Transcripciones - Swaruu Official - English
Esta página contiene transcripciones de los videos publicados en nuestros canales. La comunicación con los miembros de la tripulación ET Swaruuniana y Taygeteana se lleva a cabo a través de chat en vivo en Internet en Inglés y Español.
Algunas de las transcripciones también incluyen traducciones en otros idiomas proporcionadas por la comunidad. Importante: Están accesibles solamente desde la sección de los transcriptos en Ingles. No somos responsables de la calidad de las traducciones. NOTA PARA LOS TRADUCTORES: Traduzca lo más exactamente posible al texto original. No agregue ni reste ningún texto. ¡Gracias!
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nuestros canales y en esta página para propósitos comerciales (venta de libros
y materiales promocionales).
library_booksTabla de Contenidos
- Swaruu Official, (English)
- Escape from the Matrix 01 (English)
- Origins of the Lyran / Human race (English)
- Consciousness, oneness, gravity and the numerical Universe (English)
- Stellar Navigation, Basic principles (English)
- Important thoughts after 5 years of contact (English)
- Taygetan spherical drones (English)
- Yazhi and child’s play (English)
- Escape from the matrix video number 2 (English)
- Extra-terrestrials living among you. (English)
- Extra-terrestrials living among you, video 2 (English)
- How Mari Swaruu got here. (English)
- The portals we all make, prelude (English)
- The portals you make, part 2, the Paranormal. (English)
- Paranormal Portals, the portals we all make part 3 (English)
- Reality, Egregores, Manifestation and the Paranormal. (English)
- Why Minecraft, Pool Area and Main Garden (English)
- The problem with science on Earth. (English)
- The problem with UFO researchers. (English)
- The Sun and its portals. (English)
- Escape the matrix 3, your body and death. (English)
- Who is Sophi (Sophia Swaruu)
- About all the UFO rumbling in the media (English)
- Taygetean Technology: Part 1 - Suits and Boots (English)
- Antarctica, my present report. (English)
- Taygetan Technology 02, industrial replicators, clothes and makeup. (English)
- Nuclear scare, don’t worry
- Za'el and Arien, new friends in star ship Toleka
- Taygetan Star Ship private rooms and Toilets
- Stupidity and the Ego, a spiritual perspective. (English)
- Same events, different meanings - Physical or Spiritual side
- Death and the Ego (English)
- Thoughts on Karma and Dharma (English)
- How the Galactic Federation sees what happens on Earth, part 1 (English)
- How the United Federation of Planets views Earth, Part 2, Prime Directive. (English)
- Prime Directive (Core) for easy reference (English)
- Galactic Federation, UFoP, internal structure, Part 3, (English)
- How the Galactic Federation views Earth, part 4, Restrictions
- Electric Vehicles on Earth. (English)
- Positive Twist, Part One, Galactic Federation Part 5
- Light beings, Positive twist Part two, Galactic Federation Part 6. (English)
- Electric vehicles in Taygeta, and on Earth. (English)
- Why no one can escape the Matrix. (English)
- Conclusions 01, Galactic Federation. (English)
- Why no one can escape the Matrix. Part 2
- Why was project first contact a failure?
- A Perspective on the Basic Formation of a Physical Matrix. (English)
- Formation of a Matrix (English)
- The False People and you. (English)
- You are not your body therefore you are immortal. Memory is not in the body. (English)
- Artificial intelligence on Earth. (English)
- The Astral side, the Physical world and their Matrix. What makes, and what defines them. (English)
- Time, Part 1, What is Time. (English)
- What is a Soul. (English)
- Advanced Souls, and their hive mind (English)
- Motivational video for Starseeds and the awakened ones. (English)
- Everything is mind, everything is consciousness. ( English )
- Time and how it Works, Part 2, Timelines (English)
- How to Change your Past, with Swaruu of Erra
- Is it really necessary to change your past? (English)
- Alter Egos, and how they can help us cope with our daily life. (English)
- The invention of money and its uses in different societies. (English)
- Money and the Galactic Federation. (English)
- What is an Extra-terrestrial to you? (English)
- The Shadow People are an extra-terrestrial race. (English)
- Za'el and Swaruu Official channel updates ( English)
- What does it mean to be living in 5D? (English)
- The strange phenomena of Dimensional Mirroring (English)
- Time, timelines, Star-ships and your Mind. (English)
- Star seeds, light workers, and woken people’s problems, part 1 (English)
- Starseeds, problems, part 2, Frequency Incompatibility. (English)
- Time Travel and why Timelines don't really exist. (English)
- Starseed's problems, part 3, Places and Buildings / Astral Entities, Alcohol and More
- The Basic Mathematics behind the Dimensional Mirroring Phenomena
- Starseeds and their Problems, part 4, Money Issues. (English)
- Motivational video Number 2, for Starseeds and the Awakened Ones. (English)
- Is there an ultimate Truth? (English)
- Telepathic Fields (English)
- Telepathic Fields & your Egregors and Fears. (English)
- Astral Entity Attachments and Infestations, Part 1 (English).
- Attachments and Infestations, Part 2, Astral Parasites and how to get rid of them. (English)
- New Channel Presentation (English)
- UFO Disclosure nowadays, Part 1 (English)
- Disclosure nowadays, Part 2, going in deeper. (English)
- Telepathy, including directly with you all. (English)
- Attachments and Infestations, Part 3, Demons and Acorns. (English)
- Attachments and Infestations, Part 4, Lower astral, Ideas and Programming. (English)
- The Moon. Part 1 (English)
- Extra-terrestrial Disclosure, a Warning (English)
- The Moon, Part 2. Internal structure (English)
- False Alien Invasion, Another Warning, mostly for Star Seeds. With Nai'Shara. (English)
- The Moon part 3, how it influences Earth and its 3D Matrix. (English)
- The Moon, part 4, how it influences Earth’s Matrix, shady things and conclusions. (English)
- Extractions and their problems. Part 1 (English)
- Beware of Replicated Food (English)
- Extractions and their problems. Part 3 (English)
- Fears, desires, thoughts and Manifestation (English)
- Extractions and their problems, Part 4, Kassia speaks directly to those who remember. (English)
- Grey Aliens. Part 1, Little Gardeners and Maitre. (English)
- Star seeds and their problems. Part 5. Remembering having lived in higher realms (English)
- Grey Aliens. Part 2, Orions, and Etorthans. (English)
- Star seeds and their problems. Part 6, Metaphysical and Astral Attacks. (English)
- Star Seeds, Part 7, Astral Projection, Astral Abductions, Night Soul Missions, Part 1 (English)
- Star Seeds. Part 8, Astral Projection, Astral Abductions and Night Soul Missions, Part 2. (English)
- The Astral. (English)
- The Astral. Part 02 (English)
- The Astral. Part 3. Important recapitulation of base concepts that describe everything. (English)
- Religions, another perspective, False History, Reality and Egregors. (English)
- Politics are being controlled from off-planet by the Galactic Federation. (English)
- Demons and evil entities of the Lower astral and the world of the living, Part 1 (English)
- Maui Fires, Complete Report. Space News Number 01 (English)
- Tenerife Fires Complete Report, (English) - Space news Number 02
- Demons and Evil Entities of the Lower Astral. Part 2
- Demons and Evil Entities of the Lower Astral. Part 3 (English)
- Deep Galactic Federation to Audit Local Federation about Earth Affairs, Early 2024 (English)
- False History, in space and on Earth, Tartaria, Cabal, Lies and the Galactic Federation. (English)
- Alpha Centauri: Historical Lies? Mari’s and Urmah's Perspective. (English)
- The Urmah Interview, Arishah-Tiger, Part 1 (English)
- The Urmah Interview, Arishah-Tiger, Part 2 (English)
- Enlightenment, and Cyndriel Aldebaran, a Mystical planet. (English)
- Urmah Ari, Second Interview. Ethics, Interstellar Feline way of life. Motivation Video. (English)
- Awakening and Awareness, What level are you at? (English)
- Ghosts and Apparitions, First Part, Necessary Context. (English)
- Ghosts, Apparitions and Hauntings, Part 2. (English)
- Holistic Society, also called Holographic Society, and Royalty in Outer Space. (English)
- Is removing the Cabal advisable? Holistic Society Part 2. (English)
- Why is the Galactic Federation so permissive towards all what causes humanity's problems? (English)
- Peruvian Mummies in the Media, there is never enough proof about extra-terrestrials, (English)
- Taygeta, origins and history. Part 1 (English)
- The Elites are Planning to leave Earth. (English)
- Society in Taygeta, Structure. (English)
- The Terrible Ending of the First Settlers on Planet Procyon. (English)
- Avoid building Karma, or build as much Karma as you can in your life (English)
- Audio and Music Conspiracy Detected (English)
- Aircraft exhaust contaminants (English)
- Stop Drinking Alcohol (English)
- Do not take Psychedelics (English)
- Artificial Weather (English ) / (Re-loaded)
- Important Comments, several other subjects, please watch to understand everything better (English)
- A Perfect Example of how a Soul becomes Strongly Attached to its past life, a true story (English)
- Light Beings, Demons, Part 4, Religion, Possessions and Star Seeds (English / Re-loaded)
- No Men in Taygeta? (English)
- The Collective Unconscious. (English / Re-loaded)
- Reflections, by Mari Swaruu, Important, please watch (English)
- Non-linear Time and its Perception (English)
- Dreams, and What They Are (English)
- Dreams, and Dark Lower-Astral Entity Night Visitations (English)
- Religions and Lower Astral Entities, and why it works against some of them (English)
- A Day in Mari’s Life (English)
- How to Control Society on Earth, and more about Holistic Society (English)
- Space News: 4 New People Arriving on The Ship. First Part (English)
- Walk-ins, Soul Swap, Body Snatching, Immersion Pods. First Part (English)
- Walk-Ins, Second Part, the Same Soul Re-Entering, but a Lot More Evolved (English)
- 4 New Crew Members on Board, Part 2, Heavy Cultural Shock (English)
- How Existential Densities work in Deep Space (English)
- Break Away Civilizations and Space Pirates (English)
- Space Pirates Break Away Civilizations, Part 2, Galactic Federation Involvement (English)
- Extractions and their problems. Part 2 (English)
- Death, Introduction (English)
- Starseeds, What Are They? (English)
- How to Prove for Yourself that the Paranormal Does Exist (English)
- Prepare for your own Death, and for your Next Incarnation, by Living to the Fullest (English)
- What is, and who is your Higher Self? (English)
- Deep Federation, Etorthan detachment arriving, And Urmah vs Etorthans (English)
- Interview with the Urmah Tiger, Arishah, Part 3 (English)
- The Urmah, Part 1, Prelude and Context from Earth’s culture’s point of view (English)
- The Urmah, Part 2 (English)
- What’s it, with Flat Globe? (English)
- The Space Situation around Earth, December 2023. (English)
- 1st Anniversary, of this YouTube channel, Swaruu Official. Thank You (English)
- Ascension (English)
- Surviving the Holidays, for Star Seeds (English)
- Space News, and a lot of important comments (English)
- You are never really alone, Guardian Angels of all kinds, Part 1 (English)
- You are never really alone, Part 2 (English)
- You are never really alone, Part 3, Technological surveillance (English)
- The Law of Attraction, Become the Best Version of Yourself (English)
- Dramatic Life Changes, the Law of Mirrors and Quantum Jumps (English)
- Super Manifestation (English)
- Space News 8, Galactic Federation Update for January 5th 2024 (English)
- Letter for the Galactic Federation, January 7th 2024 (English)
- A Serious Incident on board Starship Toleka (English)
- Space News 10, Galactic Federation Update for January 10 2024 (English)
- The Cosmic Cat, and the Urmah Spiritual Belief System (English)
- Power Structure on Earth and Society Resets (English)
- Changes in this YouTube Channel, Swaruu Official, and a Surprise (English)
- Space News 11, Galactic Federation Update for January 17 2024 (English)
- Soft Social Resets, and how they are done with Mind Control, going deep into details (English)
- On Starships and why many look so human, and Earth as an Isolated Island (English)
- Space News 12, Galactic Federation harassing Taygeta, Update for January 23, 2024 (English)
- More on False Past, how it is studied, and Time Travel (English)
- Light Beings passing off as Normal People (English)
- Space News 13, Update January 31st, 2024 (English)
- Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, First Part (English)
- Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, Second Part (English)
- Basic Principles for Real Time Travel, Third Part. Starships (English)
- You don’t need a Starship (English)
- Thoughts on Consciousness and Awakening
- Space News 14, Federation Update, February 15, 2024 (English)
- The importance of understanding Time for Spiritual Growth, and understanding Reality (English)
- Hexa-Dimensional Space-Time (English)
- Why there is no Real History and a bit of What We Know (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 3rd Interview, Part 1 (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger , 3rd Interview, Part 2 (English)
- Space News 15, Federation Update, February 28, 2024 (English)
- On Aliens, Extraterrestrials and Toothbrushes (English)
- Movies and Dark Entities. The content you watch defines your world (English)
- Space News March 6 2024, Earth moving into a Positive Timeline, detected (English)
- Alpha Dracos or Alpha Draconians. Space Dragons (English)
- Arishah, the Urmah Tiger, 3rd Interview, Part 3 (English)
- On the Media and other related subjects (English)
- Reptiloids and how they view Earth and Humanity (English)
- Reptilians and the Galactic Federation, and Positive Reptiles (English)
- Human Genetic Compatibility with Reptilian Possessions (English)
- Space News March 22 2024, News and Birthdays (English)
- Technology and why I cannot share More Details (English)
- On Flying Saucers (English)
- Monitoring Spirits (English)
- Monitoring Spirits. Part 2 (English)
Swaruu Official - English April 01, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 30, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 28, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 25, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 23, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 21, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 18, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 16, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 14, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 11, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 09, 2024
Originally written in British English.
Swaruu Official - English March 07, 2024
Originally written in British English.