Blog Posts

New Facebook Page

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 18, 2023 - English

Hi there! Because of constant influx of friends request on FB, and my main profile being limited, I have created a Cosmic Agency FB page to follow, where I will publish everything related to our work, in English only. In time, I will keep more personal publications such as photos only in my regular profile page. This way, we can separate what is profesional and what is more personal. Perhaps not everyone is interested in Bongo updates ? so in this case they can only follow the new Cosmic Agency page. Please like it and mark that you want to receive all notifications (in case you do). Thank you for your support! LINK TO THE FB PAGE

Gaia update

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 12, 2023 - English

Hello friends! As some of you know, some time ago we introduced our Taygetan/Swaruunian experience and information to the public on Gaia and many of you are now enjoying our content on Youtube after discovering us there. Thank you for finding us here!

Just to remind you, and for those who don´t know yet, our series on Gaia can be found under the name GALACTIC MESSAGES. Link: LINK There are 12 episodes.

If you ask if we are planning to continue sharing more episodes on Gaia platform, it hasn´t been talked about. With so much work on my hands, I haven´t really pursued it either. The main idea was to introduce the viewers to our material and the sheer presence of our Taygetans/Swaruunian friends there, so I feel the goal has been achieved and we are grateful to the producers/editors/artists for showcasing us.

As far as I know, Gaia has also released some episodes or parts of it on their free Youtube channel, so you are welcome to check it out there as well.  

Also, although I don´t have much information on exact episode, Dale Harder has also been interviewed by Gaia for their new series Deep Space where he talked about this communication as well. Thanks Dale! 

So that´s an update on Gaia, and now off I go to work on more and more episodes on our own channel in Youtube. 

Be well! Gosia 

UFO Seminar in Finland

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 11, 2023 - English

Between 1-3 September, Matias, Bongo and I will be at the Finnish UFO seminar for their 50th anniversary. I will be doing my presentation on Saturday, the 2nd. The place is located at the nice hotel at the lake, surrounded by nature. Join us if you can! Might get interesting, who knows. ? More info on their website:

Great video showcasing Taygetans/Swaruunians and this communication

Cosmic Agency, Gosia June 10, 2023 - English

Wow, what a video, what a great summary and edition, recognizing the efforts of our project! Thank you the RENEW team, whoever you are. Let´s spread the knowledge. We are NOT alone in the universe, the extraterrestrial people are right here and communicating directly. Watch the video and share! ❤️ ? LINK TO THE VIDEO

Power of Now - My Contemplations

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 28, 2023 - English

This is something that came to me recently, even though it will sound obvious to many of you, it also is for me. However, to know something to be obvious mentally and then feel it inside as something that is truly the case, are two different things. This is something that I observed in and for myself, but I am sharing it as it might serve you as well.

With many tasks at hand that I always have, my mind always seems to be looking and thinking ahead, what to do next, what to enjoy next, how to relax next. It´s always about what is going to come "next", that´s where my attention a lot of times seems to flow. Next video, next transcrtipt, next snack to eat. Looking forward to the next moment, imagining it as if it was that moment and not the present one that was supposed to complete me and be IT for me, where I can feel really good.

But I notice that as that moment arrives, when whatever I envisioned as "next" is here, my mind runs off yet again, into yet another "next" moment, never immersing me fully in total completeness.

I became aware of this mental frame of mine these days, and decided to put a stop to it. My mind needs to stop rushing into the moments ahead, it needs to give its FULL ATTENTION to the moment at hand. This is where the true connection with the Self opens up, and when you can feel the deeper centeredness and peace. 

I know you have heard this many, many times before and this is no biggie of the revelation, however, I will ask you not to stop there, just knowing this to be so. I want you to TRY this for real. Instead of allowing your mind to jump ahead and "look forward" to the movie you are about to watch as you shower before, enjoy, but fully, the shower itself! With the entire attention and mindfulness given to that moment and that moment only.

Instead of spending your day "looking forward" to the moment you arrive back from work where you can lay on the sofa and read a book, allow yourself a full attention on any moments prior to that. Whether it is walking home observing the trees, or enjoying the car ride with your favourite music on. The moment you are so looking forward to will arrive either way, and now you can enjoy others, and there are always countless others! 

I know all this sounds cliche, but it hit me very strongly these days - the power of NOW truly is the key to falling into the deeper state of peace and fulfillment. Don´t let your mind be ahead of you, pull down those horses and simply be, but FULLY, in whatever moment you are in, truly devoted to it.

From my experience, the "next" moment is not going to totally fulfill you as you expect, it´s very likely that it will feel incomplete and lacking, with your mind already thinking about other moments and planning ahead. But the NOW... as I am experiencing it nowadays, can be so deliciously fulfilling if you look at it closely and let it engulf you. You can plan, you can look forward to things, but where you are right NOW is where your mind can truly find peace. If you let it. Promise me you will try! ?

Translations of Transcripts

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 27, 2023 - English

Hello friends! Just to let you know, in case some of you are not aware, under each transcript in English on our website (and some in Spanish if they dont have equivalent in English, like some Robert´s ones), there are PDFs of translations into various languages. As you see from this screenshot, there are so many languages that the transcripts are being translated, even into Vietnamese. So if you are from one of those countries, or want to share the information with the friend who doesnt speak English, go ahead, share the translation! Each day there are more and more translations being sent to us, so far we have about 1400 files uploaded! (Not exagerrating). Also, you are welcome to make videos from these translations, and use them any way you want, just remember to always give credit and do not use them for any monetary gain, such making books etc. Information is under Copyright. You are also welcome to make a translation into the language not provided yet. Just be sure you are very loyal to the original! Thank you all the translators for your work, by the way, you are contributing to the overall expansion of the human collective! Greetings to all! ??✨??

Yazhi´s response to Robert´s question about the coronation

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 10, 2023 - English

That's what Yazhi answered when Robert asked him about the symbolism in the crowning of the King of England. Yazhi Swaruu: The subject of the Lizard King makes me sick. For example, what he says or they say that he is the King of everyone on the planet, in fact he is from his point of view. The British Crown is the sole owner of the vast majority of the planet regardless of nations, everything is legally theirs. Of course, they moved the laws to make it so. And that King is just another puppet, he is a public front for the people. To channel the energy of the people in that direction. He's a lizard priest, and I don't care if many don't "buy" into that fact. And he is not the one at the top. Those are not even seen and are hidden below, and you don't know who they are. And that's the way they like it. The real leaders are never seen, they are not interested, the people who believe that the leader is interested in being seen and heard by the people, do not have the slightest idea of how things work. People are cattle to them. These leaders are no more interested in being seen by the people than the farmer is interested in letting his chickens know that he is in charge. By all accounts, that coronation is a disgusting opulence in a world where people suffer. Look at the shape of the little cross at the top of the crown, it's superfluous. The crown itself symbolizes connection with the divine. They are truly disgusting. They are parasitic lizards, that's what they are. They are only there because people pay attention to them. I didn't even know there was a coronation except that I passed by CIC with my little plane playing and I saw that it was on one of the screens there, with no one watching. We should not put our attention there. I know it's what's trending on the social media, but that's the attention that continues to keep them in power. Let them rot in their gold, don't give them your life energy. So I won't go into their symbolism in detail because it makes me sick. That makes one sick. I send you many hugs, greetings and kisses.

Past chat with Yazhi about giving more technology to humans

Cosmic Agency, Gosia May 04, 2023 - English

Reviewing the past chats, I came across this bit where Yazhi is responding to Dale Harder´s idea of receiving more Free Energy technology from Taygetans, distributed to the whole group of people spread around the world at once, so that it is safer for them and not taken away. Dale feels very passionate about helping humans and would like to contribute more, hence the idea. But what does Yazhi think? I am sharing it here as I doubt it will end up being included in a video (too much to share always).  

"Yazhi: We have been explaining why that cannot be for over years now. If we could, we would have done that already. And we have already done that and it only made the Cabal stronger, it becomes theirs, we cannot give anything to anyone. We only feed the problem. I cannot give Dale plans for a toilet without him getting arrested in the next 24h and I'm serious.

Gosia: But not one Dale. 30 "Dales" around the world. They can´t take everyone out.

Yazhi: They would end up discredited and even attacked. We've done that already, not only us, countless others. We've been all over these types of plans for decades now, and all we do is feed the Cabal.

Did you know there were water generators in each house in the lat 1800? Those could supply enough electric power to light up the entire house. Where are they now? With tap water. Same installation. People don't even know they existed. And that's over 130 years ago.

It is set in such a way that anything we give out ends up being "a great  achievement" of  some great tech company, or ends up in a file cabinet in DARPA. And the people we gave it to serving a sentence in Levenorth.

Gosia: But they can´t arrest 50 persons at once spread all over the world.

Yazhi: They can. You are saying "but this", "but that", as if we haven't realized any of it. Countless good races have been at it for decades and only made everything worse. As we have said before, the Cabal must be removed first, that is the only way. For now, they hold monopoly over everything.

So we get upset when we hear these ideas because we've exhausted options including those. If we could do that, we would have already done it. And many times we have done it with disastrous results, like that wingless Russian plane. Rats! That's a direct rip off of a shuttle like the ones we've been telling you we have right here in the hangar! 

Gosia: Then how do all the other inventions go through?  

Yazhi: It is a complicated legal mess, I know eolic or solar are "allowed" but that is only if you use their approved systems, and also turn in your "excess" power into the grid. They are leaking that tech because they have a reason to, and it is never for the people.

P.S. The video in which the wingless planes gets mentioned: (min. 37:02) GO TO VIDEO

Mari Swaruu´s Quote

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 27, 2023 - English

Vaccine against Melanoma? What does Athena Swaruu think?

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 27, 2023 - English

Let me share a conversation we had yesterday with Athena Swaruu: ✨

Gosia: Tina, what do you think about this? Someone passed it on to me. Cancer vaccine, being developed by Moderna. It's against melanoma.

Athena Swaruu: I think it's another trick like the bug vaccine. The tumor is not the problem, that is a reaction of the body to try to contain a point of high toxicity. It's another scam for people and another excuse to inoculate them. Cancer is not something to inoculate against, because it is not a disease, it is a symptom of a series of complications.

The very fact that suggests it works involves DNA altering technology. Which is serious because it would cause an auto-immune reaction by programming the body to attack cancer cells that are more cells of itself.

Every cancer cell is different and varies from person to person. It is a problem of the cell trying to survive in a hostile environment, that is why it does not die as it should to be replaced by new ones, that is why it is cancerous.

Cancer cannot be solved that way, much less with vaccines. That is a scam to inoculate.

Gosia: Thank you. By the way, is there anything new on the investigation of deaths from COVID vaccines, or with all that nanotechnology in vaccines? Hardly anyone talks about COVID anymore.

Athena Swaruu: Yes, I have new data. More than anything they are removing the COVID vaccines and the regulations that impose them, because more and more people and doctors are realizing what it really was, to the extent that there are now strong lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies, so much so that now the Cabal is campaigning to erase all the records that have to do with COVID, and that is why you do not hear anything, because the media is silent on this issue.

Gosia: But their plans with the vaccinated are still underway?

Athena Swaruu: Yes, that is something that can no longer be stopped, the vaccinated will gradually collapse due to other health problems that will not be connected with the vaccine itself. What I see more likely is that it will be over several years and not with one tremendous event. Here we see that everything is being done as for them to seem to die from other causes. All slow.

Gosia: Do you think they "just" want that, or will they still try that remote activation of the graphene?

Athena Swaruu: That is also a very real possibility. Even so, they don't necessarily have to activate the vaccines, since their mere existence in the inoculated bodies will bring about a progressive collapse of their health, and that will only be understood as being due to different causes and not linked to the inoculation, since they could present those symptoms years down the road.
Gosia: But do you think they have succeeded in their plans with all that vaccination of the world or maybe it has not gone the way they wanted?

Athena Swaruu: I am sure that they succeeded in a very large percentage, there is no way of knowing how much. Even so, the effects they are looking for are not yet fulfilled, but they may be within what they expect or calculate. It may not have been exactly what they wanted, because nothing is perfect, but it may have been better than they expected. And they will remember how easy it was to manipulate the masses.

More on blood transfusions

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 13, 2023 - English

Hi guys! Although I will comment this in some future episode of MiniTopics, I am sharing it here too because the topic is recent and may be of interest to you. It's about blood transfusions. Our friend Dr Alex asked me this question which I passed on to Yazhi: "I have a question regarding the video on blood transfusions and DNA. The most common transfusion is red blood cell concentrates. Those are cells without nucleus and therefore do not have DNA. It is true that they will have RNA and in the liquid that contains them there can be loose DNA molecules but in a very small quantity. With such a small quantity does it have the same effect on the recipient?" Yazhi answers: "With a minimal amount of DNA there is already an alteration, when the recipient's body takes it mostly as invasive organic material and discards it just as it does with an exosome (virus). However, it is not only a problem of DNA transmission, which in itself is serious enough, but of energy, of personal frequencies, it is something more etheric. In the end, we are always transferring soul or personal energy, so I would not see it as an invasion or something to worry about. However, I insist on not mixing with people with bad vibes, because they do invade us, although for that we have personal shields, among them, the aura as a barrier." On the subject of soul intertwining due to transfusion, Yazhi comments, "You can also look at the way you had that transfusion with that strange person because you already had a connection in the afterlife. From the point of view of souls and their agreements before they were born, that's the way it is, because you can't have anything to do with anyone else in any way if there's not a certain frequency match between those people." However, Yazhi here also adds that this does not mean that we can go to another extreme and mix with anyone just because "on the etheric side we had to already be linked." "It doesn't mean that we should accept everything, without protecting ourselves from those energies that we consider as not agreeing with what we want. Or that do not agree with us. What happens here is reflected on the etheric side also, being that... in the end it is the same. We must always be responsible and congruent with our actions."

Regarding the First Contact Program - Mari´s video

Cosmic Agency, Gosia April 11, 2023 - English

Regarding Mari Swaruu's latest video, her contemplations on why the First Contact program failed, I want to share a couple of thoughts of my own.

First, keep in mind that the vast majority of Taygetans in those days, young cadets fresh from Taygeta, had no idea, other than what they had been told at the Academy, about humans and our planet. They were idealistic, innocent (more so than the Toleka crew now), with ideas of "liberating" the oppressed planet. 

In my opinion, and I see from your comments that I am not alone in this contemplation, the Federation has led the thousands of these young people to the destiny it had already foreseen from the beginning: to fail. The Federation has been an Earth management organization for thousands of years, they are not fools, and, on the other hand, although not fools, the young Taygetans were much more innocent in this regard. I strongly feel that the Federation has led them to this "school task" of contacting humans through the social media, keeping them busy, so that: 1 - they do not observe and do not examine what really goes on on Earth, 2 - it fails. Among other things, it´s so that later they can return home saying that "on Earth they are not ready for contact", thus leaving the fate of our planet in the hands of the Federation, without any disturbances whatsoever. Just as the Federation wants it. In other words, they had to know that it is not possible to assess the mental state of the human population only by entering social media, where, as Mari said, most of the people who are really intellectually/spiritually prepared and ready were not to be found.

I'm sure there is more to the story here, and what I said above is not all, but it is important for me to clarify the point that it was not the Taygetans (I speak for them, although there were other races involved in the project as well), very green in everything, who made the mistake here of "not knowing it any better". I feel that they were thrown into doing it this way by the Federation itself for a purpose that is not entirely clear. But is anything really clear when it comes to matters related to the Federation? 

What I am almost certain of is that this program did not have in mind the actual gathering of data on whether "humans are ready" for contact. The Federation is not even interested in opening our planet to interstellar experience, so why assess if we are ready? As Yazhi said today: "We smell a rat". 

Greetings, my friends!