Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Intuition, Logic and Heart - The Search for "Truth"

Za'el and Arien - English July 26, 2023


Fantasmas, apariciones, espíritus y espectros, Contexto Necesario. Parte 1

Swaruu Official - Español September 16, 2023


Ghosts and Apparitions, First Part, Necessary Context. (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 15, 2023

Originally Written in English.

Despertar y Conciencia, ¿En qué nivel estás?

Swaruu Official - Español September 14, 2023


Awakening and Awareness, What level are you at? (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 13, 2023

Originally Written in English.

Urmah Ari, Segunda Entrevista. Ética, forma de vida Felina Interestelar, También Motivacional

Swaruu Official - Español September 12, 2023


Urmah Ari, Second Interview. Ethics, Interstellar Feline way of life. Motivation Video. (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 11, 2023

Originally Written in English.

La Iluminación Espiritual y Cyndriel Aldebaran, un Planeta Místico

Swaruu Official - Español September 10, 2023


Enlightenment, and Cyndriel Aldebaran, a Mystical planet. (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 09, 2023

Originally Written in English.

Agenda Positiva - PARTE 2 - Conversación con Yazhi Swaruu

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia January 02, 2024

Este vídeo y el anterior surgieron de la pregunta de alguien, y era: “Muchos ya tenemos clara la agenda 2030, pero ¿la “luz” no tiene su propia agenda y planes?”. Le pasé esta pregunta primero a Athena y luego a Yazhi, y así es como dividí este tema. El video anterior es una conversación con Athena, a la que llamé Preludio, ya que era más corta y casual, y luego, en este, hablo con Yazhi. ¡Disfrutar! AGENDA POSITIVA - PARTE 1 - ATHENA SWARUU:

The Urmah Interview, Arishah-Tiger, Part 2 (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 07, 2023

Originally Written in English.


Despejando Enigmas, Robert July 29, 2021
