Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Soulmates - Do they Exist? Chat with Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 21, 2021

This is one of the older videos that I have had in line for a while, information-chat with Swaruu of Erra, Robert, and I, about soulmates.

How do I Shift my Point of Attention to be Energy Being? Matias and Gosia talking with Yazhi Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 17, 2021

How to shift your point of awareness to the other side where you are pure energy being? Is that possible while we are still alive? Matias´ query is answered by Yazhi Swaruu.

I Do Not Consent - Is this Phrase Adecuate? Yazhi´s and Gosia´s commentary

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 15, 2021

In today´s video I briefly explain why the expression "I do not consent" for our latest video campaign is correct, according to Yazhi and also myself.

Vasectomy, Mount Bucegi, and More - MiniTopics with Gosia (Taygeta - Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 14, 2021

This time the mini topics are: 1. Conversation with Aneeka about the "papaya" samples they have recently analyzed. I ask her why they have not taken them before and here it will be understood why. 2. Mysterious Fibers that fall from the sky - what are they? 3. FB: Meta name change 4. Vasectomy! Is it advisable to do it or not? Aneeka answers. 5. Mount Bucegi - small chat with Yazhi 6. Remains of the giant trees - what are they? Here Yazhi starts talking about trees and plants in general, and also deserts. 7. Lost civilization of Tartaria - it is not known what it was, and Yazhi explains why.

Graphene, Vaccines, Nanotechnology - Aneeka Responds Dr Alex´s Questions

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 11, 2021

In this video Aneeka responds questions that Dr Alex posed about the technology contained within the vaccines. She also responds other questions.

Ufo Conference Finland - Mini Report - Live Online Connection with Athena Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 07, 2021

In this mini report from the recent Ufo Conference in Finland: 1. Behind the scenes 2. Excerpts from the presentations 3. Interview with Heikki, the seminar organizer 4. Athena Swaruu responds audience´s questions Live - All Questions and Answers included

Covid Vaccines Analyzed by Taygetan Lab - Complete Report - Graphene, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 02, 2021

This video explains in detail the content of COVID "vaccines", as analyzed by the Taygetan Lab (October 2021). This is a detailed analysis of the graphene function in the inoculations, and the non-human nanotechnology working through them. This type of technology is above human level. Watch this very important video to understand more.

Mars & Earth - What´s on Mars? - Extraterrestrial Information - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 29, 2021

In this next segmente of the Solar System series, we are going to look at Earth and Mars. This information has been given to Robert and I by Swaruu of Erra back in 2019. Enjoy!

Van Allen Belts, Shumann Resonance, Memories - Athena Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 24, 2021

Today Athena (Swaruu X) is talking to Robert and I about time slip getting bigger between Earth and Taygeta (and other places), about Shumann Resonance and whether it does truly reflect human consciousness levels, and about Van Allen Belts (which I call "bands" in this video as it is translated from Spanish) and what they do, and what they do not do, with regards to spiritual awareness. You will also see why we do not remember our previous lives outside Earth. All in all, a very interesting chat among 3 of us.

Taygeta (Pleiades) - Mix of Scientific Questions and Answers - Extraterrestrial Contact

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 20, 2021

This video is a variety of different questions and answers in the scientific field that I accumulated across the years while in contact with the Taygetans and Yazhi. Some of these answers go all the way back to Swaruu of Erra times, others are from Aneeka, and some others from Yazhi, all compiled in one and "geeky" science mix video. Even though some of the questions might be more destined towards scientific minded, I think all of you will find it fascinating. Some of the questions/topics included are: 1. Wormholes 2. Einstein 3. Quantum Mechanics 4. Electrons 5. "Expanding" universe 6. Magnetic fields 7. Gravity 8. Why do a feather and a hammer fall into the void at the same time? 9. Climate Change 10. Space being Water 11. Do the galaxies collide? 12. Eart´s rotation acceleration 13. How do they measure frequency? 14. Pole reversals 15. Tiamat Explosion 16. Can DNA be transmitted through water by frequencies? And more....

NON LOCALITY - There is no Space - Everything is HERE - Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 17, 2021

Today Yazhi (Sophia) Swaruu talks about the principle of Non Locality and how it relates to the stellar navigation and also what philosophical/spiritual implications follow.

New Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 15, 2021

"I've been gathering strength since Saturday to say this. What's in there is so horrible that the samples ended up inside a high security Bio-Hazard container. They were subsequently disintegrated with high energy." - Aneeka.