Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Yazhi Swaruu - Sabiduria de "Niña" Extraterrestre - Charla Metafísica

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia August 19, 2022

Hablemos mas con Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia)! Me encanta esta charla, especialmente la segunda parte, donde tocamos variedad de temas sobre la lucha dentro de la dualidad, densidades bajos vs altos, y temas relacionados.

Swaruu of Erra and ex NASA engineer discuss Moon Landings/Interview with Dale Harder

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 19, 2022

Part 2 of the mini series on Apollo Moon landings. This time Swaruu of Erra talks to Dale Harder (2019-2020) about the subject. Dale used to work for NASA department for many years and felt very disappointed about the fact we didn´t go to the moon. How does he feel about it now? APOLLO MISSIONS PART 1 -

Navegacion Estelar II - VUELO SUPRA-LUMINAR - Nave Extraterrestre - Swaruu de Erra

Despejando Enigmas, Robert October 27, 2019

Navegacion Estelar II - VUELO SUPRA-LUMINAR - Nave Extraterrestre - Swaruu de Erra

Navegacion Estelar II – Que es la Gravedad -Swaruu de Erra - Que es la Gravedad

Despejando Enigmas, Robert September 03, 2019

Navegacion Estelar II – Que es la Gravedad -Swaruu de Erra - Que es la Gravedad

Apollo Moon Missions - Fake or Real? PART 1 - Conversation with Swaruu of Erra

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 15, 2022

Did we go to the Moon? Were Apollo missions real? In this part, I share the conversation Swaruu of Erra had with Robert about the topic back in 2018. In the next part, I will share the chat Dale Harder had with Swaruu, followed by a short interview with Dale.

Navegacion Estelar II - Swaruu de Erra - Circulos de las cosechas - Naves Extraterrestres

Despejando Enigmas, Robert August 30, 2019

Navegacion Estelar II - Swaruu de Erra - Circulos de las cosechas - Naves Extraterrestres

Navegacion Estelar II - Swaruu de Erra -Como pilotar una nave

Despejando Enigmas, Robert August 27, 2019

Navegacion Estelar II - Swaruu de Erra -Como pilotar una nave

Past Lives Memories - Contemplations with Athena Swaruu, Yazhi, and Gosia

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 13, 2022

Let's talk a little more about past life memories, if it´s good to have them, how the Swaruus live them, how they can be rewritten, etc. At the end of the video I leave a message for the Taygeta team of my immersion pod. :)

Memorias de Vidas Pasadas - Contemplaciones con Athena, Yazhi, y Gosia

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia August 12, 2022

Hablemos un poco mas de las memorias, si sirven, como sirven, como las viven las Swaruus, como se las puede reescribir, etc. Al final del video dejo un mensaje para el equipo de mi inmersion en Taygeta.


Despejando Enigmas, Robert August 08, 2022


Soul Traps and Amnesia Machines before death - Do They Exist? - Athena Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 08, 2022

Many people believe that there are traps for souls when they die that make them return to Earth. Or that there are machines that erase the memories of souls when they incarnate again on Earth. Do they exist? What does Athena Swaruu tell us about it? Included are brief comments from Yazhi and Swaruu of Erra. In the second part of the video I clarify the points.

Existen Trampas para las Almas y Maquinas de Borrado de Memorias? - Athena Swaruu

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia August 08, 2022

Muchas personas creen que existen una trampas para las almas al morir que les hacen volver a la Tierra. O que existen unas maquinas que borran las memorias de las almas al encarnar de nuevo en la Tierra. Es cierto que existen? Que nos cuenta Athena Swaruu? Incluidos pequeños comentarios de Yazhi y Swaruu de Erra. En la segunda parte del video aclaro los puntos.