CLASS 002 - False Realities Around you - Is Reality as You Are Told?

Space Academy - Sector Earth
February 14, 2025

CLASS 002 - False Realities Around you - Is Reality as You Are Told?

Gosia: Hello! Welcome back! I am Gosia and this is Space Academy Class 2.

Last time we talked about the feeling that some things are not really ok in the reality around you. Today we will continue deepening this subject a bit more because opening yourself to the possibility that things are not as you have been told is the key to understand many future topics. Mind open, and let´s begin!

Children, when at a certain phase of their development, are given a frame of reality designed especially for them, a construct based on tooth fairies and Santa Clause that makes them feel comfortable and helps them understand what goes on around. Children rely on the adults for answers and whatever we give them, will be real. That will be their reality, just because we said so. It will be false from our point of view, but totally true to the little ones. We are the authority, after all. If we tell them that their hamster who just died packed and decided to go on a trip, they will be waiting for the postcard.

Unfortunately, once we, as children, grow up and become so-called adults, the process of looking to others for answers about what is real and what is not continues, where now we look up to other types of authorities to inform us if something is real or not. We have been conditioned this way, to always depend on the approval and guidance of the "elders", someone who "knows more than us" as authorities. Governments, teachers, scientists, priests, TV, someone to tell us what is false and what is real. The population is accustomed to being given ready and digested information. Only few dare to question deeply. And so we let the "authorities" provide us with their construct of reality, barely ever questioning. One we followed as toddlers gets replaced by another, seemingly more sophisticated one, more logical, more certain, based on "facts". Deep inside, we remain children.

Moreover, humans have a strong tendency to follow whatever their pack dictates because they are social animals, and thinking on their own is deemed as dangerous because it may cause them to be isolated from the rest of the pack, placing their survival at risk. Due to this, most humans are simply too much into their own survival to bother wasting time and energy in questioning things that don't have to do with their immediate needs. And all this is by design because what the ones that control the planet want is to have the population completely dependent on them and on what they want to give them as a reality. Why? You will understand more as we go on.

However, with most humans still not willing to question, many of us, and more each single day, are now at the stage in which we are waking up to the fact that there is more to the officially presented facts and to the illusion of many of the mass-produced narratives. You are one of them. You start to question if that hamster really left for a trip. Did he really? You start to question that imposed version of the reality.

But one could argue, what is reality anyway? Ok. Without getting too philosophical at this point, just a little bit, one could say that, from the personal point of view, what each person sees as reality is by definition reality for them. And, from their point of view and awareness, that is reality and nothing else. Saying that one reality is more true or false than another would only apply from another point of view. Just as the tooth fairy IS reality to your child but not to you. But it´s what she/he believes, so that´s their reality.

In this sense, then, the reality wouldn´t be, and isn´t in most cases, something fixed, it´s simply what the person believes. The beliefs, systems of values, points of view are relative to each person, to their capacity of understanding, and it´s what forms their reality.

What follows from this is that there are as many realities as beliefs. And there is only a collective reality when many people agree between them. So, a collective reality is a series of agreements. And the most dominant ones are the ones that the collective will accept as true.

But, as the reality itself can only be a series of agreements between two or more people, who determines, in a society like ours, what reality is or is not other than those who control these agreements?

It is here where we encounter a problem, world governments imposing a well-designed reality on a mass of people who have delegated their power to decide for themselves the course of their lives. Tooth fairy realities disguised as facts imposed by who they perceive as authorities, fed to them not from the position of offering knowledge, but of imposing it in order to acquire personal gain. Forcing onto them collectively agreed on beliefs - hence, creating a collective reality. Because, as we saw before, collective reality is a series of agreements among people.

In this class, since it´s still in the introductory phase, I will not go into each one of those realities disguised as facts, and I also won´t be able to explain yet who "they", those who impose, are and what their personal gain is, we will discuss all that in detail in the future. But what if I told you that what you collectively think is your reality is only a very well-crafted construct, implemented as such by those in power, where they have led you to believe, with arguments and in a compelling way, many false and limiting ideas which, later on, became dogmas. What if I told you that it has been this way for millenia, continually guiding people´s perception, always adapting the methods.

They don´t even hide they are doing this, as in 1981, William J. Casey, CIA Director, said publicly: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false".

One of their means to cement those false ideas are, obviously, the media, used to shape the realities for the masses. If you aware enough, you will already know that the press and the media are completely controlled and not in truth business. They only transmit whatever their owners want the people to think at any given time or about any specific situation. And once that´s done, the very population of the Earth serves then as a control mechanism, or as agents, of the created construct. How? By simply believing what they are told, by making that their reality, further securing the collective agreements on any given topic, this way cementing an imposed collective reality.

The same goes for science, yet another construct, where what is given to the population in general is not what the ones in control use. Again, we are given a tooth fairy version of the greater scientific reality, a fraction of what they wish to filter to the public; version that is hijacked by the interests of the powerful few and political or economic agendas, with studies and results accommodated and filtered, only using the ones that are convenient.

The same for what is given to humanity in all areas of life, history, medicine, spirituality, education, and the list goes on. And, most of the time, a population is so immersed in the dogmas imposed on them in all those fields that they cannot even fathom the possibility that there may be other ways to interpret things outside the imposed truth-frame.

And why is that, why can´t they consider that there is more? They can´t because they lack the necessary context to see further. Officially, at least, they are not being offered any other or larger context. And a person can only understand a concept with the framework of their own mind, with what they already know. No one can see and understand anything outside their own frame of knowledge, they cannot interpret any information if they don´t have background to understand it in the first place. They can only understand reality with the concepts they know.

And what they know is guided and controlled. Obviously, they cannot see the bigger picture because it is designed that way. The authorities are not going to give them and you that bigger picture. Don´t expect that! That bigger picture is not offered to the masses without them having to go and look for it themselves. You need to be able to consider other information, other points of view, especially outside the framework of the official ones, in order to access the larger contexts. My role here, in Space Academy, is to offer you some of that missing context because we believe that the greater your frame of understanding is, you will understand more accurately the world in which you live and your own role in it.

As my dear friend once said:

"If your perception is of the size of a small box, your reality and your universe will be only the right size to fit inside that box. If you have a more expanded perception, your reality will be consequently, and to the same extent, more expanded. The greater the awareness, the greater the perception of reality. It is directly proportional."

Be aware that almost everything official on Earth has a false narrative behind and a reason to be so. Everything that is going on is synchronized, it is all related to one another, and nothing is only by chance. The reality, as we said above, is the perception of the individual, but it must be something they themselves choose based on all possible information made available to them, and not an imposed reality that has been made up, designed and orchestrated by a third party presenting itself as the absolute figure of authority.

Before we end, something crucial to comprehend, and we will go into it more in depth later on too, and that is why do the ones in power care what we collectively believe? Why do they spend so much effort to guide our perception towards false constructs of realities?

Let me help you see the answer to this question sharing a social experiment called "Counterclockwise" done by Ellen Langer in 1981 where she put a group of elderly people in a community made to represent life from 1959. They were instructed to live there as if they were 20 years younger for some time and, after a while, not only did they all start to feel much better, but they showed biological effects of age reversal.

Are you getting a hint from this story? What´s the moral of this experiment? Anyone? Can we see here how important our beliefs are in causing changes, including biological ones like in this case?

Very important: Your mind, individual and collective, is a powerful tool and what you throw into it matters. The controllers know this very well, and that´s why they dedicate so much effort to fabricate collective beliefs, collective agreements, because that is what further cements realities which they want to generate on Earth. Reality on Earth is managed, you must understand this, and if you control people's perception, you control what people manifest for themselves. This is the great why of mind control on Earth. You only need to implant ideas in a population, agreements about how things should be perceived, and you control what those people create, you have them locked in the Matrix.

Wow, Matrix! The famous "matrix" word everyone is always throwing around out there. What is it, the Matrix? Well, that will be exactly a subject for the next class. I will explain what the Matrix is as it is one of the most important concepts to understand in Space Academy curriculum. For now, let´s go to see what our community members have to say about false realities in their life.

Community Workshop

Gosia: Thank you, guys! It´s always good to see participation from you.

It´s time for you to develop a sense of self-responsibility for your whole person and for what you decide to take as truth. You must form your own and unique criteria. Free your mind. You cannot take for granted anything at all. Forget everything you have learned to be hard facts and realize there aren’t any, start again! You must always be ready to accept a newer point of view that can replace the former if you decide it is better. Never relinquish your capacity to think on your own. See you in the next class!

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