Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

June 16, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Galactic Federation - What Is It? Taygeta (Pleiades) and Federation - Mutual Accusations (Swaruu X)

Part 1 of the series of videos on the topic of Federation. In this part: - What is a United Federation of Planets? - Its Goals in Space - Its Goals towards the Earth - Various Races´ Tasks - Taygetan involvement in Federation affairs - Deterioration of the relationship between Federation and Taygeta There is also a short chat with Aneeka included. Thank you Claudia for providing her voice.

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June 24, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Galactic Federation - Good Guys? Their Management of Earth (Yazhi, Swaruu, Aneeka-Taygeta- Pleiades)

PART 2 of the Federation series. I highly recommended to watch it entirely to understand different nuances of the complex conglomerate that is the Federation of United Planets and its dealings with Earth. In this part, Yazhi, Swaruu X, and Aneeka, will respond questions such as: Is the Federation good or bad? How do they view 3D Earth? That point especially is essential to understand as it will be seen clearly that how we view the Federation will change depending on the context through which we are looking at it. We will go into the Collective Wants and the Field, Cabal, and how it all relates to the Federation "modus operandi" regarding Earth. At the end of the video, AND THROUGH THE ISOLATED CONTEXT of strictly considering the perspective of Earth humans, it will be explained why Taygetans, Yazhi and Swaruu declare the Federation´s attitude as regressive.

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July 01, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Galactic Federation, CIA Control of UFO Communities, Fake Alien Invasion - Yazhi and Swaruu

Third part of our Federation series. This is an important video in which Yazhi and Swaruu X explain how the "Galactic Federation of Light"concept ties in with the CIA and its infiltration into the UFO community. False flag alien invasion or contact also will be addressed as it does connect with the topic of the "Galactic Federation of Light" and with how the Cabal wants us to perceive them. Also, the recent UFO "disclosure" Pentagon documents will be mentioned, which ALSO links to the possible alien "attack or contact". It´s all coming together and it is all connected. Important video, do not miss it!

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July 06, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Is there a Soul? What is it? Swaruu X explains - Direct Extraterrestrial Information (Pleiades)

This is a video based on the conversation that my work partner Robert had with Swaruu X about soul, Source, and whether there even is such a thing as a soul. Enjoy.

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July 08, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Federation and Earth - Extraterrestrial Reality vs Humanity - Direct Extraterrestial Information

This is part 4 of our Federation series, a topic that Swaruu X and Yazhi shared with us about a month ago. In this video, we continue exploring the dealings the Federation has with Earth and humanity, how they perceive life on our planet, what it is for, and we deepen the understanding about the ET reality vs human one. Several Robert´s questions are included in the second part.

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July 14, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Galactic Federation - False ET realities in UFO circles - Direct Extraterrestrial Communication

This is PART 5 of our Federation series, perhaps the last one for now, in which Yazhi talks about how ET reality as perceived on Earth does not reflect the objective ET reality outside Earth. And that is because of the Mass Media and then ALTERNATIVE MASS MEDIA regulating what the public is receiving in the ET subjects. You will also learn who the Federation is protecting the Earth from, and we further deepen the relation between what´s really outside Earth and our perception of it. Federation PART 1: Federation PART 2: Federation PART 3: Federation PART 4:

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July 18, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Vaccines, Body, and Soul: Disconnecting the Body from the Source (Effects of Vaccines)

In this video Swaruu Athena explains how the body (not the soul) gets disconnected from the Source as the result of taking the vaccine.

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July 26, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Mercury, Venus, and Vietnam War - What´s on Venus? Direct Extraterrestrial Information

In this video I will share the information about Venus not yet published. Before we did not have the authorization to do it, and now we have been cleared. We will speak shortly of Mercury and then Venus, a tropical planet taken over by the Cabal. You will understand the connection to the Vietnam War, who Valiant Thor was, (the supposed commander of Venus), and why the Philadelphia Experiment did not go well. A video full of revealing and new information. Given by Swaruu of Erra and Aneeka of Temmer.

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August 01, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Yazhi and Swaruu X (Athena) - Same Soul, Same Consciousness - How Souls Operate

The today´s video are Yazhi´s comments about how souls operate through different vehicles, and she explains that on her and Swaruu X (Athena´s) example. This is also for those of you who still wonder about who they both are and how they relate to each other.

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August 05, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Singularity - Consciousness - We Are Multiple Pasts and Multiple Futures - Yazhi Swaruu (ET Contact)

Are you ready for the next class in metaphysics and transcendental spirituality? In this video Yazhi and Athena Swaruu explain how we are all a SINGULARITY. "All the pasts converge in the NOW and from there they extend into an infinite number of futures. It is the result of countless timelines converging to form the current one, who you are now."

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August 10, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Extraterrestrial Information - Data and Fun Facts - Mini Topics with Gosia

In this video I share with you a variety of different pieces of information and fun facts from our recent interactions with Yazhi and Athena Swaruu. Some topics to discuss: Telepathic insert from Yazhi Vietnam/Venus creatures Names Crop circles Silicon base body CIA recruitment Why the Federation doesn´t include humans in meetings Floods in Europe Sun "anomalies"... and more!

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August 13, 2021 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Pentagon "UFO" Disclosure - Government Lies - Origin of the Craft - Taygetan Pleiadian Information

In this video Athena Swaruu (Swaruu X) reveals to us the origin of the so called "UFO" or "UAP" as revealed by the Pentagon not long ago. Now we know what this craft is exactly. This is true declassification.

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