Transcripts - All Sources

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Please keep in mind that, throughout the years, some of the concepts presented here evolve, expand, or may even change with the discovery of new data or new conclusions.
Positive "Agenda" - PART 2 - Conversation with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 31, 2023

This and the previous video came out of someone´s question, and it was: "It is already clear to many of us about the 2030 agenda, but doesn't "light" have its own agenda and plans?". I passed this question first to Athena and then to Yazhi, and this is how I divided this topic. The previous video is a conversation with Athena, which I called Prelude, since it was shorter and more casual, and then in this one, I talk to Yazhi. Enjoy!

Entrevista a un Urmah. Arishah el Tigre. Parte 1

Swaruu Official - Español September 06, 2023


The Urmah Interview, Arishah-Tiger, Part 1 (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 05, 2023

Originally Written in English.

Alpha Centauri, Mentiras Históricas? Perspectiva de Mari y de Urmah

Swaruu Official - Español September 04, 2023


Alpha Centauri: Historical Lies? Mari’s and Urmah's Perspective. (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 03, 2023


Historia Falsa, en el espacio y en la Tierra, Tartaria, Cabal, Mentiras y la Federación Galáctica

Swaruu Official - Español September 02, 2023



Despejando Enigmas, Robert July 27, 2021


Invaded Planets - Earth, Mars and Venus - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

ATTACHE, english February 19, 2021

Anéeka explains the situation of other planets in similar condition, but not the same, to the one on Earth. - **Text only / Translated originally from Spanish**

"Agenda" Positiva - Parte 1 - Conversación con Athena Swaruu (Contacto Extraterrestre)

Agencia Cósmica, Gosia December 27, 2023

Este vídeo y el siguiente surgieron de la pregunta de alguien, y era: "Muchos de nosotros ya tenemos clara la agenda 2030, pero ¿la "luz" no tiene su propia agenda y planes?". Le pasé esta pregunta primero a Athena y luego a Yazhi, y así es como dividí este tema. Este primer vídeo es una conversación con Athena, al que llamé Preludio, ya que es más corto y más informal, y luego, en el siguiente, aparece Yazhi y da el discurso sobre el tema. Si extrañaste a nuestra pequeña Sophi (Yazhi) y su forma de pensar, bueno, estoy bastante segura de que no te decepcionarás.

False History, in space and on Earth, Tartaria, Cabal, Lies and the Galactic Federation. (English)

Swaruu Official - English September 01, 2023


Positive "Agenda" - PART 1 - Conversation with Athena Swaruu (Taygeta, Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia December 26, 2023

This and the next video came out of someone´s question, and it was: "It is already clear to many of us about the 2030 agenda, but doesn't "light" have its own agenda and plans?". I passed this question first to Athena and then to Yazhi, and this is how I divided this topic. This first video is a conversation with Athena, which I called Prelude, since it is shorter and more casual, and then in the next one, Yazhi comes on and gives the whole speech on the topic. If you missed our little rascal and her ways of thinking, well, I am pretty sure you won´t be disappointed.

La Federación Galactica Profunda llegará pronto cerca de la Tierra para una Auditoria General

Swaruu Official - Español August 31, 2023
