Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
You are not your body therefore you are immortal. Memory is not in the body. (English)

Swaruu Official - English April 17, 2023

Originally written in English


Despejando Enigmas, Robert June 13, 2023


Frequencies, Consciousness States, Vibration - Chat with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 15, 2023

In one of the recent videos, when I asked Yazhi how low frequency shadow people can live outside planet Earth where, as Swaruu 9 said before, everything is in 5D, Yazhi replied that Swaruu meant it as something measured scientifically, when she, Yazhi, refers to states of consciousness. But is it not connected? Today's video starts with this question. I also pass on to Yazhi a question from someone about what the difference between vibration, frequency, and harmonics is.


Despejando Enigmas, Robert June 12, 2023


"Soul" Agreements, Omission of Action, and Changing someone else's Timeline

Za'el and Arien - English March 23, 2023


Frecuencias, Estados de conciencia, Vibración - Charla con Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia June 13, 2023

En uno de los recientes videos, cuando le pregunte a Yazhi como que la gente sombra de baja frecuencia vive fuera del planeta Tierra donde, como dijo Swaruu 9 antes, todo esta en 5D, Yazhi respondió que Swaruu se refería a algo medible científicamente, cuando ella, Yazhi, se refiere a estados de conciencia. Pero no es conectado? El video de hoy empieza con esta pregunta. También le paso a Yazhi una pregunta de alguien sobre cual es la diferencia entre vibración, frecuencia, y vibrarmónicos.

Acuerdos del "alma", Omisión de acción, y cambiar la línea de tiempo de otro

Za'el y Arien - Español March 22, 2023



Despejando Enigmas, Robert September 17, 2020


La Gente Falsa y Tú

Swaruu Official - Español April 16, 2023


Starseeds - Conversation with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 11, 2023

A few days ago I talked with Yazhi Swaruu a bit more about the topic of starseeds, their role, the changes or no changes on Earth, and the whole topic I talked about in my last video " Message for the starseeds". Do we fight? Do we live life? Both? Is the word "fight" against the Cabal here even correct? How should our approach be? Is there even such a thing as a "should"? Will we one day conquer the Cabal? And what does Yazhi mean that if we conquer the Cabal, we become the Cabal? Our dear Yazhi Swaruu helps clear up some of these concerns.

Semillas Estelares - Conversación con Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia June 10, 2023

Hace un par de días he conversado con Yazhi Swaruu mas sobre el tema de las semillas, su papel, los cambios o no cambios en la Tierra, y todo el tema de cual hable en mi ultimo video "Mensaje para las Semillas". Luchamos? Vivimos la vida? Es la palabra "luchar" contra el Cabal aquí correcta? Como procedemos? Como debería ser nuestro enfoque? Existe incluso tal cosa como algo que se "debería"? Conquistaremos un día al Cabal? Y a que refiere Yazhi con que si conquistamos el Cabal, nos convertimos en el Cabal? Nuestra querida Yazhi Swaruu ayuda a despejar algunas de estas inquietudes.

The False People and you. (English)

Swaruu Official - English April 15, 2023

Originally written in English