Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Sun, Galactic Waves - Do they Matter? Athena and Yazhi Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia February 09, 2024

Do Sun rays activate our DNA? Do galactic waves do? Do they help with the "ascension"? We talked a bit about this before, but here is a mix of conversations with Athena and Yazhi Swaruu about the subject and around the subject. Enjoy! :)

Taygetan Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Disclosure - Contact - JOURNEY SO FAR

Cosmic Agency, Gosia February 01, 2024

This video is a compilation of all major events related to our contact experience with our friends from Toleka, a Taygetan Pleiadian extraterrestrial heavy cruiser, since 2017 where it all began, until now. Enjoy!

Light Language - What does Athena Swaruu Think? Opinion of the Extraterrestrial Person

Cosmic Agency, Gosia January 21, 2024

Short conversation with Athena Swaruu we had a while back about what she thinks about the spoken "light language" as they call it. Is it something real? Fake?

Swaruu of Erra addressed Galactic Federation, other so-called positive ET races, and humans - TEXT ONLY (published as video in Spanish only)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 18, 2018

This is a letter that Swaruu of Erra published through our channels (Spanish) in 2018. She addresses the Galactic Federation and other ET races, warns humans about vaccines and other threats, and proclaims her position as a solo fighter.

Taygeta - Gender Roles, Fallen Angels, and more - MINITOPICS (Extraterrestrial Information)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia January 17, 2024

Today´s video: Mini Topics! Not too long though as in Spanish it includes an audio message from Dr Alex, a friend of our work and a known doctor in Spain. The English video doesn´t include it so that´s why the mini-topics this time isn´t as long as usual. I talk about society in Taygeta and gender roles, a little bit about Anunnaki and fallen angels, souls, and more. Enjoy!

Galactic Federation and Saturn - Leaders Impossible to Find - Aneeka of Temmer

Cosmic Agency, Gosia January 13, 2024

Since we are all on topic of Federation and how obscure its structure is (Mari Swaruu, Za´el), let me share with you a conversation between Aneeka of Temmer and a few contactees she had at the time, back in 2021. It does coincide with what is being shared about the Federation these days. Aneeka also goes a bit into describing life around Saturn.

Positive "Agenda" - PART 2 - Conversation with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 31, 2023

This and the previous video came out of someone´s question, and it was: "It is already clear to many of us about the 2030 agenda, but doesn't "light" have its own agenda and plans?". I passed this question first to Athena and then to Yazhi, and this is how I divided this topic. The previous video is a conversation with Athena, which I called Prelude, since it was shorter and more casual, and then in this one, I talk to Yazhi. Enjoy!

Positive "Agenda" - PART 1 - Conversation with Athena Swaruu (Taygeta, Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 26, 2023

This and the next video came out of someone´s question, and it was: "It is already clear to many of us about the 2030 agenda, but doesn't "light" have its own agenda and plans?". I passed this question first to Athena and then to Yazhi, and this is how I divided this topic. This first video is a conversation with Athena, which I called Prelude, since it is shorter and more casual, and then in the next one, Yazhi comes on and gives the whole speech on the topic. If you missed our little rascal and her ways of thinking, well, I am pretty sure you won´t be disappointed.

Clarification regarding Galactic Federation - Gosia

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 21, 2023

Quick clarification as, apparently, several people have understood, from some of the information that has been shared, that there is war in space about to happen with the Federation. Also watch today´s Mari´s video for more:

Athena Swaruu - Compilation of All Questions Answered in the Live (with the Surprise)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 16, 2023

Questions Athena Swaruu responded in the recent live on the 10th of December, in both languages, Spanish and English. At the end of the video, there is a little surprise, additional questions Athena answered few days after the live.

Why are we a vibrational match to corrupt Galactic Federation? Yazhi Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 09, 2023

Someone asked not long ago in the Spanish community: if everything is a reflection of who we are and we live in the world we are a match to, what does corrupt Federation say about us and and who we are? Why are we a match to see and experience a corrupt one, and not the positive one? There could be many answers to this, and each one of you should reach your own conclusions as to what it reflects in you all, but I will share a mini conversation with Yazhi about this where I ask her what it reflects in her. The chat is short, and maybe one day it will be deepened. I am sharing it as it is for now. Enjoy!

This is to all Regressive and Negative Forces influencing Earth

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 04, 2023

After Mari´s video few days ago, where she interviewed Arishah, the Urmah, I started to feel very protective over Earth and the humans, and I began to write down what I thought and felt. But what I was writing turned very fast into, what I call now, the Declaration to the Dark and Regressive forces in and around our planet.