Transcripts - Swaruu Official - English

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

A Perfect Example of how a Soul becomes Strongly Attached to its past life, a true story (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 19, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Important Comments, several other subjects, please watch to understand everything better (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 17, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Artificial Weather (English ) / (Re-loaded)

Swaruu Official - English October 17, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Do not take Psychedelics (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 15, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Stop Drinking Alcohol (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 11, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Aircraft exhaust contaminants (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 09, 2023

Originally written in British English.

Audio and Music Conspiracy Detected (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 07, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Avoid building Karma, or build as much Karma as you can in your life (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 05, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

The Terrible Ending of the First Settlers on Planet Procyon. (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 03, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

Society in Taygeta, Structure. (English)

Swaruu Official - English October 01, 2023

Originally Written in British English.

The Elites are Planning to leave Earth. (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 29, 2023


Taygeta, origins and history. Part 1 (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 27, 2023

Originally Written in British English.