Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

December 22, 2023 Swaruu Official - English
You are never really alone, Guardian Angels of all kinds, Part 1 (English)

Originally written in British English.

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December 21, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Clarification regarding Galactic Federation - Gosia

Quick clarification as, apparently, several people have understood, from some of the information that has been shared, that there is war in space about to happen with the Federation. Also watch today´s Mari´s video for more:

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December 21, 2023 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Clarificacion sobre la Federacion Galactica - Gosia

Rápida aclaración ya que, al parecer, varias personas han entendido, por parte de la información que se ha compartido, que hay una guerra en el espacio a punto de suceder con la Federación. Ver también el vídeo de Mari de hoy para más información:

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December 21, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español
Noticias Espaciales y muchos comentarios importantes


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December 20, 2023 Swaruu Official - English
Space News, and a lot of important comments (English)

Originally written in British English.

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December 19, 2023 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Athena Swaruu - Recopilación de Todas las Preguntas Respondidas en el Directo (CON LA SORPRESA)

Preguntas que Athena Swaruu respondió en el reciente directo del día 10 de diciembre, en ambos idiomas, español e inglés. Al final del vídeo, hay una pequeña sorpresa, preguntas adicionales del chat que Athena respondió unos días después del directo.

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December 17, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español
Sobrevivir a las Fiestas, para Semillas Estelares


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December 16, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Athena Swaruu - Compilation of All Questions Answered in the Live (with the Surprise)

Questions Athena Swaruu responded in the recent live on the 10th of December, in both languages, Spanish and English. At the end of the video, there is a little surprise, additional questions Athena answered few days after the live.

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December 16, 2023 Swaruu Official - English
Surviving the Holidays, for Star Seeds (English)

Originally written in British English.

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December 15, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español


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December 14, 2023 Swaruu Official - English
Ascension (English)

Originally written in British English.

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December 13, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español
Primer Aniversario de éste canal, Swaruu Oficial. Muchas Gracias


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