Transcripts - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

This page contains transcripts of the videos published in our channels. The communication with the Swaruunian and Taygetan Pleiadian ET crew members is conducted via live Internet chat using English and Spanish language.

Some of the transcripts also include community provided language translations. Open each transcript to see if it is provided in other language than English. We are not responsible for the quality of translations. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: Please translate as exactly as possible to the original text. Do not add or subtract any text. Thank you!

Cancer - Extraterrestrial Women share their Knowledge - Taygeta (Pleiades)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia November 02, 2022

To end the series on health, I am sharing what Swaruu of Erra said about cancer, and then Aneeka of Temmer. It is not all that can be said about this topic, it is complex, like many others, but I am publishing what I have. Even with the little I share, it will be well understood what cancer is, I think, and how they view it in the Taygetan society.

Health and Illness in Taygeta - Pleiades - Extraterrestrial Information

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 23, 2022

How do they view health and diseases in Taygeta? Do they have depression? How do they treat patients? Do they have hospitals? Does abortion exist? How do they treat pregnant women? And what did Swaruu of Erra think about comments like: "I don't care about their ships. Teach us how to heal ourselves!" All this and much more in this video.

Nutrition and Diet - Chatting with Swaruu, Aneeka, and Yazhi about Food

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 17, 2022

Let´s continue with the topic of nutrition. Here I am sharing several conversations from the past, and some more current ones, on the subject of food.

MiniTopics - Variety of Information - Reptiles and Extraterrestrials among Humans and more

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 13, 2022

In today´s video I will share a variety of conversations (mostly fresh) on the following topics: 1. Oscillations of matter 4 and 5D. Oscillations of the soul 2. Mysterious rays appearing in the sky 3. ETs influencing behind the scenes (off and on Earth) 4. Queen Elizabeth´s death 5. Reptilians transforming into humans 6. Artemis Mission 7. North Korean missile 8. Georgia Stones and more!

Veganism - Yazhi Swaruu responds Questions from the Public

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 10, 2022

This video contains Yazhi (Sophia) Swaruu's answers to questions from the public about the topic of veganism. Some of the questions are mine.

Veganism - Agendas - Taygetan Investigation - We do NOT Recommend a Vegan Diet

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 02, 2022

We are finally publishing the information that the Taygetans shared with us about veganism between 2019 and 2020. It is a controversial topic, so be patient and open minded. In the conversation participate: Swaruu of Erra, Aneeka of Temmer, Nai'shara of Erra, Robert and I (Gosia) (of Earth :) )

Yazhi Swaruu is back in contact - Updates - Live with Gosia

Cosmic Agency, Gosia October 04, 2022

A few days ago the contact with Yazhi Swaruu has resumed. In this live I will tell you about it, and will share what we talked about these days.

History - Romans and Renaissance At the Same Time - Yazhi Swaruu (Sophia) Explains What Happened

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 23, 2022

We are going for the third part of the series on History and in this part Yazhi explains what happened when Athena and her mother visited Hadrian's wall and at the same time saw the Renaissance in France. What is this phenomenon due to?

Human History Lies - Part 2 - Travelling Back in Time is Not as You Think - Athena Swaruu (X)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 20, 2022

In this part you will understand more about why the Federation does not have records of all the historical events on Earth, what happened when Athena Swaruu and her mother traveled to Scotland, and why official Earth history lies.

Tartaria - Human History is Wrong - PART 1 - Athena Swaruu

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 16, 2022

Let's get into the subject of Tartaria, artificially destroyed civilization. Also, we'll talk about terrestrial history and how the chronology of "historical" events doesn't fit.

Taygetan Pleiadians Communicating Online - Why and How is it Done?

Cosmic Agency, Gosia September 03, 2022

How we communicate, why through online writing, etc. is a common question asked by many newcomers to Cosmic Agency channel. Even though it has been addressed many times in the past, I thought it was fitting to share a conversation Robert had with Aneeka and Swaruu a while back, precisely in this subject.

Nazca Lines - What Are They? Extraterrestrial Pilot Explains - Dhor K´aal´el (Taygeta)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia August 31, 2022

Have you ever wondered about Peruvian Nazca Lines? What could they be? In this video you will hear the answer as Dhor K´aal´el, Taygetan Pleiadian pilot, explains their meaning.