Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Extraterrestrial Races: Sirians (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 26, 2020

In between the current videos that are always based on fresh information (the flow of it never stops), I am also throwing in previous videos that I have accumulated. Today it is the episode 5 of the series: Extraterrestrial Races.

Duality - Suffering - Self - Source - Spiritual Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 22, 2020

Today we will go a little bit into the subject of duality and why it is necessary for souls. Also we will talk about suffering, sense of Self and its expansion towards Source state itself.

Extraterrestrial Races: Urmahs -Feline Race (Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 18, 2020

In between the current videos that are always based on fresh information (the flow of it never stops), I am also throwing in previous videos that I have accumulated. Today it is the episode 4 of the series: Extraterrestrial Races.

Planetary Reset, 3D Matrix - Federation - Human Civilization (Yazhi Swaruu)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 16, 2020

In this video Yazhi Swaruu explains more about how 3D works, what its nature is, and why the Federation acts the way it does. They have already reset the human race 6 times before, and today the history repeats itself.

3D Matrix, Federation, and Human Desires - Extraterrestrial Communication (Yazhi Swaruu)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 12, 2020

Today we talk more about the subject of the Federation and its dealings with 3D Earth. What is happening and why? Do our human desires matter to the Federation? Let´s keep learning more about the reality on this planet.

Call to Doctors - YOU ARE KEY - Message from Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Communication)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 28, 2020

This is Yazhi´s call to all the doctors to speak out against what is going on on Earth. Contact us!

Possible Developments for Earth - Aneeka of Temmer (Based on Intelligence Agencies) (NOT ON YOUTUBE)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 27, 2020

This is new Aneeka´s report about her newest intelligence findings regarding Cabal´s plans for humanity. This in NO WAY is set in stone, but they definitely are planning this so it is up to US now to fight and make it so it does not happen! (NOT ON YOUTUBE)

Etheric Memory Implants, Life Plan, Free Will - Extraterrestrial Communication (Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 23, 2020

In the previous video we talked about the technological memory inserts. Today we will look at the ETHERIC memory implants and what they are. These are done by Consciousness, by souls themselves. But why? Find out in this video. Also you will understand more about the topic of free will and how much really our life is preplanned and how much we are creating as we go.

Memory Implants - 3D Matrix Management by Federation-Extraterrestrial Information (Aneeka and Yazhi)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 19, 2020

Today we will talk about the rather controversial but extremely interesting topic, the insertions of memories that are done from 5D (and 3D) on the part of the Federation of United Planets and other races. In the video after this one we will deal with memory implants from etheric levels by the souls themselves. These are the chats with Aneeka and Yazhi Swaruu.

EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES in 5D(3) - ALPHA DRACONIANS (Pleiadian Message - Taygeta)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 17, 2020

This episode is the third part of EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES, a series of videos where we talk about different races in 5D. In this episode we talk about Alpha Draconians.

How do Extraterrestrials Communicate? MUONS and GRAVITY (Anéeka of Temmer - Taygeta - Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 15, 2020

How do Extraterrestrials communicate? Microwave, radio waves... is SETI correct in the way they try to look for signals of Extraterrestrial life? Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta, Pleiades) explains how the ET races communicate and she talks about the technology of Muons and gravity. There are two conversations in the video. One with Dale Harder and the other one with Robert. Enjoy!

Emotions: What Are They? (Yazhi Swaruu - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Communication)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia July 08, 2020

What are emotions? Today Yazhi Swaruu will talk to us about what they are and their importance. I also add a few comments from myself. Enjoy!