Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Mini-Mini Topics - Quick Questions and Answers (Yazhi and Athena Swaruu)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 18, 2024

Ok, guys, time to dig out some mini topics! This time, it´s actually MINI-MINI topics, meaning, brief questions and answers that can´t even be labeled as "mini topics", hence the name: mini mini. Bunch of random questions Yazhi and Athena answered in our interactions.

Galactic Federation and Money - Athena Swaruu´s Additional Comments

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 15, 2024

I have just realized I have a bunch of mini topics for my MINITOPICs series put aside of which I forgot. Revising them, I found this short conversation with Athena about Federation and money control on Earth, I think from 2023 or beginning 2024, which I decided to pull out of mini topics and share as its own video.

Van Allen Belts and DNA - short casual chat with Swaruu of Erra (2018/19)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 02, 2024

Hello friends! Before the next Monthly Recap, I am throwing in a short video with the older information - conversation between Robert and Swaruu of Erra about Van Allen Bands an DNA.

Interstellar Life 7 - Taygetan Pleiadian Starships - Materials and Construction

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 11, 2024

In this episode, you will learn about how the Taygetan Pleiadian spaceships are built, the materials they are made of, etc. This is for all of you, extraterrestrial and starship technology fans!

The Galactic Federation - TO ALL EARTH CITIZENS - No BS or New Age - THIS IS IT

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 27, 2024

The Galactic Federation of Planets (or just Galactic Federation) is a massive organization with hundreds of thousands extraterrestrial races as its members, and one of its tasks is to manage the affairs on Earth. In this video, I am summarizing main concepts related to this cosmic organization and its relation to Earth. I describe principal power structures, New Age movement and "Galactic Federation of Light", or Galactic Light Federation", the Cabal and its connection to the Federation, Federation´s interventions, AI, Orion Grays, Taygetan Pleiadians and their involvement, and whether the Federation is good or bad. This is a MUST SEE to everyone following these subjects. This is a no BS, no New Age, no Ashtar nonsense. It is time to clean out the ufology and disclosure field!

The wording of about 90% of it is not mine, but taken from what all our friends said throughout the years and, mostly, from Mari Swa. I just added what I had to in order to sow it together as a narrative. It is a product of all our minds together. ?

Thumbnail/Intro/Background images/Final color correction: Alec

Starseeds - Let´s Work through the Astral! - Yazhi´s Call For Action

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 16, 2024

Yazhi´s brand new call to join her in the astral field, all astral warriors out there who wish to contribute to sowing the light in the realms on the "other side"! This started off as the casual conversation about Yazhi, Mari and other Taygetans working in the astral with humans, and then we went into wanting to summon the people to the astral in order to help with what goes on there, and which, as we know, is closely related to what goes on in the "material side".

Tulpas - "Everything is a Tulpa" - Metaphysical Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (2021)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 11, 2024

Since, in order to share with your the astral warrior summoning video, I need to chat more with Yazhi about the topic, and also waiting for Mari to for now finish with the series, I went to see what other conversation could be good to share in the meantime among so many accumulated ones and never shared. I wanted something metaphysical so I chose the chat from 2021 about tulpas, the world of ideas, and how many times tulpas that get attached to the starseed on Earth may be "imported" to his/her version outside Earth. Interesting concept, and definitely not fully explored in the conversation (remember many of the conversations I share are personal and casual), but I think you will find here something worthy of chewing on.

Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Past Anecdotes - Life on the Ship (PART 4)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 07, 2024

Part 4 of Yazhi series. Several anecdotes from several years of her life on the ship. Enjoy!

Chatting with Yazhi Swaruu - September 2024

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 29, 2024

Right at the beginning of September, Yazhi, Robert and I had a couple of casual chats about various things, and here I am sharing with you some parts of those chats which I think may interest you.

Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Recent Conversations (PART 3)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 09, 2024

Ready for Part 3 of the Yazhi series? This time, it is the recent conversations, where I am talking to her about all different points mentioned in the first episodes. How does Yazhi feel now? How did her abilities develop? Does she still teleport and prank the crew members? And what´s up with not getting older? Let´s find out! I am also sharing a personal video where I filmed something that looks like could have been of Yazhi mischief. I can´t know as she won´t tell me, you decide!

Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Yazhi´s Early Life on Toleka (PART 2)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 30, 2024

Second part of a series about Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) and her early years on Toleka all the way to today. The series has several videos and presents the early years of her stay with the Taygetan crew (2020-2021), how she felt, how they felt, their reactions to her abilities, etc. We hear from Aneeka, Alenym, Nai´shara, Athena, Raguel and DK, and of course from Yazhi herself.

Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Yazhi´s Early Life on Toleka (PART 1)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 20, 2024

Finally the arrival of a new series about Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) and her early years on Toleka all the way to today. The series will have several videos and will present the early years of her stay with the Taygetan crew (2020-2021), how she felt, how they felt, their reactions to her abilities, etc. We will hear from Aneeka, Alenym, Nai´shara, Raguel and DK, and of course from Yazhi herself. Later episodes will go into more recent anecdotes and, finally, a video with Yazhi giving a fresh update on how things are nowadays and what changed and what did not with regards to her time with her Toleka (then Toleka) family.