Transcripciones - Todas Las Transcripciones

Esta página contiene transcripciones de los videos publicados en nuestros canales. La comunicación con los miembros de la tripucion Taygeteana se lleva a cabo a través de chat en vivo en Internet en Inglés y Español.

Algunas de las transcripciones también incluyen traducciones en otros idiomas proporcionadas por la comunidad. Importante: Están accesibles solamente desde la sección de los transcriptos en Ingles. No somos responsables de la calidad de las traducciones. NOTA PARA LOS TRADUCTORES: Traduzca lo más exactamente posible al texto original. No agregue ni reste ningún texto. ¡Gracias!

June 05, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Do Aliens Exist if we Dont Believe in Them? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (23)

This is chapter 23 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu about the objective versus subjective reality and whether the aliens, for example, exist outside of our belief in them, or not. Enjoy!

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May 30, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Swaruu and Taygetean Pleiadian Curiosity in Humans - Direct Extraterrestrial Communication

In this video it is Swaruu who is posing some questions about our human affairs and I am responding. We talk about female spacial orientation, monetary day to day lives, women who work as housewives, and more.

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May 24, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Swaruu and Homosexuality: DOES IT EXIST IN 5D? (Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message) (21)

This is chapter 21 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu about Homosexuality, whether it is observed in 5D, Agenda 21 depopulation, and how homosexuality might relate to Ascension.

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May 15, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Soul - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message (Swaruu from Erra, Taygeta) (20)

This is chapter 20 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu about Soul and everything related: Walk in Souls, animals and souls, astral travelling, sleep, dreams, and more.

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May 01, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
5D Pleiadian Taygetean who met with Eisenhower SPEAKS OUT (FIRST time in History)

In this episode Robert from Despejando Enigmas is talking with Rashell of Temmer, an extraterrestrial woman from Taygeta (Pleiades), an ambassador between the races and the one who occupied her post in the Earth's orbit the longest. It is the same woman who had meetings with President Eisenhower and for the first time she is here to tell her experience of that event. Revolutionary!

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April 26, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
We Formed the Vril Society: Taygetean Pleiadian Message (Rashell of Temmer)

In this episode we are talking to Rashell of Temmer, a woman from Taygeta (Pleiades), an ambassador between the races and the one that has occupied her position in the Earth orbit the longest. It is the same Taygetean woman who spoke with President Eisenhower and, as she reveals in this video, she formed a part of the secreto esoteric Vril Society, directed by Maria Orsic, also a Taygetean Pleiadian.

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April 19, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Reincarnation: Direct Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message (Swaruu - Taygeta) (19)

This is chapter 19 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu about Reincarnation and Reincarnation loops and cycles. Fascinating topic! Enjoy! :)

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April 14, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Pleiadian Taygetean Message: Mix of Conversations with Swaruu of Erra (18)

In this episode I talk with Swaruu about a variety of different topics. Its a mix of different conversations I had with her throughout 2018.

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April 12, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Taygetean Pleiadian Civilization (Part 3) - Pleiadian Animals

This is chapter 17, part 3, of Chats with Swaruu In this episode I talk with Swaruu about animals of Taygeta, Pleiades, the difference of fauna between Earth and Taygeta, animals suffering, hunting etc. Enjoy! :)

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March 31, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Taygetean Pleiadian Civilization (Part 2) - Extraterrestrial Life

This is chapter 17 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu about their civilization in Taygeta.

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March 24, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Taygetean Pleiadian Civilization (Part 1) - Extraterrestrial Life (17)

This is chapter 17 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu about their civilization in Taygeta.

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March 11, 2019 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Why Do We Suffer- Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Message (Swaruu of Erra) (16)

This is chapter 16 of Chats with Swaruu. In this episode I talk with Swaruu responding to her questions about some aspects of our terrestrial life.

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