Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
October 26, 2020 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Is There Really Free Will? And How many Timelines? Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact

This is another deep video from our dear extraterrestrial friend and guide Yázhí Swaruu. She goes into the topic of timelines, free will, and expansion of consciousness in general.

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October 20, 2020 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Agujeros Negros - Preguntas del Público - Anéeka (Contacto Extraterrestre - Taygeta - Pleiades)

Estas son algunas de vuestras preguntas sobre el video de Agujeros Negros. Anéeka aporta las respuestas.

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October 20, 2020 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Black Holes - Questions from the Public - Anéeka (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta, Pleiades)

In this video Anéeka (Taygeta, Pleiades) responds some of the questions about the Black Holes I chose.

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October 19, 2020 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Llamarada Solar - Olas Galácticas - Anéeka y Dale Harder (Pléyades - Comunicación Extraterrestre)

Hablemos de los destellos solares y las ondas galácticas, y si y cómo afectan la conciencia humana. Es una breve conversación entre Anéeka, Dale Harder y yo.

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October 17, 2020 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Agujeros Negros, Portales, Sun - Que Son Realmente? - Contacto Extraterrestre (Taygeta, Pleyades)

Swaruu, Yázhí Swaruu y Anéeka nos hablan de soles, agujeros negros, agujeros de gusano y cómo todos están conectados, que hacen y qué son.

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October 15, 2020 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Solar Flash - Galactic Waves - Anéeka and Dale Harder (Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)

Let´s talk about solar flashes and galactic waves, and if/how they affect human consciousness. It is a short conversation between Anéeka, Dale Harder and myself. Enjoy!

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October 10, 2020 Despejando Enigmas, Robert
Mujer extraterrestre explica como se hacen las abducciones – Anéeka de Temmer

Mujer extraterrestre explica como se hacen las abducciones – Anéeka de Temmer

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October 12, 2020 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
War Over Humans - Cabal versus Starseeds - Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication

Yázhí Swaruu explains the connection between vaccines and the Cabal´s efforts to gain more control over the human race. We are in the middle of war, and more than ever we have to be...

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October 12, 2020 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Guerra por los Humanos: Cabal contra Semillas Estelares (Yázhí Swaruu - Taygeta - Pleyades)

Yázhí Swaruu nos explica la conexión entre las vacunas y el esfuerzo de los regresivos a tener mas control sobre la raza humana. Estamos en medio de la guerra, y mas que nunca tenemos...

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October 10, 2020 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
How I Manage my Reality - Yázhí Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication (Taygeta, Pleiades)

I share with you 3 different conversations that we had recently with Yázhí Swaruu. We talk a little about vaccines, how Yázhí does what he does, and how reality is experienced from the plane beyond.

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October 08, 2020 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Me Convierto en una Comadreja - Manejo de la Realidad - Yázhí Swaruu (Taygeta, Pleyades) - CENSURADO EN YOUTUBE

Os comparto 3 diferentes conversaciones que tuvimos recientemente con Yázhí Swaruu. Hablamos un poquito de las vacunas, de como Yázhí hace lo que hace, y de cómo se vive la realidad desde el plano...

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October 07, 2020 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Black Holes, Sun, Wormholes - What They Really Are - Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta, Pleiades)

Swaruu, Yázhí Swaruu and Anéeka are telling us about suns, black holes, wormholes and how they are all connected, what they are.

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