Lupus Cosmicus, My quest to find Space Dogs and Wolves. With Ari the Tiger (English)
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July 13, 2024Lupus Cosmicus, My quest to find Space Dogs and Wolves. With Ari the Tiger (English)
Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. I don't know why I keep saying my name at the beginning of each video. I guess it is for the new ones. Well, hello, welcome to my channel. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.
I find it quite intriguing that there aren't any space dogs or space canines among the enormous amount of star races in the cosmos. This in itself is almost impossible, considering the vastness of the universe and the highly evolved nature of canines in general on Earth and elsewhere.
Dogs as such and in their extensive variety of races and variants only exist on Earth, being the matrixed variants of other canine races that exist and thrive off the planet, and the result of human interaction and intervention, as countless dog races were artificially bred and developed, as it is well known.
Canines as animals exist on countless M-class planets, which are those with similar conditions to Earth, where the most proliferous races are wolves and their variants. All species of animals are shared among countless planets, regardless of how far they may be from one another, as species are seeded by advanced Gardener races and are not the result of natural evolution as it is pushed on Earth and its Matrix-limited science. I mention this, but it is another subject.
Three planets which have wolves among their indigenous species are Alfrata, former Phaeton, which orbits Alpha Centauri, and planets Erra and Procyon, orbiting the star Taygeta, among countless others. Yet, all those are animals like the ones found on Earth and do not have an advanced interstellar society like the ones we can find with feline races, with the huge Urmah Federation as their most impressive example. So where are all the canine advanced races?
I mean, even researching online, I found only one video from another channel which talks about space dogs, but more in a fiction context with no real-life basis that I may know of, as well as some science fiction space dog characters or species, and nothing else.
As I researched this a little more, and also using what I already knew by myself, there is some evidence of the existence of those canine advanced races and civilizations, some even found on Earth, mostly with the Egyptian gods Anubis and Anput, his female counterpart, which are called jackal gods, and also with the god Wepwapet, who is also Egyptian and whose role was to help the dead through the dangerous path to the afterlife and is often paired working with Anubis himself. There are other dog gods which are found in several other cultures, like the goddess Bau from ancient Mesopotamia, which was said to have healing and protection powers, and Xolotl from ancient Aztec mythology, which was associated with Quetzalcoatl himself.
Although it is easy to dismiss them as simple mythology, there is always some truth to it. Yet, we must take into account some points when studying this subject. It is well known that ancient Egyptians used to depict people with the head of an animal when they had attributes similar to those of it. This means that they are not really humans with the head of an animal. Rather, it only means that a god had attributes similar to those of the animal whose head it is depicted with.
In this context, Anubis behaved and acted like a jackal. Sekhmet, who had a lion head, was associated with power and strength, and Horus was wise and foreseeing like a hawk without expanding into whether he could fly, and its meaning associated with a starship, as I understand from Taygetan archives. They were like a jackal, like a lion, like a hawk, and so on, without being those animals in reality, as the Egyptians were only associating their attributes as compared to those of the animals.
But then I started to take all this I just explained with a grain of salt because, according to the firm Urmah archives, Mafdet, Bastet and Sekhmet were part of Urmah expeditionary forces who intervened and participated in the construction of the ancient pre-diluvian star ports, which are associated with the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Sphinx, among other archaeological sites. And also heavily intervened in the seeding of information on pre-dynastic Egyptian society as Galactic Federation operatives and not only as Urmah Federation ones.
And as for the goddess Mut, which is associated with motherhood, love, and care, and whose name literally means mother, I did not find any conclusive off-planet evidence that she was an Urmah, although I highly suspect she was too, even though she is depicted as a female house cat and not as a large feline such as a lioness.
All this would mean that if Mafdet, Bastet, and Sekhmet were Urmahs and not just people depicted as having feline attributes, then I would also heavily suspect that Anubis, Anput, and Wepwapet may also be real canine people. After all, we can also associate the god Sobek with Reptilian humanoids, which we also know exist, as he is depicted as a man with the head of a crocodile.
As all this I just mentioned is what I found researching this subject with information from Earth, my next logical step would be researching it from the point of view of Taygetan and stellar archives, which are heavily linked to the Galactic Federation ones through the vast lepton muon information-sharing network. We could say it is like a galactic internet.
And, to my great amazement, there is nothing worth mentioning, as the information provided by the Galactic Federation is a near exact mirror of all that is said on Earth. And I see this as more evidence that points out that the information found on Earth and its censorship come directly from the Galactic Federation and not only from human-level planetary overlords.
This started to get me worried, as the inexistence of advanced canine races makes no sense. After all, to the best of my knowledge, all animal races are only the lesser socially evolved starseed variants of their highly advanced counterparts. This, as we can find advanced cats, birds, whales, and so on, even interstellar elephants, and this last one most definitely deserves a video of its own. Where are the dogs? I ask.
This is where I started to think about an ugly possibility: a cover-up. A Galactic Federation cover-up wanting to expunge advanced interstellar dogs from the archives of its members. Although I had no direct evidence of a cover-up, I did suspect something was quite wrong with this subject, also because of the absence of articles or scientific papers from Galactic Federation member races which would mention them or the absence of them as well.
I was quickly running out of places to search, but then it occurred to me that I have access to the archives of another Federation, which does not fully agree with the policies of the Galactic Federation. I could ask my dear friends, the Urmah, to see what they had to say about this subject.
So, this morning, I talked to my friend Ari, the Urmah tiger, who is one of the communication officers on board the starship Avyon One, as most of you already know. I asked Ari what was going on with this subject and what he knew about space dogs or advanced interstellar canine races, and this is what he answered. Remember, it was me who translated Ari's answers, so the wording is mine.
Ari: "Hello to all my friends who follow Mari on her YouTube channel. Greetings from the starship Avyon One. I send you all a mighty big hug. Of course, there are canine advanced interstellar races, but they are currently very far away from Earth and any Galactic Federation-dominated space. And I don't doubt that there's a cover-up against them, especially to stop them from influencing present-day Earth's popular culture.
They were once on Earth, also participating with the local Federation star ports in their programs to seed information onto the planet. They are a group of several canine cultures who also have formed a federation of their own and with whom we have a good relationship. They are called the “Denando De Sixte Terrae” (?), which is a mouthful, so using words that are familiar to you all we will call them the “Spatium Lupi”, or simply the Lupi, using your ancient Latin as a base language so we can understand each other. As in space wolves because that is their leading species.
As you pointed out, dogs as such are from Earth so those advanced canine interstellar societies are wolves, not dogs, although they also have some other sub species similar to jackals and hyenas, as we the Urmah do as well with lions, tigers, leopards, panthers and so on which enrich our culture and life experience.
They are semi bipedal as we are and are usually between 6ft and 9ft tall reaching nearly 200kg with fully grown males. As you can see, they are smaller than Urmah lions and tigers. They inhabit countless planets which orbit many stars as they are a Federation, but their base planets are orbiting the giant star Enif, also known as Epsilon Pegasi at some 672 light years from here and is the brightest star in the Pegasus constellation.
I also know that they have a very proliferous presence in several of the planets of the stars of Canis Minor, particularly in the two main ones, Proceon, Alpha Canis Minoris, and Gomeisa, Beta Canis Minoris, although the association with the name of that constellation, a dog which follows Orion, is interesting. I don't know if it has anything to do with the name. They associate well with the Proceonian Lyrian race and culture that lives on the planet of the same name, and which orbits the star Alpha Canis Minoris with whom they share their resources and good cooperation.
The “Denando De Sixte Terrae”, or Spatium Lupi, hold a holistic society with a royal leadership much as we the Urmah do as well. They are just and spiritual pacific race, but they are also known to be fierce warriors as any space wolf is expected to be. We have fought several wars side by side fending off expanding Reptilian forces from Orion, those who wanted to expand into Canis Minoris and Pegasi regions as we hold common interest there. We are best of friends, and we help one another whenever possible, mostly in that region as they do not have such a massive federation as we the Urmah have. They are dependable spiritual people with great ethics and loyalty to their friends.
And this is where a problem arose with the Galactic Federation, a disagreement between them that goes as far back as the reconstruction of planet Earth after the Tiamat wars and the great great flood. The Galactic Federation wanted a fully controlled contained realm, the one we today call the Matrix of Earth, and with a full veil of forgetfulness which would force spiritual concepts to be fully controlled by them and their institutions.
And the Lupi, on the other hand, wanted to leave spirituality as the main guidance for the souls on Earth to find their correct way back home without having to make their way through complicated belief systems involving the reincarnation cycle. This would mean that souls would always have the correct religious or spiritual information that would help them go home after their incarnation on Earth was over.
This is why Anubis is associated with death and guiding souls to the afterlife, as well as other canine deities who do the same. Anubis, who was one of them, was also known to guide lost souls to where they needed to go. Anubis may be taken as negative with his association to death when, in reality, he was a benevolent guiding “god” who looked after and guided souls to their place in the afterlife, thus not needing to fall into the reincarnation tricks and manipulations of the Matrix of Earth.
Therefore, the Federation did not like their presence here near Earth and in this galactic quadrant because their presence and tendency to astrally guide souls to their correct places would destroy their soul self-contained realms we call the Matrix of Earth, as they used to guide human souls by giving the correct afterlife information and also through astral projection, which is an ability they are very efficient with.
I hope my answer was good enough as an introduction to this subject. I will be available later on to continue on this topic that we know interests many people on Earth.
Take care and a big hug. Your Urmah, Ari.
Mari Swa: Thank you, Ari, for the interesting information that confirms what I had suspected, a full-scale Federation cover-up against space wolves.
I just talked to Ari this morning, so we couldn't go deeper into this subject as I wouldn't have time to translate, write, and process the text to make a video for tonight. But Ari and I will continue as soon as we can, and if he has more to say about all this.
This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot. And I hope to see you here next time.
With much love.
Your friend,
Mari Swa
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