Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Taygetan Pleiadian crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Ark of the Covenant - Yazhi Reveals its Meaning and Location (Extraterrestrial Contact - Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 03, 2021

Ark of the Covenant: Myth or Reality? According to Wikipedia, the Ark of the Covenant is a gold-covered wooden chest described in biblical accounts, which according to Jewish tradition was designed and created by divine mandate to hold the tablets of the ten commandments. Given by God to Moses. The ark represented the presence of God during its existence. It is said that it had magical powers, and that only worthy people could be near it, and that it was possible to communicate with God through it. Is it true that Ark existed? What was it really? Where is it now? In this video Yazhi will answer all these questions.

Densities vs Dimensions - How We Increase our Frequency - Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 28, 2021

The short summary of how Yazhi Swaruu perceives the topic of densities vs dimensions, and how the increase in our perception raises our density, and with that, dimension. Thanks Yazhi!

Extraterrestrials and Humans - We Import and Export Ideas - Aneeka of Temmer (Taygeta-Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 25, 2021

Today I share with you a video which is based on the conversation that Robert had with Aneeka few months ago. It is about cultural influencing that ocurrs between ET races, and ET races and humans. She also explains other related points. Short but very interesting. Enjoy!

Tulpas, Kingu Reptiles, Galactic Federation - Yazhi (Extraterrestrial Communication - Pleyades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 21, 2021

This is a short video with the information Yazhi gave me not long ago about how tulpas work, how it relates to the Reptilians, Kingu, and even the Federation. Short but intense. Also, listen to my announcement at the beginning of the video.

Chatting with Yazhi about Time and Consciousness - Extraterrestrial Communication (Pleyades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 18, 2021

In today´s video my work partner in the Spanish world Robert and Yazhi talk about time, consciousness, gravity, dimensions, and how it is all related. Enjoy!

Scalar Internet - MultiDensity Properties of Internet - Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta, Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 14, 2021

Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta, Pleiades) explains to us the scalar properties of Internet. Is the Internet the place where multiple densities converge? Does it contribute to the fragmentation of our collective timeline?

Soul Looping - Reincarnation Mechanism - Extraterrestrial Information from Yazhi Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 08, 2021

Fascinating video about the process of soul looping and reincarnation. Something that is not known very well or understood on Earth at this point, but what we are all subject to. Here we find out more.

Swaruu and Yazhi - Their Differences - PART 2 - Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta - Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 30, 2021

Part 2 of the video explaining the story of Yazhi and Swaruu and the differences between them. PREVIOUS PART (Part 1):​

Swaruu and Yazhi - Who Are They? Never Shared Story - Extraterrestrial Contact (Pleiades) - PART 1

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 21, 2021

Finally the video where you will understand much more who was Swaruu, and who is Yazhi. The two are one, nevertheless, they are two different people. What does it mean exactly? You will now understand. In this video you will hear from both Aneeka and Yazhi, first about Swaruu, then about the arrival of Yazhi, Swaruu´s passing in 2020 and what exactly happened to her, and how it was for both to co-live for a while. This is part 1. In part 2, you will hear about the more specific differences between the two girls.

Parthenogenesis - Taygetan Pleiadian Reproduction Methods (Swaruu of Erra)-Extraterrestrial Contact

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 17, 2021

In this short video (the information was given around 2 years ago by Swaruu of Erra), the Taygetan Pleiadian reproduction ways will be explained, one of them being parthenogenesis. Enjoy the video. VIDEO LASTS 13 MINUTES.

Enki, Enlil, Elohim, Anunnaki - WHO ARE THEY? Taygetan Pleiadian Extraterrestrial Direct Contact

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 12, 2021

This is the video which many of you have been waiting for and I have been "sitting" on this material for a while now. But the time has come to share with you what Swaruu of Erra has told us about how they, Taygetan Pleiadians, view the whole story of Enki and Enlil. Swaruu also will go into the topic of Elohim, Anunnaki, Triangulum, Osiris, Ishtar, Sumerian Tablets, and a little bit about the pyramids. As you will see, the topic of Elohim, Anunnaki, Nephilim etc, is not so black and white. Enjoy!

Extraterrestrial Technology directly from Extraterrestrials-Quartz and Reactors -Yazhi - Dale Harder

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 03, 2021

This is the final part (for now) of the technical talks between Yazhi Swaruu and Dale Harder. It is a continuation of the talk about the technology of quartz crystals, how to write and retrieve the info out of it, and also the continuation of the talk about the zero point crystal core based reactors that fuel the starships.