Galactic Federation Conspiracy Theories (English)

Swaruu Official - English
August 26, 2024

Galactic Federation Conspiracy Theories (English)

Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. Hello. Welcome to my channel. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

The New Age movement on Earth has always portrayed the Galactic Federation as an institution or a group of light beings working for humanity and helping to abolish all evil. I've noticed three basic tendencies that describe it.

One is a more physical Galactic Federation, which is made of benevolent star races who are monitoring Earth and which must be kept in isolation until humankind learns to resolve its issues and problems. This Galactic Federation level is said to sustain the idea that they must not help directly because if they do so, humankind would not be able to learn from its mistakes.

The next New Age Galactic Federation description is one of a group of benevolent races which are overtly and directly fighting against all evil and which have been systematically fighting it in this Solar System. And, as good always wins over evil, they are getting closer and closer to planet Earth. Therefore, liberation is imminent. But I'd better say it like this. Liberation is always imminent because it never arrives.

The third New Age Galactic Federation description is that there is some Galactic Federation which is made of benevolent light beings, most of which are ascended masters who watch over humankind from higher dimensions or densities and who must also guide humanity to resolve its problems on their own while they protect them from astral evils or something along those lines.

I'm aware that there may be countless variants and descriptions of the Galactic Federation, varying from author to author. But for the sake of an argument, those three are the ones I can see. So which of the three is the correct description of the Galactic Federation? I would answer that all three have some truth to them, but a subject as complicated as this one cannot be described in a few words. And if you have been following me in my group for some time, you can notice that we have made a lot of effort to try to give answers to explain the subject.

There is a lot more of the same Matrix which is found on Earth in space. More humanity, complete with its weaknesses and strengths. And, as I've said many times before, if there is one thing to take away from all that I am saying, it is that there is more humanity outside Earth. A lot more. I don't only mean more creatures who look humanoid or humans who are genetically the same as the ones found on Earth. I also mean the same mentality, which is common for the species and is also found in countless other human star cultures spread around this galaxy alone. Even the very same culture is spread along the 400,000 known Lyrian human civilizations, and that is a lot of humankind. They may have many psychological, cultural, and sociological differences, agreed, but in the end, we are all Lyrian humans. Family.

Taking all this as a base from where to start researching the Galactic Federation, we can notice that they act in a very similar way as the Cabal which controls Earth. Not to say that they act exactly like so. It is clear to all of us at this point that the Cabal acts as a mirror of the Galactic Federation, where all its shortcomings and problems are accentuated and concentrated on one planet. So this is where we become Galactic Federation conspiracy theorists because we can easily conclude that if we study the one, we can understand the other.

The first educated conclusion we can make is that the Cabal is the Galactic Federation compressed on Earth and that the Galactic Federation is, in fact, the Cabal. The Cabal on Earth is nothing more than another tentacle of the Galactic Federation octopus, as the same control strategies, gaslighting, lies, and propaganda are found on Earth and in space with the exact same structure and way of operating, modus operandi, only slightly changed and tailored to fit into the requirements of each situation, culture, and star race.

They have set up countless barriers of every kind to prevent its citizens from fully understanding and knowing who is in charge above and why they act as they do, be them people or entire star races. Even the leaders of those star races have no access to Federation overlords. Because that is what they are, even though they are always hiding behind the conveniently twisted holistic step council society political structure, because they force everyone to try to resolve issues at their appointed level, not disturbing the ones above. Yet, those lower levels always end up waiting for approval from above, therefore ending up with no power to resolve complicated issues.

Their lack of transparency, and I mean a total lack of it, inevitably pushes whoever has two working neurons to conclude some very ugly things about the Galactic Federation, what it truly is, and who is behind it pulling all the strings. These are not all my theories, as CIC, the intelligence gathering deck on this ship, has shared with me some of them. Yet, I did not read them myself, so I can only give you my interpretation of them. I do not know the details of what people out there are saying.

One of the most prevalent ones states that the Galactic Federation has been taken over by dark forces. Most probably from Orion. For example, Draco Reptiles, the evil tall Grays in all their variant flavours, complete with all their allies and henchmen puppet races. The evidence suggests this theory is highly probable. I even dare say it is the most probable.

Whether the Galactic Federation was founded with the same structure it has today or was taken over at some point remains unknown. Yet, I'm leaning towards a takeover. The way they are operating indicates that a well-organized, highly intelligent criminal organization with a lot of power is controlling the Galactic Federation from behind, where the member star races remain ignorant to who controls them. Mostly only being able to see their appointed level, which is made of people and representatives of those same star races who work with a highly ethical political structure. Yet, that positive structure is limited by the levels immediately above, which are inaccessible and who use all the bureaucratic cracks and loopholes as protection to avoid being detected.

It is quite evident that the Galactic Federation is using the very same strategies the Cabal on Earth uses. They work with every level compartmentalized, where no one person nor groups can know or see the entire picture, not even at a lower level. Duality is also heavily used, where they cause a problem on one side and sell the solution on the other. They are very permissive towards all things evil, including regressive races and how they are allowed to exploit Earth and its people, while the Galactic Federation acts as if they were fighting them, with this effectively adding to the sick game of living in a biological body and in so-called material realms, which are heavily defined by hardship and suffering on Earth and elsewhere equally. Although we all agree that it is especially concentrated on Earth, I must insist that life is hard everywhere.

The Galactic Federation uses extensive galaxy-wide propaganda, always portraying itself as a super benevolent organization that fights against evil, freeing star nations from its oppressors. And yes, they have done that on numerous occasions. Yet, they may also be the oppressors as well, playing both sides in their sick duality dance. They use the goodwill and high ethics of countless advanced star races as their positive side in duality, while they also cause the problems those positive races must face for exploitation purposes while hiding behind obscurity and bureaucracy.

If you are a group of evil races, the best way to exploit your victims is to ensure that they do not know that they are victims. Making them think that the nature of life is hard. And this goes for individuals as for entire civilizations and cultures. I don't doubt for one minute that the Galactic Federation has many highly ethical positive civilizations as their members and who have done all that they can to help other less fortunate ones. Yet, it certainly looks like someone is causing all the problems to exploit the goodwill of those positive races.

Moving on to observe how things are locally in this Solar System, we can see how the Federation member races concerned with Earth are kept confused and always swimming in contradictory Federation mandates which justify them not acting directly and overtly in favour of humanity. They use the intentions of souls in higher realms as the perfect excuse to be permissive towards all kinds of dark agendas which promote more suffering. And no one is allowed to work against them, only to pose as if they were. And this can be seen with the countless promises the New Age has told humanity. Always stating that planetary liberation is just around the corner, when in fact it never arrives.

Knowing how regressive races work, it is best to hide, lie, confuse and manipulate rather than to confront the vast military of the positive races you aim to exploit. The strategy one can see is that whoever is controlling higher levels of the Galactic Federation has managed to use the very military of those positive races in their favour. Making it theirs. Making it work for them.

For example, Federation starships and military forces always belong to one or another specific star race. A Federation warship is never only a Federation warship because they task the fleet and the forces of other races to act on their behalf. When I say that we cannot simply fly one of our starships to Saturn to demand an audience with whoever is in charge because we are quickly chased away by Federation warships, those warships will always belong to the star races which are the most subservient to them. In this Solar System, the Centauri Alfratans are the most.

As one of my CIC friends recently stated, it is quite clear that the Federation created all the problems and all the suffering the Alfratan people had to endure to later liberate them, so transforming them into highly obedient subservants who are eternally grateful to the Federation for saving them, when in fact it was all plotted by the Federation from the start. Precisely to have that race subservient to them.

Evidence suggests that, in this Solar System, evil forces hide behind their Saturn bases and no fly zones. Yet, the problem is galaxy-wide. Obscurity is their best ally because all the positive star races don't know who or what to fight against, especially if they are mind controlled into thinking that nothing is wrong. Something very evil is hiding at some level in the Federation Saturn bases and beyond. Knowing exopolitics beyond this Solar System, I can see that the main regressive Federation control base is hiding here in this Solar System. Although there are other evil bases and hotspots all over Orion, for example, Saturn is clearly a galactic hub for aggressive evil races from where much of the galactic-wide chaos spawns.

The Viera level local Galactic Federation and all the star races which use it as their base are nothing more than loving, highly ethical, gutless, confused, useful idiots being manipulated by evil forces above them. They think that they are doing well, when in fact they are being exploited.

This conclusion is not only mine. The Urmah have also stated this on numerous occasions, and that is one of the reasons why they are interested in posting a military task force here. Their king is here and, as he said, he needs to be near the problem to understand it and face it. As I have said before, the reason why former Queen Alenym needed to be here in Earth's orbit and not on her home planet is because all the major Taygetan problems spawn from here. And that is precisely the reason why I am here now and not on my home planet. Although Alenym was and I am there almost everyday thanks to total immersion communication technology.

This is a very important subject, and it will continue, as there is so much more to be said. For example, I must discuss what my little sister Yazhi and I see happening way above in the astral because other worlds and the Federation itself also have an astral side, which is where all things in the material world are truly spawning from. I know the Federation will be very upset with me for saying these words, but they have earned it. I stand by my words, strong and fearless.

This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.

With much love.

Your friend,

Mari Swa

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