Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

April 10, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español
¿Por qué fracasó el Proyecto Primer Contacto?


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April 09, 2023 Swaruu Official - English
Why was project first contact a failure?

Originally written in English

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October 30, 2020 Despejando Enigmas, Robert


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April 07, 2023 Swaruu Official - English
Why no one can escape the Matrix. Part 2

Originally Written in English

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May 31, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Astral Parasites Removal Machines - Questions from Interviewers - Yazhi Swaruu

When I was visiting Robert recently, we did two interviews in Spanish (links below). Some of it was about the quantum machines that supposedly eliminate astral entities but there were also other questions. In the second interview, we read what Yazhi answered on the subject. In this video, I'm including all of Yazhi's responses to the questions posed by the interviewers. And in the next video, I will include Athena Swaruu's answers for the interview with AJ Roberts I did recently in English.

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April 08, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español
Por qué nadie puede escapar de Matrix. Parte 2


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May 30, 2023 Agencia Cósmica, Gosia
Desparasitación de las Entidades Astrales - Preguntas de las Entrevistadoras

Cuando estuve visitando a Robert hace poco, hicimos dos entrevistas (links abajo). Se trataba de las maquinas para la desparasitación de las entidades negativas pero también habían otras preguntas. En la segunda entrevista, hemos leído lo que nos respondió Yazhi en el tema. Sin embargo, no pudimos leer todo, así que incluyo todas las respuestas de Yazhi en este video. Y en el siguiente, incluiré las respuestas de Athena Swaruu para la entrevista que hice hace poco en Ingles, pero de otros temas.

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November 01, 2020 Despejando Enigmas, Robert


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April 06, 2023 Swaruu Official - Español
Conclusiones 01, Federación Galáctica


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October 29, 2020 Despejando Enigmas, Robert


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March 14, 2023 Za'el and Arien - English
What is Time and How It Works - Part 3: Can you escape from destiny? (ENGLISH)


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May 28, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Shadow People - Complimentary Chat with Yazhi about Mari Swaruu´s Video

This video is a conversation with Yazhi about the shadow people that Mari Swaruu was talking about recently. Why are they interstellar if they are of lower frequency? What do they want from humans? These and more questions in the video.

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