Transcripciones - ATTACHE, english

This page contains information provided by Taygetans (mostly Aneeka of Temmer) and Yazhi Swaruu to a few contactees who used to be in communication with the Taygetan team. The information was given between 2020 - 2021, originally in Spanish.

Algunas de las transcripciones también incluyen traducciones en otros idiomas proporcionadas por la comunidad. Importante: Están accesibles solamente desde la sección de los transcriptos en Ingles. No somos responsables de la calidad de las traducciones. NOTA PARA LOS TRADUCTORES: Traduzca lo más exactamente posible al texto original. No agregue ni reste ningún texto. ¡Gracias!

Destruction of the Matrix and Manipulation of History - **NO VIDEO**

ATTACHE, english September 01, 2020

**Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**


ATTACHE, english January 29, 2020

**Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Stars 2 - Living beings with consciousness / Space suits **NO VIDEO**

ATTACHE, english September 23, 2020

**Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

Expansion of Lyra, The pre-history / Origin of Human beings / The Orion wars **NO VIDEO**

ATTACHE, english August 08, 2020

**Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

The Stars - Anéeka **NO VIDEO**

ATTACHE, english August 03, 2020

**Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

First chat with Yazhi Swaruu **NO VIDEO**

ATTACHE, english July 06, 2020

**Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**