Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Mini-Mini Topics - Quick Questions and Answers (Yazhi and Athena Swaruu)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 18, 2024

Ok, guys, time to dig out some mini topics! This time, it´s actually MINI-MINI topics, meaning, brief questions and answers that can´t even be labeled as "mini topics", hence the name: mini mini. Bunch of random questions Yazhi and Athena answered in our interactions.

A Taygetan Supply Mission to Earth (English)

Swaruu Official - English May 30, 2024

Originally written in British English.


Despejando Enigmas, Robert December 13, 2021


Federación Galáctica y Dinero - Comentarios de Athena Swaruu

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia November 16, 2024

Me acabo de dar cuenta de que tengo un montón de mini temas para mi serie de MINI TEMAS que tenia olvidada. Revisándolos, encontré esta breve conversación con Athena sobre la Federación y el control del dinero en la Tierra, creo que del 2023 o principios del 2024, que decidí sacar de mini temas y compartir como su propio video.

Misión Taygeteana de Suministros a la Tierra

Swaruu Official - Español May 31, 2024


Galactic Federation and Money - Athena Swaruu´s Additional Comments

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 15, 2024

I have just realized I have a bunch of mini topics for my MINITOPICs series put aside of which I forgot. Revising them, I found this short conversation with Athena about Federation and money control on Earth, I think from 2023 or beginning 2024, which I decided to pull out of mini topics and share as its own video.

Están Viviendo las últimas etapas de un Reinicio Cultural y Social Total

Swaruu Official - Español May 28, 2024



Despejando Enigmas, Robert October 17, 2024


You are Experiencing the last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset (English)

Swaruu Official - English May 27, 2024

Originally written in British English.

Noticias espaciales, 25 de mayo de 2024, Naves, Pájaros Moghyay, Meteorito sobre España, mi YouTube

Swaruu Official - Español May 26, 2024


Vida Interestelar 7 - Naves Estelares Taygeteanas (Pléyades) - Materiales y Construcción

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia November 13, 2024

En este episodio, vais a aprender cómo se construyen las naves espaciales Pleyadianas de Taygeta, los materiales de los que están hechas, etc. ¡Esto es para todos vosotros, amantes de la tecnología extraterrestre y de naves estelares!

Van Allen Belts and DNA - short casual chat with Swaruu of Erra (2018/19)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 02, 2024

Hello friends! Before the next Monthly Recap, I am throwing in a short video with the older information - conversation between Robert and Swaruu of Erra about Van Allen Bands an DNA.