Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

May 28, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Shadow People - Complimentary Chat with Yazhi about Mari Swaruu´s Video

This video is a conversation with Yazhi about the shadow people that Mari Swaruu was talking about recently. Why are they interstellar if they are of lower frequency? What do they want from humans? These and more questions in the video.

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May 31, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Astral Parasites Removal Machines - Questions from Interviewers - Yazhi Swaruu

When I was visiting Robert recently, we did two interviews in Spanish (links below). Some of it was about the quantum machines that supposedly eliminate astral entities but there were also other questions. In the second interview, we read what Yazhi answered on the subject. In this video, I'm including all of Yazhi's responses to the questions posed by the interviewers. And in the next video, I will include Athena Swaruu's answers for the interview with AJ Roberts I did recently in English.

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June 05, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
UFO Disclosures this year? Questions for the Interview with AJ Roberts

Let´s continue with the questions from the interviewers, this time it is AJ Roberts (link below). You probably already know the answers to some of these questions, if not all! I am sharing responses from Yazhi and Athena Swaruu, and I'm also including a part of the conversation with Aneeka from 2021.

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June 07, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Message from Gosia to all the Starseeds - Disclosures, Social Changes - Is that your Purpose?

I have seen that some of you, few, but some, got a bit discouraged after the last video of AJ Roberts' questions. I don't quite understand why, as many of the answers given have been explained before, but I imagine that there are people who are hopeful for positive changes to come soon, so they get disheartened to know that the Matrix, for example, is not about to fall down, or that the Federation is not planning any real declassification of its existence etc. They wonder then what they should do, what their role is, why continue to help and instead not devote more of their free time to their families? I am inspired by this question to share with you what I think and feel our role is, and how we should be when moving forward.

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June 11, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Starseeds - Conversation with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

A few days ago I talked with Yazhi Swaruu a bit more about the topic of starseeds, their role, the changes or no changes on Earth, and the whole topic I talked about in my last video " Message for the starseeds". Do we fight? Do we live life? Both? Is the word "fight" against the Cabal here even correct? How should our approach be? Is there even such a thing as a "should"? Will we one day conquer the Cabal? And what does Yazhi mean that if we conquer the Cabal, we become the Cabal? Our dear Yazhi Swaruu helps clear up some of these concerns.

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June 15, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Frequencies, Consciousness States, Vibration - Chat with Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi)

In one of the recent videos, when I asked Yazhi how low frequency shadow people can live outside planet Earth where, as Swaruu 9 said before, everything is in 5D, Yazhi replied that Swaruu meant it as something measured scientifically, when she, Yazhi, refers to states of consciousness. But is it not connected? Today's video starts with this question. I also pass on to Yazhi a question from someone about what the difference between vibration, frequency, and harmonics is.

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June 18, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
National Press Club Event - Disclosure Project - Steven Greer - OUR OPINION

On June 12, 2023, Steven Greer held a National Press Club Disclosure Project event, the second of its kind (first in 2001) where he presented numerous witnesses of all kinds related to "ET disclosure" and secret military/government operations. Many people are very excited about this and some have asked our opinion. After listening to the recent interview with Dr. Greer, I formed certain conclusions on the subject and wrote a note that I was originally going to publish only in writing. But then Athena Swaruu added comments on her part, and I decided, with her permission, to post it all together in the video. Some will not like what we say, but it is our perspective and we are sharing it.

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June 20, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Popocatépetl Volcano Eruption - Mexico - Military Activity - Athena Swaruu

A quick video about the recent eruption of the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico (May 23 2023). What could that have been? I know it's a little late but with so many videos in line, sometimes I don't know which one to do next, I'm going like an octopus! This is the conversation with Athena Swaruu. I was going to post it in the MiniTopics that will be coming soon, but I decided to post it separately.

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June 23, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Cosmic Agency - MiniTopics - Crystal Skulls, Elon Musk, and more

In this episode of MiniTopics:

- Frequencies

- Blood Transfusion

- Tribal DNA

- Separation and Unification of Consciousness, why?

- Lights in Alaska

- Elon Musk, cloned?

- Crystal Skulls

- MiniMini Topics

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June 28, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
UFO Disclosure Project - Questions - Conversation with Athena Swaruu

After the recent video where Athena and I gave our opinion about the disclosure event organized by Steven Greer, I got a lot of questions from people, mostly in English. Some of them coincided with my own, so I talked to Athena a bit more about it, and here goes part 2 of the topic: Conversation with Athena Swaruu. How is Greer's project backing up the false alien invasion if he himself warns against it? And isn't controlled opposition better than no opposition at all? These and more questions in this video.

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July 01, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Galactic Federation - Why didn´t Taygetans know before?

Have you ever wondered why the Swaruus and Taygeteans didn't know earlier what they are finding out about the Galactic Federation and their management of Earth? It has ocurred to me to ask about this, and this short video is the result of that conversation. I am talking to Yazhi Swaruu.

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July 06, 2023 Cosmic Agency, Gosia
Interstellar Life 3 - Scimitars - FIGHTER CRAFT - Athena Swaruu

Today we are going to continue with the series of Interstellar Life. Part 3 - Taygetan fighter ships. The video starts with the very fresh conversation with Athena Swaruu, then I include a part of the talk with Aneeka, and at the end, questions from the public, also super new, answered by Athena just a couple of weeks ago. I hope you enjoy it. :)

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