Blog Post - Cosmic Agency, Gosia
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- Polska Wersja - Space Academy: Sektor Ziemia @January 31, 2025
- Wywiad na zywo po polsku @October 15, 2024
- Fragment of the conversation with Athena Swaruu about the Taygetans in the social media @May 27, 2024
- Programa de las Redes - Conversación con Athena @May 27, 2024
- Harmonia Kosmosu @May 18, 2024
- Tayjgetanie i Internet @May 07, 2024
- Los Taygeteanos y el Internet @May 07, 2024
- Taygetans and Internet @May 07, 2024
- Lektor Polski - tlumaczenie moja live na polski @February 14, 2024
- Harmonia Kosmosu - BEDE! @February 07, 2024
- Zapraszam na polski wywiad! @February 07, 2024
- "Alienigenas del centro comercial de Miami" @February 02, 2024
- "Miami mall creatures" @February 02, 2024
- Swaruu of Erra´s Letter to the Federation from 2018 @January 20, 2024
- Ponad 50 deklaracji polskich! @January 02, 2024
- High Energy Waves @December 30, 2023
- Ondas positivas de alta frequencia @December 30, 2023
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- Napisy po polsku @November 03, 2023
- India landing on the Moon - Huh? @August 25, 2023
- India aterriza en la Luna - Huh? @August 25, 2023
- Un Aviso de CIC @August 05, 2023
- Warning from CIC @August 05, 2023
- Comida y Replicadores @July 29, 2023
- Food and Replicators @July 29, 2023
- Cita de Mari @July 28, 2023
- Mari quote @July 28, 2023
- Titan submarine and Wagner group @June 27, 2023
- Submarino Titan y grupo Wagner @June 27, 2023
- Nueva Pagina de Facebook @June 18, 2023
- New Facebook Page @June 18, 2023
- Gaia @June 12, 2023
- Gaia update @June 12, 2023
- Conferencia UFO en Finlandia @June 11, 2023
- UFO Seminar in Finland @June 11, 2023
- Muy buen video que promociona nuestra comunicación y a las Swaruunianas/Taygeteanos @June 10, 2023
- Great video showcasing Taygetans/Swaruunians and this communication @June 10, 2023
- Traducciones de las Transcripciones @May 28, 2023
- Poder del Ahora - Mis Contemplaciones @May 28, 2023
- Power of Now - My Contemplations @May 28, 2023
- Translations of Transcripts @May 27, 2023
- Respuesta de Yazhi sobre la coronación @May 10, 2023
- Yazhi´s response to Robert´s question about the coronation @May 10, 2023
- Past chat with Yazhi about giving more technology to humans @May 04, 2023
- Mari Swaruu´s Quote @April 27, 2023
- Cita de Mari Swaruu @April 27, 2023
- Vaccine against Melanoma? What does Athena Swaruu think? @April 27, 2023
- Vacunas contra Melanoma - Que opina Athena Swaruu? @April 27, 2023
- More on blood transfusions @April 13, 2023
- Mas sobre las transfusiones de sangre @April 13, 2023
- Sobre el Programa Primer Contacto - video de Mari Swaruu @April 11, 2023
- Regarding the First Contact Program - Mari´s video @April 11, 2023
- Cita de Yazhi @April 11, 2023
- Yazhi´s quotes @April 07, 2023
- Testing... @April 05, 2023
- Glasses @March 17, 2023
- Gafas @March 17, 2023
- Citas de Yazhi @March 08, 2023
- A quote by Yazhi Swaruu @March 08, 2023
- Agencja Kosmiczna - strona FB prowadzona przez Darka @March 06, 2023
- Actualizacion de Yazhi sobre el video de Toleka @February 28, 2023
- Update from Yazhi on the Toleka video @February 28, 2023
- Swaruu of Erra quote @February 14, 2023
- Cita de Swaruu de Erra @February 14, 2023
- Digital Magazine Interview with Gosia @January 05, 2023
- Message from Aneeka @January 05, 2023
- Krotkie przeslanie od Aneeki @January 05, 2023
- Mensaje de Aneeka @January 04, 2023
- HAARP y animales andando en circulos @January 02, 2023
- HAARP and animals walking in circles @January 02, 2023
- Transcrito del agradecimiento del Dr. Alex a Aneeka de Temmer - Transcrito @December 21, 2022
- You all need credit. Now! @December 03, 2022
- Todos merecéis el crédito. Ahora! @December 03, 2022
- "Porque YouTube no os cierra los canales?" @November 09, 2022
- "Why are they allowing you to stay on Youtube?" @November 09, 2022
- Swaruu of Erra Quotes - Imagination @November 08, 2022
- Cita de Swaruu de Erra - Imaginacion @November 08, 2022
- Gracias por vuestras donaciones :) @November 05, 2022
- Thank you for your donations :) @November 05, 2022
- Yazhi´s Quote @August 22, 2022
- Stellars on Earth - Swaruu of Erra @August 21, 2022
- Cita de Yazhi @August 21, 2022
- Cita de Aneeka @August 10, 2022
- Aneeka´s Quote @August 10, 2022
- Message to Moderators @July 31, 2022
- Mensaje para los moderadores de grupos en Telegram y Forum @July 30, 2022
- Taygeteanos NO estan canalizando @July 23, 2022
- Super Positive Timeline? @July 22, 2022
- Sois Vosotros y solo Vosotros @July 21, 2022
- Ya lo dijo Swaruu en 2018 @June 30, 2022
- Polish Telegram @June 30, 2022
- Dla Polakow - Interview in Polish @June 25, 2022
- Aneeka @June 19, 2022
- Swaruu de Erra - Sentimientos por el Pasado @June 19, 2022
- Vaccines - Dangers from the Astral Side @June 16, 2022
- Vacunas y el Peligro del Lado Astral @June 16, 2022
- Dla Polakow - Przetlumaczone dwa filmiki gdzie odpowiadam na zarzuty (Polski Lektor) @June 10, 2022
- Wiadomosc dla rodakow :) @May 23, 2022
- Polskie Kanaly - COSMIC AGENCY PL i AGENCJA KOSMICZNA @May 18, 2022
- Nuestra Postura - Ataques @May 10, 2022
- Why are Taygetans white (lol)? @May 03, 2022
- Putin @April 29, 2022
- Blog en Polaco @April 29, 2022
- Polish Blog @April 29, 2022
- Scarcity and Elon Musk @April 29, 2022
- Escasez y Elon Musk @April 29, 2022
- Ships Attacked in the Orbit @April 21, 2022
- Ataque a naves en Orbita @April 21, 2022
- Back Up Channel on Youtube - Cosmic Agency 2 @April 20, 2022
- Change - Yazhi´s Phrases @April 18, 2022
- False Claims about our Contact @April 14, 2022
- Frases de Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) @April 13, 2022
- Listas de Reproducción - Covid y Ucrania @April 13, 2022
- Odysee Playlists - Covid and Ukraine @April 13, 2022
- Return to the Simple - Athena Swaruu´s Phrases @April 07, 2022
- Regreso a lo Simple - Frases de Athena Swaruu @April 07, 2022
- Geo - Political Conclusions - Athena Swaruu @April 06, 2022
- Listas de Reproducción de los Videos en Youtube @April 06, 2022
- All the videos we published about Ucraine so far - LIST @April 03, 2022
- Todos los Videos publicados sobre Ucrania hasta ahora - LISTA @April 03, 2022
- Technology and Art - Athena´s Phrases @April 01, 2022
- Tecnologia y Arte - Frases de Athena @April 01, 2022
- Ukraine - Explosions - Comment from Yazhi Swaruu @April 01, 2022
- Explosiones - Color Naranja vs Azul @April 01, 2022
- War in Ukraine - Nothing New - Message from Yazhi @March 30, 2022
- Taygetan Hashmallim Forces on the ground in Ukraine - What they Saw @March 28, 2022
- Ucrania - Reporte de Vuelo y Mas (Athena Swaruu) @March 20, 2022
- Athena´s Flight Report and more - Ukraine @March 20, 2022
- Frase de Athena Swaruu @March 19, 2022
- Athena´s Phrase @March 19, 2022
- Middle Class @March 16, 2022
- Clase Media @March 16, 2022
- Some Information "Not being Current" - Why is that? @March 15, 2022
- Bio and Chemical Weapons Labs - Ukraine @March 14, 2022
- Laboratorios de Armas Biológicas - UCRANIA @March 14, 2022
- Athena Swaruu´s Phrases @March 13, 2022
- Frases de Athena Swaruu @March 13, 2022
- Mas información sobre los Satélites Starlink @March 10, 2022
- Additional Info about Starlink Satellites @March 10, 2022
Cosmic Agency, Gosia March 28, 2022
Oiriginally in Spanish - 23th of March 2022
Swaruu X (Athena): As you know, the Hashmallim team went down to Ukraine in the past few days. Last night we picked them up. Myself included. What they saw and we saw going to be talked about for days to come.
The war in Ukraine is a Covid style war. All media made. Of course there are refugees. That's for sure. But the Ukrainian government is in collusion with the Russian government and the Cabal to create this media thing. There are dead yes, but not as you are told and not for the reasons you are told. And even that is murky and we still can't know what exactly is going on there or what they are up to with that.
Robert: From the Russian army more than 10,000 casualties.
Swaruu X (Athena): That is simply not true, it is more lies with agenda as in this example comparison: There are 10,000 dead for Covid in Germany/There are 10,000 Russian dead in Ukraine. Same lie. Thousands of refugees YES. Fleeing from war executed in a media way. And as an important side note, the refugees, although they are in the thousands and thousands, are not the total mass of the Ukrainian people, not even close <----
Let me inform you of what they saw and we saw. Alenym sent her Special Forces to see what is going on from the ground. 4 Hashmallim went down. They wanted to go see that supposed Pfizer lab of graphene that the Russians reported. And it turned out to be a former bioweapons facility of the former Soviet Union.
(Alenym´s note: However, that's not to say that there aren't labs, which we know there are. However, not of graphene specifically but of chemical or biological weapons development. Just that the Hashmallim didn't see them. Ukraine is big. They weren't down that many days).
Swaruu X (Athena): What they saw were destroyed and burned villages. Small villages, not big cities. No people anymore. But the Hashmallim are military, they know what they are looking at. Those villages were destroyed not by war or combat, but on purpose. What they saw there makes no sense. And so village after village, all near the borders with Poland and Romania. Further into the Ukraine they saw nothing unusual, nothing out of place. No signs of war. People going about their almost normal lives just with a lot of police presence, not military. Presence of barricades in the streets, barbed wire. But no fighting and no armored cars destroyed. But a lot of airplanes passing overhead as I reported before.
The situation was more marked when arriving in Kiev, because there was NOTHING happening there. There is plenty of food in the supermarkets and normal traffic in the streets. Just that they have curfew from 8 pm to 8 am. Internet only local. That is to say, the signal does not leave Ukraine, the same with mobile and landline telephony. That is, what happens in Ukraine does not leave Ukraine. No civilian can report anything. But these services are working internally. There is also electric light, and everything normal.
What they did see in large numbers in several Ukrainian cities especially in Kiev were: entire convoys, hundreds of trucks of CINEMA equipment. Sets, cranes, lighting systems etc. All full of Matrix journalists. Hotels filled to capacity with journalists and film crews.
Then they saw cars purposely burned on streets and old armored vehicles, some burned and artificially placed at each location, cranes putting armored vehicles on the street, with directors telling them to put them further down please. Crisis actors, trucks and trucks of make-up and special effects facilities. Lots of trailers or caravans for actors too. As the Hashmallim say, there are more reporters with cameras than soldiers with rifles there.
Kiev received a large influx of refugees from other parts of Ukraine, and the police put them underground for the night. And at night, last night, and I saw this myself, they close all the doors of the underground and journalists come in to take pictures of them, all crowded inside. While outside a single police pick up driving around the block with the siren on every now and then, creating the illusion of danger. With only one policeman inside.
The suffering is real, people are in crisis, losing their homes, their lives, but the war is fake like the Covid. And it is the second war of this nature, the first was the 1991 Persian Gulf war, which was semi-mediatic. This one seems to be completely fabricated.
Even so, NATO is on the borders waiting for orders, it looks like a hornet's nest with so many planes and so much armor. The same on the Russian side. Surely the soldiers believe it is real, it should be this way. But what you see on the news is Hollywood.
I extracted the Hashmallim with Suzy II. I was there on the outskirts of Kiev. They have an old departmental building complex, very Soviet Union-style, from that era. They have cinematic vehicles around it, and they put pyrotechnic explosions inside. It looks destroyed because they've destroyed it on purpose. They set fires here and there, creating the illusion of war. All to make people believe that the Russians attacked apartment buildings, people's apartments, civilians' apartments.
I was there. With my feet on the grass watching all that in the distance as the Hashmallim brought up their equipment. No sounds of war. Just crickets and insects, as spring approaches.
The problem is that we still don't have the full picture. Nothing fits, but war as it's on the news, that´s definitely NOT happening. It's another false flag.
But I insist that people do suffer and they do believe that something is going on, especially the refugees. They believe there is war mostly thanks to the media, and what their local government tells them.
It is highly probable that Ukrainian soldiers attacked civilian villages to make people believe that it was the Russians. Still it is quite possible that there have been real but brief and local clashes between the Russians and Ukrainian forces. But never on the scale they say in the news.
Given that I saw convoys of refugees on foot being escorted by Russian armored vehicles, and from everything else we know that Russia is cooperating in this heinous plan. So I don't contradict my previous report. I just add to what we know. But it's all media.
Gosia: Thank you Athena. One question, I don't understand one thing. What are the refugees, and thousands of them, escaping from if nothing or not much is happening?
Swaruu X (Athena): For the same reason why people wear masks. Because of the fear of war, taking it for granted that it is happening "next door", and those "next door" believe it is happening in the first place or another. As with Covid, they believe that the other person is dying, and the other person believes that it is the first person who is dying. They always take it for granted that it's happening somewhere else, even if it's not happening anywhere else. The media war is what causes them to flee, because they believe in the Hollywood TV theater they show on the news.
That, plus who knows who, the Ukrainians or the Russians, or both, attacked small villages to start the exodus.
(Alenym´s note: From the drones we conclude that there is some fighting, in border areas, in areas basically evacuated of civilians. Inside Ukraine, we haven't seen any signs of war).
Robert: And those 500 prisoners that Putin wants to hand over, is that real? I would imagine so.
Swaruu X (Athena): It is not known. It is very possible that even that is not real. We don't know what is going on. We just report to you what we saw and put the pieces together. Not because we've been to Ukraine, or flying over Ukraine, we know everything that's going on. But what we saw there doesn't look good, it's not war. This looks like a false flag to move their pieces to install their New World Order. They are generating economic collapse, or so it seems, because that could also be just theater.
Gosia: And if there is no war, why are they flying all these planes and having all those tanks and there is NATO on the border?
Swaruu X (Athena): Because we've already seen that either they don't know either, or they feed you lies that go with the narrative. Or they could be creating the illusion of war that we see to provoke a larger conflict. It is one of the main purposes of creating a war with the use of the media, to stimulate the war economy, to create separation and hatred between the two sides because the soldiers there do believe that there is a real rivalry between the nations.
Gosia: Okay. And the soldiers that are there, all of them, I'm sure at some point they would say: We have NOT fought against anybody. No?
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes exactly, but soldiers could also come out saying that they fought. And maybe they did fight, but not on the scale they are telling you. I mean, a skirmish between Ukrainians and Russians in some village will cause 5 Russians and Ukrainians wounded and all bandaged that the media will use to make believe that the war is something bigger. Or not even that, because they may very well use crisis actors to portray said wounded soldiers.
Robert: Of course they fought, because the info is compartmentalized.
Swaruu X (Athena): Exactly.
We don't know and have no way of knowing on what scale they are really fighting and how much of it is just lies part of a False Flag. But most of it is fake and media, that's true.
Gosia: And what about the supposed dead Russian generals, supposedly killed, plus whole regimes killed, can that be falsified? Because you could know if such and such general is dead or not.
Swaruu X (Athena): I don't have the answer. But nothing fits. It could be that those were already dead. I speculate. There is a lot of uncertainty, everything is murky. And people look to us for answers, but at this point we can't have them all. We're just reporting what we saw, we're not jumping to conclusions. And it's very difficult for us to get more information.
However, it clearly looks like it's all media. I have exposed what we saw directly without intermediaries, and directly from Ukraine. There is definitely no war going on on the scale that the official mass media show you.