Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

November 07, 2018 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
How to Raise Your Frequency: Direct Message from the Pleiadian Contact (8)

This is chapter 8 of the series Chats with Swaruu, the extraterrestrial woman from Taygeta (Pleiades) (5D) with whom I am in contact in WRITING. In this chapter, we talk about all different practical ways to raise our frequency, and get nearer the 5D reality. Important note: Since the day this video was published, Taygetan findings declared that it is necessary to eat meat if that´s what you feel your body needs. The information about non-meat diet in this video is older, and reflected Swaruu´s perception of that time. See video on "Veganism" and "Veganism - Yazhi Swaruu responds Questions from the Public"

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November 05, 2018 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Swaruu: Navegacion Estelar 1: PREGUNTAS (Contacto Extraterrestre)

Estas son algunas preguntas que hize a Swaruu de Erra (Taygeta/Pléyades) sobre su articulo de Navegación Estelar 1. Hablamos de viajes en tiempo, navegación por frequencias, vuelos Warp/SupraLuminares, exploraciones, y mas. Al final añado algunos comentarios personales.

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November 04, 2018 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Artificial Intelligence and Clones (Extraterrestrial Message from Pleyades) (Biology 3 questions)

These are questions for the third article of Swaruu, a young extraterrestrial Taygetan woman of the Pleiades, with whom we are in contact in writing. I will ask about the Red Queen, Artificial Intelligence, Clones, Wifi, and why she is giving us this information. Lots of greetings and until next time!

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November 01, 2018 Despejando Enigmas, Robert
LA CRIOPRESERVACIÓN LO QUE NO TE DICEN - La Inmortalidad – Criogenización – Swaruu de Erra


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October 31, 2018 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Artificial Intelligence, Clones, Artificial Souls and Chips: Extraterrestrial Message to Earth (Biology 3)

In this third article Swaruu, a young extraterrestrial woman from Taygeta of the Pleiades, with whom we are in contact in writing, will explain the technology of the clones that is already in use on planet Earth, but that at the moment only the elites have access to. It will explain how they work, and what kind of Artificial Intelligence is behind them. The Red Queen will be mentioned, a super Artificial Intelligence that controls everything, and how the chips that governments want to implant work. We will talk about abductions and MILAB as well. Much to learn in this article. Until next time!

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October 30, 2018 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Navegacion Estelar Extraterrestre, Viajes en Tiempo, Mapas InterEstelares: Swaruu de Erra (Pleyades)

En este episodio, el articulo escrito por Swaruu de Erra (Taygeta), ella nos habla en detalle sobre de que se trata la navegación estelar realizada por las razas extraterrestres, de como se produce mapas estelares, que motores de las naves llevan, y como funcionan viajes en tiempo. Increíble toda la información!

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October 28, 2018 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Reptilian Cabal Experiments: Swaruu Extraterrestrial Woman from Pleiades Speaks Out (Biology 2)

The new essay of Swaruu, a young extraterrestrial woman of Taygeta of the Pleiades with whom we are in communication in writing. The important article that deals with many things which will also be mentioned in the following articles. To understand what is coming, please do not miss this part! We talk here about the experiments carried out by the Cabal (together with the extraterrestrial negative races, Reptilies, Dracos and others) underground with the souls (admas) of the people for their negative genetic agendas. It also deals with abductions and why some of them are carried out. In the end, we go into the subject of the ascension to the 5D, as Swaruu sees it.

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October 28, 2018 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Swaruu: Que Signfica ser una Persona 5D: Contacto Extraterrestre Pleyadiano (12)

Este es el capitulo 12 de Charlas con Swaruu. En este episodio hablo con Swaruu sobre como es tener la mentalidad 5D aun estando en 3D, que diferencias hay entre nosotros y ellos en este sentido, y como romper la Matrix 3D para acercarse mas a la conciencia 5D. Disfrutalo.

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October 26, 2018 Despejando Enigmas, Robert

Varias preguntas con sus respuestas que podrás ver en el próximo video.

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October 22, 2018 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Not Real People: Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiades (Taygeta) (7)

This is the seventh chapter of the series "Chats with Swaruu." In this episode, I talk to Swaruu about the false people, not real ones, who are part of the Matrix but have no soul. They are empty inside, manifestation of our own creative mind. Controversial and super interesting topic!

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October 20, 2018 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message: Falsity of Earth Science (Swaruu)

"The Falsity of Earth Science" is an article written by Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleyades), an extraterrestrial woman with whom I communicate in writing. The article deals with the reasons why we should not depend on official mainstream terrestrial science in the field of deeper subjects such as cosmology. It will also mention the Extraterrestrial Diclosure, Free Energy, Quantum Mechanics, Reductionism, Materialism, Determinism, etc.

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October 18, 2018 Despejando Enigmas, Robert


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