Transcripciones - ATTACHE, english

This page contains information provided by Taygetans (mostly Aneeka of Temmer) and Yazhi Swaruu to a few contactees who used to be in communication with the Taygetan team. The information was given between 2020 - 2021, originally in Spanish.

Algunas de las transcripciones también incluyen traducciones en otros idiomas proporcionadas por la comunidad. Importante: Están accesibles solamente desde la sección de los transcriptos en Ingles. No somos responsables de la calidad de las traducciones. NOTA PARA LOS TRADUCTORES: Traduzca lo más exactamente posible al texto original. No agregue ni reste ningún texto. ¡Gracias!

Tenga en cuenta que, a lo largo de los años, algunos de los conceptos aquí presentados evolucionan, se expanden, o incluso pueden cambiar con el descubrimiento de nuevos datos o nuevas conclusiones.
Is Earth hollow? - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english July 03, 2021

Conversation with Yazhi Swaruu about what goes on inside Earth. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Aneeka talks about the Taygetan language - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english October 01, 2020

Anéeka describes what the Taygetan language is like and leaves some examples of Taygetan words. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Great Flood and Tiamat Wars - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english August 13, 2021

Yazhi continues to share parts of our Earth's history, this time describing more of what happened to Tiamat and its destruction, and what consequences it had for Earth and other planets in our Solar System. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Do unicorns exist? - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english August 16, 2020

Aneeka and Yazhi talk about unicorns and whether they exist, from various angles. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Procionians - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english February 24, 2021

Anéeka describes different classifications of planets and also talks a little bit about the people of Procion. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

HIDDEN SYMBOLOGY IN TOYS - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english March 29, 2021

Yazhi explains the symbology that the Cabal uses even in childrens´ toys and also in video games. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

HIDDEN SYMBOLOGY - TIAHUANACO - SUMER - EGYPT **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english September 19, 2021

Yazhi explains the meaning of some of the known ancient artefacts. **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Invaded Planets - Earth, Mars and Venus - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english February 19, 2021

Anéeka explains the situation of other planets in similar condition, but not the same, to the one on Earth. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

First Ancient Battle - The rebellion in the Garden of Eden - Orion Wars - PART 5 **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english May 29, 2021

Yazhi tells us about the conflicts between Lemuria and Atlantis, about the Eves and the Adams, and about what happened before the destruction of Tiamat. At the end, she also gives us some information about Shiva. **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY - TAYGETANS **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english March 18, 2021

Anéeka talks to us about what the topic of menstruation and pregnancy is like in Taygeta, compared to Earth. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Media communication in Taygeta - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english April 19, 2021

Anéeka explains how the media works in Taygetan society. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Symbols of the Federation of United Planets - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english January 11, 2021

Aneeka tells us about the Federation logo and how it relates to the logos used by NASA and other organizations on Earth. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**