Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

July 11, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Athena Swaruu responds public´s questions for Lorena Martin´s interview with Robert

In this video, I am sharing Athena´s responses to the questions that Lorena Martin sent from her followers for the recent interview with Robert who, may I remind you, works on this same project in Spanish. I've also included additional information from Swaruu of Erra that fits with some of the questions. What is Alzheimer's? How do they treat depression? Are there cosmic laws? Is the fixed number of starseeds required to reach the "5D" mass? These and more questions answered in this video.

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July 13, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Soul Contracts - What are Mine? Casual chat between Yazhi, Matias, and Gosia

An informal talk that we had between Yazhi, Matias and I, a few months ago, on the subject of prenatal soul contracts. More specifically, Matias expressed the need to know his, and that was what the conversation was about. The video is not long, but I think it could be interesting, especially for those of you who are also looking to understand your "contracts" (a word I don't like).

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July 17, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Moon - Influence on Women, Van Allen Bands, Hologram, and more - Yazhi Swaruu

Complementary video to Mari Swaruu's series about the Moon (links below). It is information from past talks with Aneeka and Yazhi, with various questions about this enigmatic biosphere ship. We talk about the magnetosphere and the Van Allen bands, influence on women, moon hologram, and much more.

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July 24, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Lunar Reactors on the Moon - Examining the Subject with Athena Swaruu

A conversation we recently had with Athena Swaruu about Lunar reactors and what has been discovered about some of them being human technology and not Zero Point (see Mari Swaruu's videos - channel link below). Just keep in mind that a lot of what we're talking about is speculation and simply looking at options among friends. It´s a casual chat and not facts. (Moon design - Robert.)

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July 31, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Pfizer Factory Tornado - What Really Happened? Athena Swaruu Informs

Have you heard of the "incident" at the Pfizer warehouse in the United States where the supposed tornado caused a lot of damage to the "medical" plant where the COVID vaccines were being produced? So what do you think really happened?

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August 07, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Dark Matter and AntiMatter - Extraterrestrial Information - Yazhi Swaruu

Dark Matter and Anti-Matter. What is the difference? How do the extraterrestrial races view it? Is it important to understand it? I also include questions from the public, obviously with Yazhi's responses.

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August 17, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
UFOs in Congress - Chatting more about the subject with Athena Swaruu

A very short conversation with Athena Swaruu, with a comment from Yazhi at the end, about the recent UFO disclosures. Yes, stil about that as it was a chat that happened at the end of July which I didn´t get a chance to share yet. I don't think it's anything you don't already know, but I am sharing it anyway since I like to share everything (almost everything and what I can :) )

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August 19, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
What happened in Maui, Hawaii? Why the Fires? Chat with Athena Swaruu

You're asking about it, so here's a chat with Athena Swaruu about the recent fires in Maui, Hawaii. What does Athena and CIC know?

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August 23, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Iraq War - Real Reasons - Extraterrestrial Portals - Swaruu of Erra

This is the information given by Swaruu od Erra at the beginning of 2020 about the real reasons behind the Iraq war. I never shared it before because we put it aside in case one of the Taygetan men, Dhor K'aalel or Zachariel (who were physically there as Step Downs) wanted to supplement the information with a personal testimony (although they ultimately chose not to go public for various reasons). And so the video stayed among many other previous talks that I still have to share. But finally here it is.

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August 30, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Mini Topics - Information from Extraterrestrial People - Taygeta, Pleiades

Here we go with the new episode of Mini Topics! In this one I'll talk about: - North Star - Immersion and Memories - Pyramid beds - Circumcision - Pirate flag - Creation of Matter - Triangle - Drinking water - Replicated Food and much more...

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September 11, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Synthetic Telepathy - What is it and How is it Used? - Athena Swaruu

Today we talk with Athena Swaruu about synthetic telepathy. What exactly is it and how does the Cabal use it? How does it differ from natural telepathy?

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September 21, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Lies coming from Galactic Federation - Yazhi Swaruu

In this video, I am sharing a part of the conversation that Robert and I had with Yazhi a few months ago, when they were beginning to suspect that historical lies originate at the level of the Galactic Federation. From what I remember, we learned about this for the first time here.

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