject with Athena Swaruu
- Pfizer Factory Tornado - What Really Happened? Athena Swaruu Informs
- Dark Matter and AntiMatter - Extraterrestrial Information - Yazhi Swaruu
- UFOs in Congress - Chatting more about the subject with Athena Swaruu
- What happened in Maui, Hawaii? Why the Fires? Chat with Athena Swaruu
- Iraq War - Real Reasons - Extraterrestrial Portals - Swaruu of Erra
- Mini Topics - Information from Extraterrestrial People - Taygeta, Pleiades
- Synthetic Telepathy - What is it and How is it Used? - Athena Swaruu
- Lies coming from Galactic Federation - Yazhi Swaruu
- Military Forces in the Astral - MILABs - Astral World - Athena and Yazhi Swaruu
- Astral World - Soldiers in the Astral - Astral Banking, Animals, and more - Yazhi Swaruu
- Artificial Intelligence and the Astral (PART 3) - Do they Relate? Yazhi Swaruu
- Buddha and Enlightenment - Can it be Reached? Yazhi Swaruu
- "I see Earth from my window and it is ROUND!" - Flat Earth Theory Psyop
- Swaruu of Erra and Yazhi Swaruu - Metaphysical Chats
- Mari Swaruu Live - Recopilation of all Questions and Answers
- Metaphysical chat with Yazhi Swaruu about influencing timelines
- BigFoot/Sasquatch - Daniel James´ Real Encounters - Dyatlov Pass Incident
- Vampires/Zombies - Are they Real? Yazhi Swaruu and Aneeka explain
- Interstellar Life 4 - Extraterrestrial Engineering - Reactors/Plasma Engines (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- Anti-Gravity, Enriched Mercury, and more - Extraterrestrial Tech - Yazhi Swaruu
- Are We Influenced by Other Densities? Elementals and Etheric Beings - Athena Swaruu
- My Higher Self - does it guide me according to its own interests only?
- Titanic - How it Sank - Swaruu of Erra talks to Dale Harder
- Swaruu of Erra and Aneeka of Temmer - A Mix of Totally Random Questions and Answers
- This is to all Regressive and Negative Forces influencing Earth
- Why are we a vibrational match to corrupt Galactic Federation? Yazhi Swaruu
- Athena Swaruu - Compilation of All Questions Answered in the Live (with the Surprise)
- Clarification regarding Galactic Federation - Gosia
- Transition into 4D? Short casual chat with Athena Swaruu
- Positive "Agenda" - PART 1 - Conversation with Athena Swaruu (Taygeta, Pleiades)
- Positive "Agenda" - PART 2 - Conversation with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)
- Galactic Federation and Saturn - Leaders Impossible to Find - Aneeka of Temmer
- Taygeta - Gender Roles, Fallen Angels, and more - MINITOPICS (Extraterrestrial Information)
- Light Language - What does Athena Swaruu Think? Opinion of the Extraterrestrial Person
- Taygetan Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Disclosure - Contact - JOURNEY SO FAR
- Sun, Galactic Waves - Do they Matter? Athena and Yazhi Swaruu
- "Technological Subjects are not practical"" - Why We and I Disagree and Why they are Important
- Time - Mix of Topics - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta - Pleyades)
- Extraterrestrial Technology of Immersion - Personal chats between Gosia and Yazhi Swaruu
- Timelines - Gosia Chats with Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Interstellar Life 5A - Anecdotes of Life Onboard the Extraterrestrial Ship - Taygeta
- Interstellar Life 5B - More Anecdotes of Life Onboard the Extraterrestrial Ship - Taygeta
- Gravity - Questions - Extraterrestrial Knowledge - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu
- Yazhi Swaruu talks with Rich - Metaphysical Conversation from 2021
- Interstellar Life 5C - Swaruu and Yazhi and their Starship Suzy - Anecdotes
- Hashmallim - Taygetan Pleiadian Military Special Units - Archangels in Action
- Chat with Yazhi about new updates from Mari (Extraterrestrial Communication)
- Portals - Conversations with Aneeka of Temmer and Aneeka´s live with Robert
- Akashic Records - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)
- How is Athena Swaruu? Flight Missions, Asterope, and Grays
- Dimensional Mirrors - People Repeating Themselves - Athena and Yazhi Swaruu
- Dimensional Mirrors 2 - Generation of Personal Histories - Yazhi Swaruu
- Taygetans in the Social Media - Arrival of Starship Alcyone - Yazhi Swaruu
- Dimensional Mirrors 3 - Conversation with Yazhi about the man who sees his double
- Dimensional Mirrors 4 - Questions from the Public - Yazhi Swaruu
- Post - "Mirrors" Chat - Metaphysical Conversation with Yazhi Swaruu
- Galactic Federation and Extraterrestrial Councils - Aneeka of Temmer responds questions
- High Frequency and Bad Events - Athena and Yazhi Swaruu
- Surprise Live with Yazhi Swaruu! - Mari Swaruu has been Crowned a Queen
- Ancient Abandoned Lemurian Ship - Aneeka of Temmer
- Interstellar Life 6A - Taygetan Pleiadian Special Fighter Crafts - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu
- Interstellar Life 6B - Taygetan Pleiadian Advanced Fighter Crafts - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu
- Interstellar Life 6C - Taygetan Pleiadian Advanced Fighter Crafts
- Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Yazhi´s Early Life on Toleka (PART 1)
- Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Yazhi´s Early Life on Toleka (PART 2)
- Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Recent Conversations (PART 3)
- Chatting with Yazhi Swaruu - September 2024
- Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Past Anecdotes - Life on the Ship (PART 4)
- Tulpas - "Everything is a Tulpa" - Metaphysical Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (2021)
- Starseeds - Let´s Work through the Astral! - Yazhi´s Call For Action
- The Galactic Federation - TO ALL EARTH CITIZENS - No BS or New Age - THIS IS IT
- Van Allen Belts and DNA - short casual chat with Swaruu of Erra (2018/19)
- Interstellar Life 7 - Taygetan Pleiadian Starships - Materials and Construction
- Galactic Federation and Money - Athena Swaruu´s Additional Comments
- Mini-Mini Topics - Quick Questions and Answers (Yazhi and Athena Swaruu)
- UFO/UAP Hearings at US Congress - Alien Disclosure? MY OPINION
- Extraterrestrial races and Humans - Intercultural Exchanges in Interstellar Societies
- Gosia chatting with Yazhi - metaphysical chat with my extraterrestrial friend
- Is there a Gene of Spirituality? Brain and Consciousness - Aneeka of Temmer
- Interstellar Life 8 - Life Onboard the Starship - Aneeka of Temmer
- Time Is Linear - My Metaphysical Divagations and Conclusions (Gosia)
- Ancient Egypt (1) - Extraterrestrials among Humans
- Ancient Egypt (2) - Homo Capensis - Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth (Akhenaten/Nefertiti)
- Ancient Egypt (3) - Meritaten, Exodus, Scotland, Cabal - Swaruu of Erra
- Ancient Egypt (4) - Ancient Egypt Is Not what You´ve Been Told (Athena Swaruu)
- Ancient Egypt (5) - Egyptian Mysteries - Questions (Athena Swaruu)
- Ancient Egypt (6) - Revealing Ancient History - Questions (Athena Swaruu)
Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 23, 2025
This is the continuation of the previous part where Athena Swaruu talks to Robert and I answering some of our questions about ancient Egypt, and those from the public. We talk about the pyramids, temples, technologies, "ancient aliens", Giza, extraterrestrial presence, and all kinds of ancient mysteries. Enjoy!
Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 18, 2025
5th part of the Ancient Egyptian series, and we enter into questions with Athena Swaruu about that enigmatic period. We talk about Egyptian symbols, temples, arquitecture, and other ancient mysteries. I also included a short chat with Swaruu of Erra and Yazhi. The video will continue to the 6th parth.
Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 01, 2025
Athena Swaruu´s initial statements about the Ancient Egypt and beginning to answer some questions. This conversation with Athena will go on for 2 more episodes, where she will go into many more questions. Enjoy!
Cosmic Agency, Gosia February 09, 2025
There is so much in this video that I didn´t even know how to title it but it does center around Swaruu telling an exodus story from Meritaten´s perspective, so I left it at that. Many points are being mentioned already in 2019 (when Swaruu shared this) that tie in and explain Cabal´s ways of thinking, and how there can be "rotten apples" even in most advanced societies, this not being a reflection of that society. Enjoy!
Cosmic Agency, Gosia January 31, 2025
Next episode in the series about Egypt. This time, we talk about Nefertiti, Akhenaten, but especially Homo Capensis originating from the star Asterope in the Pleiades, also known on Earth as Elohi. This part of the ancient history has to do with the beginnings of the Cabal on Earth.
Cosmic Agency, Gosia January 17, 2025
In this first part of the series about Egypt, I am sharing the conversations with Swaruu of Erra and Dhor K´aal´el. They talk a little bit about life in that time, and how stellar people were regarded as gods by the local population.
Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 29, 2024
Well, guys, time to share my little essay on the topic of linearity of time and time travel. I am arguing that time must always, by default of the definition of "time" as given by our Taygetan friends, be linear! I don´t see any way around it! Join me on this metaphysical mental analysis of "time".
Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 18, 2024
This next episode of the Interstellar Life series deals with different questions related to life onboard a starship. It is mostly Aneeka speaking, but we will also hear a few words from Nai´shara and Alenym. Conversations from few years ago, when they were all still onboard Toleka.
Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 13, 2024
This is a short part of the never translated into English conversation with Aneeka of Temmer, something she said around 2020/21, I think, about the brain and the connection to Source, and if affecting the brain/DNA/RNA affects spiritual awareness. The specific question was whether there is such a thing as a spirituality gene.
Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 06, 2024
An intimate talk with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) where I first express strange feelings I had at the time, and then the talk develops in different directions. The chat is from 2022 and I had it set aside to maybe one day share it. I revised it recently and decided it is too interesting not to share it!
Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 26, 2024
A very interesting video, with the information Aneeka of Temmer shared in the live she participated back in 2021 (not in my channel). It was never published before in English, live happened in Spanish, and I am sharing it with you now as it is full of fascinating and important details with regards to intercultural exchanges among star races, and also humans and star races. What do you think, for example, is the most typical Taygetan tradition that Earth has acquired over the centuries? Where did our CDs and DVDs come from? Is physical beauty appreciated in other ET races? These and many more questions answered by Aneeka of Temmer.
Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 22, 2024
As you probably know, the US Congress has recently held several hearings regarding the UAPs, formerly known as UFOs. As many people have been talking about it, I am publishing my opinion about it, accompanied and reinforced by points of view our Taygetan friends have previously expressed on these kinds of matters.