Gender Roles and Homosexuality in Space Lyrians and on Earth, and Past Lives (English)
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Swaruu Official - EnglishPublished
August 22, 2024Gender Roles and Homosexuality in Space Lyrians and on Earth, and Past Lives (English)
Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. Hello. Welcome to my channel. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously, and for whoever has eyes to see.
This is somewhat of an icky subject, and I'm not sure how YouTube will take it, so I will do my best to say things with as few roundabouts as possible. Yet, I may still use indirect language here and there. I know this subject interests many people on Earth, and it looks like everyone has been avoiding it, perhaps even for years. For clarity, please watch this video until the end, as it may trigger some of you, and I constantly twist and turn on this subject, giving multiple points of view. In other words, please let me finish my point.
As most, if not all, Lyrian humans and their cultures in space and far from Earth usually remember their past lives, reincarnation is obvious and taken for granted. Those are hard to prove scientifically on Earth and anywhere else, yet it is something that just about everyone experiences firsthand so it is taken as part of the things that science, whatever science, cannot explain, therefore accentuating and validating spirituality even more for those cultures whose population does remember their past lives.
As I started to explain in my previous video about this subject, remembering past lives has a very strong and even critical effect on the lives of individuals and on their culture and society, on its values, and how it is moulded. On Earth, the few individuals who do remember their past lives are mostly ostracized, taken as liars, or at least as curiosities. As they have only anecdotal evidence at best, they are not taken seriously by Earth's culture and science.
Yet, we must also remember the fact that all things spiritual and mind-expanding are always diminished and belittled by cultures on Earth. This is mostly for population control purposes. They are simply not enough people to cause or to impose a change on society's values on Earth by the simple fact of remembering their past lives. Contrary to what occurs on Earth, in just about all space human societies, reincarnation and remembering past lives directly influence, shape, and form the key values of all their cultures. Making them avidly shift to a less materialistic ethical frame.
Now, I will move on to the effects of reincarnation and remembering past lives upon genders and their roles. All past lives and their experiences affect the present one. This for all individuals. They define their personality traits, values, tastes, and preferences. What was lived before, even though it may not be consciously remembered, is what shapes the soul each person is today. Yet, and this at least mostly for Earth, the direct present ego of their current incarnation is mostly formed by what has been experienced during the present life, not so the larger and more expanded persona, which would be the sum of all the past lives as I would define it.
As many other researchers would state, souls do not have genders, as those would be part of what is defined by the biology of each incarnation. Although I would agree with this, I notice that those researchers are forgetting or do not know very important things here. A soul, like everything else, is shaped and manifested into existence by consciousness and its ideas, which it has grown attached to. Therefore, souls as such may not have any gender, yet after countless incarnations where they have been one or another, they do have a strong preference to be of one specific gender when they are incarnated in a biological body.
Souls do hold a preference to be male or female as the result of their vast past experiences. And that preference, which is held as an idea even when they are dwelling in higher ethereal realms and in between lives, would be a gender. Therefore, souls do have genders, but only as a soul would understand gender, as an idea based on memories. Yet, those ideas will logically define if a soul will be male or female in their next incarnation.
One thing that defines Lyrian human star cultures is that they are mostly made of old souls, those who have had countless incarnations and therefore are very experienced. Even more so when they hold clear past life memories, as many can effectively shift their ego self from one incarnation to the next, even to the point where they can continue with their past job or life plan.
Space Lyrian humans, who are mostly experienced old souls, with clear past life memories which define their present life consciously and shape the values of the society they are collectively manifesting, means that all their preferences and their identity self are strong and well established in each one of them. Therefore, their gender and sexual preferences are very clear for them as well.
All this I just explained means that homosexuality is virtually non-existent in any advanced Lyrian human stellar culture. Because having well-established, solid, and clear life preferences directly reflects onto the gender of the biological body each soul will incarnate in. If a soul has a preference towards males, it will incarnate into a female body to have the biological machinery and anatomy which will allow that soul to be with a male most effectively, as designed by nature. The reverse is as well. If a soul has a sexual preference for being with females, it will incarnate into a body with a congruent male anatomy to function with a female partner. It is as simple as that.
Yet, there are other more complicated factors which also determine why a soul would prefer to incarnate into a male or a female body. Those other factors would include social and role capabilities and assigned tasks each one would expect during an incarnation. Those also play a strong part in why a soul would prefer to be of one or the other gender. But these are more social reasons which are associated with the gender roles which are observed in each advanced stellar culture and vary from society to society.
But, even considering this last factor, souls still end up having a firm and clear preference for being a member of one or the other gender, as there are only more factors to consider which are also in the mix, but the end result is the same. Souls who are members of those advanced stellar Lyrian human cultures have a well-established preference for being male or female. Their identity is clear and firm because their society also is clear and firm, one defining, creating, and manifesting the other in harmony.
All this is unlike what is going on on Earth, whose society and culture are defined by the precise opposite. Earth culture, which is one culture, even though from down there it is thought to be the sum of several, yet, when observed from outside, it is quite clear to all of us space humans that it is only one matrixed, fragmented, chaotic human Lyrian culture based on institutionalized lies. Compulsive manipulation, mind control, and extreme gaslighting of souls.
On Earth, nothing is what it seems. There is no firm knowledge and no true congruent ethical frame. Confusion and chaos reign on Earth and have so for a very long time. It is only logical to see how that confusion is also imprinted onto the souls who constantly reincarnate there and who have no way to form a strong identity self.
Furthermore, souls who previously, during past incarnations, did have a strong identity self end up trapped in the claws of the extreme gaslighting and social mind manipulation of the Matrix on Earth, which causes them to stray from their most basic frame, including the one which dictated why they were born male or female. This causes disharmony between what the experienced soul, who has based its clear preferences on the experience gathered during its countless past lives, and the strong gaslighting and social pressure to accept and even want to be a transgender.
Many souls on Earth are so confused by a chaotic and illogical social structure that they have lost their identity, especially the one that they formed during their past lives. Yet, most have lost it temporarily and while under the hypnotic influence of the media and peer pressure, only to get their sanity back, but only too late, as they may have already gone through an artificial gender change.
As those are basically irreversible, there are now countless cases where those repented individuals fall into deep depression and even end up taking their own lives in an attempt to escape the suffering. The media is playing a very strong role here. And, as I see things, it is another example of how the true rights of a minority are weaponized by the controllers of Earth to further an obscure purpose or purposes, which are to cause a drastic drop in population and to destroy concepts such as the family and its ethical values and their associated social roles. All for population management and control and an effective social reset.
Going in deeper, as seen from higher above in the astral planes and other high existential realms, souls know what they are getting into. Earth is about the only place where a Lyrian human can experience homosexuality and the social norms and roles associated with it. An experience is an experience, and it is perfectly valid for those who need it. So souls do enter Earth purposefully to experience that.
The problem is that the rights and needs of that minority are being used to destroy social structures, such as the family or traditional gender roles, which are contrary to what the Cabal needs to control and reset Earth society. The controllers know humans better than they know themselves. They know that minorities will defend their rights. Therefore, while they are at it, they will work for them as sentinels or useful idiots who will defend the Cabal's plans, not knowing that they are doing so and therefore also working for their own destruction. And this goes for all weaponized minorities, not only the same gender movement. They all add up to produce an enormous sociocultural effect and a drastic drop in population.
Yet, very few people can connect all those agendas together, as they only see them as isolated events. For example, feminism and its counterpart, “men going their own way” movement, are connected to the gender ideology, as they add up with other agendas to create a strong population control and reduction effect.
As a side note here, we are aware that there aren't too many people on the planet. It is just another Matrix illusion because the Cabal has managed to centralize population onto great cities that are human farms, and those are the overpopulated areas, not the entire planet. Yet, people cannot believe that there isn't any overpopulation, as all they can empirically see is the overpopulated urban centre in which they live. But that is another subject.
Homosexuals have the right to be so, as straight people also have the same rights. But anyone's rights end when the ones of others begin. Therefore, imposing that ideology onto children, as they are doing so nowadays, is nothing short of criminal. Even worse when so-called normal people do nothing to prevent it simply because they are incapable of contradicting the social trend. And this is a clear indication that they lack a firm sense of identity and ethical frame.
This is not a video against the gay community. It is an awareness heads-up because it has been used and weaponized against others. And, as I said above, anyone's rights end when the ones of others begin. And, as for myself, because I know just about all of you want me to say it, I am a straight girl and I remember having been female over and over again throughout all the past lifetimes I can remember. And, by the way, I am not a feminist.
This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.
With much love.
Your friend,
Mari Swa
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