CLASS 001 - Something Is Not Right in the Reality Around You

Space Academy - Sector Earth
January 25, 2025

CLASS 001 - Something Is Not Right in the Reality Around You

Gosia: Welcome to Space Academy Class 1. I am glad you are here and thank you for your patience awaiting this first episode. This video is the introductory few words from me to all of you. It´s short but important. Everything else that will come next relies on it. Enjoy!


So this is life. Your daily routine full of duties, work to sustain yourself day by day, responsibilities, joys, melancholies, constant ups and downs. You push through day in day out, Christmas after Christmas, Sunday after Sunday, year after year. Days becoming shorter, your life moving in front your eyes, closer and closer to the final day. It kind of seems to make sense, you can even enjoy it, who doesn´t like the cup of warm tea and snuggle in front of the favorite series? Life can indeed be so pleasant.

And yet, despite seeming order, you catch glimpses of gnawing feeling that something doesn´t quite fit, perhaps something missing in the overall picture of life? Why do you feel alone, why are there so many things you see wrong with the society, why do you feel out of place? What is all this for? All this effort applied to this one life and then you´re gone? Why does it feel like you are missing more pieces of the puzzle? The way your life runs is not enough, what you see around you doesn´t always add up. What is really going and why so many things feel like there is more to it all but you are not told what it is?

You turn to religions, but it´s not really there, pieces don´t fit. You turn towards your friends, but they either are too busy or not preoccupied, your family, quite the same. If you are lucky, you may find yourself someone, a partner maybe, who accepts the curious spirit within you and might even journey with you. More often than not, though, you feel alone. Something is amiss and you wish so much you knew what it was. Something is calling within.

Society itself doesn´t give you answers either. On the contrary, it seems filling everyone with so many temporary temptations, all as if placed there on purpose to keep them away from seeing clearly and exploring deeper meaning of reality around. Or maybe there is nothing there to explore and you are just thinking too much? People around you seem to be doing fine. Then why can´t you just be at peace?

You try but you just can´t. The constant hamster wheel of life designed by the society pulling you in to experience it the way it wants you to experience it, focused on career, money, establishing yourself materially, surrounded by countless gadgets and objects, fast satisfaction, cheap entertainment… is it really the only way to success in life? Is that really all there is about me? Why are they imposing that on me with such a vigor? Who are they in the first place and who is orchestrating the way I must live? Who says I must follow and why do people look down on me if I don´t? What is wrong with me to feel that something is not right? Why am I so unfulfilled and why do I always feel like I must struggle against the flow?

My dear friend, what you feel is so not wrong, it is so right, and I, at Space Academy, will be the first, perhaps, to congratulate you on taking the first step to the greater expansion – feeling that something around you is not right. It is not, and is it people like yourself, who do not fit and do not agree with the imposed so-called reality that are true shifters of worlds, creators of new realities, real system busters, even if it´s just by feeling at first that you do not fit.

As Krishnamurti once said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”, and in this first class, without going into any specific data yet, as it´s just introductory, I want you to embrace your feeling of not belonging, of not fully clicking with the ways of the society. Soon enough, you will understand why that is, who is behind regulating what this life is supposed to be, and why you feel there is more.

There is more, and I am so excited to share with you what that more is. Trust your feelings and yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are blessed to feel different. That is a true gift to this planet.

And no, I am not going to sell you a new religion or impose a new set of beliefs. In Space Academy, I will simply share what I, and many others who know me and who taught me, believe that is taking place in the world and in the reality you are living in. This is only to offer you a different perspective, information that perhaps you didn´t consider yet but which you have the full right to access. Then you decide yourself, and only yourself, if it helps you understand pieces of your life, or not.

Know this, if you feel that governments are hiding shady agendas, then they are, that your educational system is flawed, then it is, that science is biased, then it is, that religions are limited, then they are, that medical corporations are not really there to heal, then they are not, that there is a hidden hand behind it all keeping your potential and creativity from blossoming, that having to work for survival keeps you slaves so we don´t “escape” to other pursuits, do not dismiss these feelings in fear of being labeled conspiranoid. All these are extremely valid and important questions to ask, and if your intuition is guiding you to question, do not discard any of it. Your intuition is your road map. Nothing external can ever replace that.

Before I let you go, let me introduce you to the experimental section of the classes, and that is Community Workshop, in which several members of our online communities, people like yourself, but perhaps already aware of many aspects of what I am going to teach you about, will share their own perspective and experience on each of the presented topics. Most of them are not professional speakers and never gave public talks, so be patient, it is the opportunity for them to express what they know, practice sharing their knowledge, and I am grateful to each one of them for contributing to these classes. Thank you!

Community Workshop

Gosia: Something is definitely not right with the system of things on Earth, it is designed this way on purpose, and we will be exploring this, and so much more, going all the way into space and why it is connected, in many, many future episodes. Stay tuned for future classes. This one is only the beginning of your journey. 

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