Blog Post - Cosmic Agency, Gosia

Fragment of the conversation with Athena Swaruu about the Taygetans in the social media

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 27, 2024

Hi, I'm sharing a snippet of the conversation Robert had with Athena on May 20th. It took me a while to share because I didn't know what to do with it, where to include it. But anyway, here it goes. It's about the Social Media Project (as I will call it ?): Athena: Now it's being discussed whether to bring the Sadicleya or another Alcyone. It is simpler to bring another Alcyone. Sadicleya is too complicated, a lot of new things, a lot of paperwork, a lot of things that have never been used before and can fail (Gosia's note: Now it is known that Sadicleya will come). Robert: Why so many ships, Tina? Is something being prepared? Athena: Operation "Second Contact". And increase the presence and strength of the Alcyone Council in this area. There has been a lot of response and a lot of interest from the Taygetan public at home about this new operation. Suddenly there is a surplus of volunteers. Robert: And they are going to talk about all the topics? Athena: I understand that yes. Robert: Politics and medicine as well? Athena: Those two maybe not or very carefully. Politics isn't a good idea because besides raising a lot of fanaticism, it's all theater. We move on a planetary level. We are not interested in minor politicians, including puppet presidents. Robert: Will you be in China? Athena: China is complicated. Most likely not, but I don't have that information. Robert: And Arab countries and Africa? Athena: Yes. In Africa they are more awake than it seems, as we saw in the plandemia. The Arab countries on the contrary, "sleeping", but there is a bit of everything. But remember that there will be only some Taygetans at the beginning, then more, but in total there will be about 500 or less for the whole world, so they won't be easy to find. Robert: And one thing. When do you expect to see the first results? Athena: We don't know that. It is a progressive accumulation, measurable results may take even years. But it is not known. Robert: Does this project have a completion time? Athena: It does not. However, we reserve the right to terminate it if we see something going wrong. This is mostly experimental. Robert: I think people have already started looking for Taygetans haha. Athena: Then we have to tell them that there are none yet and that's the truth. Robert: I will say that, there are still no Taygetans in the social media. Athena: None. They are still in preparations. The computers are still in cardboard boxes, they have to be installed and that takes time. Asterope has not yet installed them. And we also need other types of computers, more powerful ones, and other related equipment. And we have to buy them. Robert: And how have the Taygetans learned the languages of Earth? Athena: That's what they are doing too. At the academy. But many upon arriving here and they're studying right now, that's what they're dedicated to. So it all depends on many factors. ✨