Transcripciones - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

Esta página contiene transcripciones de los videos publicados en nuestros canales. La comunicación con los miembros de la tripucion Taygeteana se lleva a cabo a través de chat en vivo en Internet en Inglés y Español.

Algunas de las transcripciones también incluyen traducciones en otros idiomas proporcionadas por la comunidad. Importante: Están accesibles solamente desde la sección de los transcriptos en Ingles. No somos responsables de la calidad de las traducciones. NOTA PARA LOS TRADUCTORES: Traduzca lo más exactamente posible al texto original. No agregue ni reste ningún texto. ¡Gracias!

Tenga en cuenta que, a lo largo de los años, algunos de los conceptos aquí presentados evolucionan, se expanden, o incluso pueden cambiar con el descubrimiento de nuevos datos o nuevas conclusiones.
Ancient Egypt (1) - Extraterrestrials among Humans

Cosmic Agency, Gosia January 17, 2025

In this first part of the series about Egypt, I am sharing the conversations with Swaruu of Erra and Dhor K´aal´el. They talk a little bit about life in that time, and how stellar people were regarded as gods by the local population.

Time Is Linear - My Metaphysical Divagations and Conclusions (Gosia)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 29, 2024

Well, guys, time to share my little essay on the topic of linearity of time and time travel. I am arguing that time must always, by default of the definition of "time" as given by our Taygetan friends, be linear! I don´t see any way around it! Join me on this metaphysical mental analysis of "time".

Interstellar Life 8 - Life Onboard the Starship - Aneeka of Temmer

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 18, 2024

This next episode of the Interstellar Life series deals with different questions related to life onboard a starship. It is mostly Aneeka speaking, but we will also hear a few words from Nai´shara and Alenym. Conversations from few years ago, when they were all still onboard Toleka.

Is there a Gene of Spirituality? Brain and Consciousness - Aneeka of Temmer

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 13, 2024

This is a short part of the never translated into English conversation with Aneeka of Temmer, something she said around 2020/21, I think, about the brain and the connection to Source, and if affecting the brain/DNA/RNA affects spiritual awareness. The specific question was whether there is such a thing as a spirituality gene.

Gosia chatting with Yazhi - metaphysical chat with my extraterrestrial friend

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 06, 2024

An intimate talk with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) where I first express strange feelings I had at the time, and then the talk develops in different directions. The chat is from 2022 and I had it set aside to maybe one day share it. I revised it recently and decided it is too interesting not to share it!

Extraterrestrial races and Humans - Intercultural Exchanges in Interstellar Societies

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 26, 2024

A very interesting video, with the information Aneeka of Temmer shared in the live she participated back in 2021 (not in my channel). It was never published before in English, live happened in Spanish, and I am sharing it with you now as it is full of fascinating and important details with regards to intercultural exchanges among star races, and also humans and star races. What do you think, for example, is the most typical Taygetan tradition that Earth has acquired over the centuries? Where did our CDs and DVDs come from? Is physical beauty appreciated in other ET races? These and many more questions answered by Aneeka of Temmer.

UFO/UAP Hearings at US Congress - Alien Disclosure? MY OPINION

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 22, 2024

As you probably know, the US Congress has recently held several hearings regarding the UAPs, formerly known as UFOs. As many people have been talking about it, I am publishing my opinion about it, accompanied and reinforced by points of view our Taygetan friends have previously expressed on these kinds of matters.

Mini-Mini Topics - Quick Questions and Answers (Yazhi and Athena Swaruu)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 18, 2024

Ok, guys, time to dig out some mini topics! This time, it´s actually MINI-MINI topics, meaning, brief questions and answers that can´t even be labeled as "mini topics", hence the name: mini mini. Bunch of random questions Yazhi and Athena answered in our interactions.

Galactic Federation and Money - Athena Swaruu´s Additional Comments

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 15, 2024

I have just realized I have a bunch of mini topics for my MINITOPICs series put aside of which I forgot. Revising them, I found this short conversation with Athena about Federation and money control on Earth, I think from 2023 or beginning 2024, which I decided to pull out of mini topics and share as its own video.

Van Allen Belts and DNA - short casual chat with Swaruu of Erra (2018/19)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 02, 2024

Hello friends! Before the next Monthly Recap, I am throwing in a short video with the older information - conversation between Robert and Swaruu of Erra about Van Allen Bands an DNA.

Interstellar Life 7 - Taygetan Pleiadian Starships - Materials and Construction

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 11, 2024

In this episode, you will learn about how the Taygetan Pleiadian spaceships are built, the materials they are made of, etc. This is for all of you, extraterrestrial and starship technology fans!

The Galactic Federation - TO ALL EARTH CITIZENS - No BS or New Age - THIS IS IT

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 27, 2024

The Galactic Federation of Planets (or just Galactic Federation) is a massive organization with hundreds of thousands extraterrestrial races as its members, and one of its tasks is to manage the affairs on Earth. In this video, I am summarizing main concepts related to this cosmic organization and its relation to Earth. I describe principal power structures, New Age movement and "Galactic Federation of Light", or Galactic Light Federation", the Cabal and its connection to the Federation, Federation´s interventions, AI, Orion Grays, Taygetan Pleiadians and their involvement, and whether the Federation is good or bad. This is a MUST SEE to everyone following these subjects. This is a no BS, no New Age, no Ashtar nonsense. It is time to clean out the ufology and disclosure field!

The wording of about 90% of it is not mine, but taken from what all our friends said throughout the years and, mostly, from Mari Swa. I just added what I had to in order to sow it together as a narrative. It is a product of all our minds together. ?

Thumbnail/Intro/Background images/Final color correction: Alec