Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

July 23, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Interstellar Life 6B - Taygetan Pleiadian Advanced Fighter Crafts - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu

Newer models of Suzy and newest Super Suzys! Fresh information from Athena Swaruu, just shared several days ago. If all goes well, there will be another part. P.S. Guess who the red one belongs to? You will find out in this video.

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July 18, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Interstellar Life 6A - Taygetan Pleiadian Special Fighter Crafts - Yazhi and Athena Swaruu

Let´s kick it off again with the next episode of Interstellar Life - SUZY. It is an older chat when Yazhi still had her Suzy ship and she is describing in detail what´s inside. Several short chats with Athena Swaruu, our favourite super pilot, are also included. After this video, I will make another one with fresh information about Super Suzy, the newest model of this amazing fighter class spaceship.

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July 18, 2024 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Vida Interestelar 6A - Naves de Caza Avanzadas de Taygeta (Pleyades) - Yazhi y Athena Swaruu

Empecemos de nuevo con el próximo episodio de Vida Interestelar: SUZY. Es una conversación más antigua en la que Yazhi todavía tenía su nave Suzy y describe en detalle lo que hay dentro. También se incluyen varias charlas cortas mas recientes con Athena Swaruu, nuestra superpiloto favorita. Después de este video, haré otro con información nueva sobre Super Suzy, el modelo más nuevo de esta increíble nave espacial de combate.

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June 25, 2024 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Nave Antigua Lemuriana Abandonada - Aneeka de Temmer

Breve conversación con Aneeka de Temmer sobre la antigua nave Lemuriana cerca de la Tierra.

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June 22, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Ancient Abandoned Lemurian Ship - Aneeka of Temmer

Short conversation with Aneeka of Temmer about the old Lemurian ship near Earth.

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June 13, 2024 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Yazhi Swaruu en Directo en Ingles - Traducido al Español

El dia 10 de Junio iba a hacer el directo en Ingles sobre las agendas del Cabal y aparecio Yazhi informandome que Mari Swaruu fue coronada reina. Asi que cancele el tema de directo y lo convertimos en una sesión con Yazhi. Estas son las preguntas que fueron respondidas en el directo. Mi canal Ingles: COSMIC AGENCY.

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June 10, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Surprise Live with Yazhi Swaruu! - Mari Swaruu has been Crowned a Queen

For technical difficulties, the live begins at minute 12. I was about to do this live on Cabal and their agendas, when just before Yazhi informed me that they were just coronating Mari Swaruu as the queen. She joined me in the live and we made it into a surprise session for everyone. Enjoy!

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June 07, 2024 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Alta Frecuencia y Malos Eventos - Athena y Yazhi Swaruu

¿Alguna vez os habéis preguntado por qué, a pesar de la alta frecuencia, a veces todavía suceden algunas cosas negativas? ¿Por qué algunos planetas, todos pacíficos y que no se centran en el miedo y el mal, todavía fueron invadidos? Estoy hablando de este tema primero con Athena y luego con Yazhi. ¡A ver cómo ellas lo ven, que no es algo blanco o negro!

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June 06, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
High Frequency and Bad Events - Athena and Yazhi Swaruu

Have you ever wondered why is it that, despite high frequency, some negative stuff still happens sometimes? Why is it that some planets out there, all peaceful and not focusing on fear and evil stuff, still got invaded in the past, or maybe even still do? I am talking about this topic first with Athena, and then with Yazhi. Let´s see how they see this, as it´s not something black and white!

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May 30, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Galactic Federation and Extraterrestrial Councils - Aneeka of Temmer responds questions

A video that I am only publishing in English, as Robert already published it a few years ago in Spanish, where Aneeka of Temmer responded a few questions regarding Galactic Federation, stepped councils, and more. Older conversation but still valid, and was never shared in English. Most of it you already know, those of you who have been following us for a long time, still though, I want it all out there, so here it is.

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May 27, 2024 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Charla "Post-Espejos" - Conversación Metafísica con Yazhi Swaruu

Este siguiente video presenta una nueva conversación metafísica con Yazhi Swaruu sobre algunas de las dudas restantes que tenía sobre Matrix insertando historias para personas de mundos que no coinciden, sobre si Matrix crea historias para los Hashmallim, sobre capturados pilotos Centauri y sus historias, etc. También hablamos de recuerdos, del pasado/pasado “falso”, de entidades astrales, ¡y también del Efecto Mandela! La conversación fluye en muchas direcciones. ¡Disfrutar!

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May 26, 2024 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Post - "Mirrors" Chat - Metaphysical Conversation with Yazhi Swaruu

This next video features a fresh metaphysical conversation with Yazhi Swaruu munchkin (as I call her sometimes) about some of the remaining doubts I had about Matrix inserting stories for people from un-matching realms, about whether Matrix creates stories for the Hashmallim, about captured Centauri pilots and their stories, etc. We also talked about memories, the past/"false" past, astral entities, and also about Mandela Effect! The conversation flows in many directions. Enjoy!

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