Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Yazhi´s Early Life on Toleka (PART 1)

Cosmic Agency, Gosia
August 20, 2024

Sophia Swaruu (Yazhi) - Yazhi´s Early Life on Toleka (PART 1)

Originally in Spanish - 2020

Anéeka: We bring you here today because we can no longer be hiding what is going on here just to continue with an apparent sense of normality on our part. We are under a lot of pressure of all kinds, I mean psychological, mainly.

To give you an idea, the ship is now in high Earth orbit close to 700,000 kilometers from there. This communication is made possible by Muon technology. The Earth looks from here, when we see it, about the size of a large marble in the distance. We do not use the Moon as a shield because we cannot get too close to the Andromedan biosphere ship. So, we're in free orbit at 3/4 of a million km. It's just eternal darkness here. Like floating in a hole, just stars in the distance in all directions. The Sun looks like a point of white light, illuminating little or nothing. So, for us, the only thing that exists is this ship. Our world. At 2000m long it is not all useful space inside, so it feels very small.

To the point. Strange things have been happening here. Some of them you know about. We have no rational explanation for them, they just happen and are centralized in Yazhi, as you would expect.

For example, we saw on CCTV that the largest tree in the central green zone was moving a lot near the top. Several of us ran to see what was happening, as the girl had probably climbed up again. But the more I ran, the longer the corridor became. Endless. An eternity to get to that door. I only realized this later as it happens to many people here with what they experience. And no, the girl was not climbing, she was playing quietly in her bedroom.

All next week, Yazhi had been in our sight for days on end. She had not been left alone for five days. And suddenly, Ana'Sea'Ni points out that the tree has a red ribbon at the top. In other words, the girl did climb it.

The ship gets defective all over, like any other ship, and it needs to be maintained. Except that, for the last month, the damages have been fixing themselves, or almost all of them. Without explanation. The food cabinets, which are not cabinets but entire rooms, some of them refrigerated, are not being emptied. The boxes of food are moved when we go for them. But it's only as time goes on that we realize that it's not running out, the amount of food is not going down. And the food cannot be replicated.

For example, she was on the bridge and then in engineering less than three seconds apart! And the distance bridge to engineering is almost a kilometer, 980m in a straight line. But it's not a straight line, you must go through long corridors, down staircases, go through countless doors. This was evidenced with CCTV image caption bridge and engineering. 2.75 seconds apart. Looks like she teleports. Nai'Shara clocked her at 350km/h in a passageway. And Raguel said he felt a shockwave in a corridor and it must be Yazhí.

And there is even more! What she is doing exceeds our understanding. G, I'm even scared of telling you what she apparently can do! She can go through 3 inch thick hull grade polymorphic titanium metal as if it was not even there. She is fragmenting time with thought alone. She appears younger or older at will. She eats as much as one of our big men. And she sleeps a lot, like 16 hours a day! But like a cat, on and off.

I do accept all this is quite upsetting for us, at the least! She talks to trees. And the trees talk back to her and give her information she couldn’t have found anywhere else. Like where exactly that tree came from initially! And it is true, only Alenym knew where the tree came from and she didn't tell anyone because she thought that was irrelevant.

These are just examples of things that happen here. But there are many more. I could talk about this all day long giving examples. Little by little we have realized that it is Yazhi who is doing this. And that is why we bring you here because there has been a big change here that we need to explain. And not continue with a theater that is impossible to perpetuate just to appear to be normal.

Since I see certain things congruent with what she says she does, I have no choice but to believe her. Because here we have seen that she jumps from one part of the ship to another. We have seen her lock herself in her room and not let anyone in, and then come out all wet and muddy and wrapped in a thorn bush.

I told her to go into my bathroom and come out with something old. She locked herself in and about five seconds later came out with muddy slippers and a small ancient Celtic statuette in her hands. The statuette was too big for her to hide it in her clothes, and I went through all of it first as well. And besides, where did she get the mud on her shoes? How could there be mud on a spaceship? And five seconds wouldn't even be enough time to pull out a hidden statuette and get the same little shoes dirty to look like that. So yes, she moved in time and space. In other words, in the five seconds that I lost sight of Yazhi, she went somewhere, walked down a muddy street and looked for a statuette and then came back here. The girl is capable of doing strange things.

Another thing to stress whenever possible and everywhere is that Yazhi is not Swaruu. She is just a kid. I only wish you could see how little, how young she is. Yes, she is Swaruu's consciousness, and all of them, and I'm only starting to comprehend why and how. But as Yazhi herself has stated, she does not accept to hold and carry Swaruu's karma, guilts and problems.

She is as mysterious here in front of us as she is online. You see her little face and body and you know that's just an avatar for her. Avatar she may change, almost at will. She is funny and fresh as a kid would be, but she obviously as well carries a lot on her mind and a lot of memories. Some not pleasant at all. You see her in her eyes and you know that's not all she is. So you cannot access what she is. She never ever says it all about anything. She always holds more. You do go nuts with her, but you also love the little rascal and her crazy things.


Anéeka: I have something to tell you, for whatever it's worth with or without consequences. The girl gives evidence of being able to show herself as she wishes.

Gosia: You can't say anything that shocks me anymore, hihi.

Anéeka: Well, Alenym got sick to her stomach because of it. This is all very extreme. Nai’Shara seems to have accepted it better than Ale. We, for what it's worth, we from Taygeta don't do that nor do we see the purpose. But this is not under our control. We can't do these things ourselves, here in "5D" everything is very much like there. Fixed, quite normal. It is Yazhi who takes everything to extremes. The girl teleports, goes through solid titanium walls, moves with bullet speed, fragments time, doubles herself at will or even triples herself, and shows up at any age she wants. And she says she does it because she can. She seems to master it all and explain the how with total mastery. I just see the potential for mischief with that.

Gosia: It's not just mischief, it's expanding the knowledge of what reality really is. It's stretching the boundaries, exploring the frontiers and discovering... there are NO frontiers!

Anéeka: It´s just that you are only reading me. On some level, it's just not of your world. I don't criticize you, on the contrary. But seeing it in front of you here, it moves everything in you and makes you doubt the nature of reality. She says you have to master your unconscious to make it all happen.


Alenym: Simple chat about something not so simple. Our intention is just to share what we see.

Anéeka: We still don't quite understand how she does what she does, but we have accepted her as she is today.

Alenym: And yes, we have been concerned. From the aspect of guiding or educating a little girl, a Swaruu who used to be our adult friend and our guide. But the question is, how to educate such a being? If it is even necessary to educate her. However, if the answer is no, she must be allowed to be as she wishes to be, free. But then, she herself makes it clear to us that she does need to be guided or cared for as a child.

Anéeka: As Ale says, she does ask to be cared for as a child, but how do you guide and care for a child who teleports? How do you educate someone when they are beyond you? You are no "adult" authority figure for her.

Alenym: I think she doesn't just do things out of mischief, but because she herself is experiencing or understanding her new abilities.

Nai’Shara: It is part of her nature to be constantly testing herself, to seek limits to her own capabilities.

Alenym: Yes, the Swaruus have always been known for pushing themselves to the limit.

Nai'Shara: And yet, here each one must act according to their own role. Of course, there is a certain frustration and one tends to feel obsolete. However, everyone must be who they are.

Anéeka: And then you treat her like that and it's not right either because she knows more than you, so she leaves you with no idea what your role with her is.

Alenym: Yes, as Anéeka says, the question for us is: What is our role with her?

Robert: Friends, I suppose.

Anéeka: But she asks for more. To be taken care of. That's why she climbed the tree. But how do you take care of her so that she doesn't climb if closing the doors to the green area doesn't do any good. It doesn't stop her.

Gosia: I think it's just a matter of sitting her down and establishing certain rules... like, ok you can try to go across the table with your hand to get food but not when others are eating it. Something like that. That way she will see that she is allowed to experiment but also that a little respect is required for the community where she lives, who have not yet fully understood these things.

Anéeka: Yes, she does this. She takes away or moves your food or dishes on the table without you noticing.

Alenym: Yes. A community of people who don't walk through doors without opening them like she does.

Nai’Shara: It's just that there is something else that she deeply desires and it's not to prove that she can do it all in spite of everyone. What she wants is to be able to share, to explain how she does it and to tell us: you could too, if only you would ask me.

Gosia: Exactly. It is like my wish here for humans to be "free" and to know more. She wants the same for you. Nothing she does is crazy. It is just not understood.

Anéeka: It just seems that she has understood how to manipulate matter and energy.

Alenym: No, it is not crazy, just incomprehensible to us.

Anéeka: Only because we have not asked how thoroughly, Ale.

Nai'Shara: Yes, Anéeka, she explains everything with formulas so it doesn't seem "freaky" anymore.

Anéeka: Yes, for example her super speed, she even has mathematical formulas to explain how she does it.

Gosia: So, about your role with her... I think it is to let her be, but also let her see that you are there for her and her physical and emotional wellbeing. Talk to her, don't run away, don't speculate behind her back, it hurts her. And set some rules here and there. See if she listens.

Alenym: But how do you educate a child whose existential purpose is not to limit herself? Is there any point in trying?

Nai’Shara: Also if she is doing it now it is because she is discovering it right now. Everything she is doing she is experiencing it, she is like a child with a new toy. But sometimes she doesn't say much for fear of being labeled as self-centered or conceited.

Let's see it from another point, her world. Her own reality is totally different from how the rest of us see it, she is able to stop time at will, she can watch a drop of water fall and see a prism being created with all the colors there, she sees how it lasts an eternity. But if at that moment she hears Anéeka calling her, she turns around and in an instant the drop has already fallen. That is the wonder of her world, do you think she wants to leave that?

Alenym: Nai'Shara, do you understand well how she does what she does?

Nai'Shara: She is an expert in matters of time. She modifies and molds it as she pleases.

Anéeka: Yes, I have realized that the basis for everything she does is temporal manipulation.

Alenym: But she also handles densities, Anéeka.

Anéeka: And the densities are based on amount of data and oscillations per unit of time, Ale. Again, temporal manipulation.

Alenym: Wow, ok, Anéeka.

Gosia: About the food, Yazhi also told me that she just wanted to help refilling food, but nobody said thank you. And that you are just afraid of her. And she just wanted to relieve your stress.

Anéeka: We didn't know if apples were toxic or not. Or what the consequences were of eating the same apple many times.

Nai’Shara: No negative consequences, she would never do that.

Anéeka: But they are the same. Literally, they are the same. After a few days, you start to recognize the apples. That they always have the same flaws and moles. Because they are the same apple over and over again.

Nai'Shara: She creates in her mind energetic images or photographic memories and then recreates them and fills a cupboard.

Anéeka: What if that fails and suddenly we are faced with severe malnutrition because, cosmically, or who knows how, we have eaten only one apple and not many?

Alenym: New recipe for losing weight by eating as much as you can, Anéeka, see the positive. She said she was doing it with the tractor beam on the ship. But I think she was being kind. Now we see that she's doing it with the mind without the ship.

Gosia: Well, you ask humans to be open-minded and not go into cognitive dissonance. And we do the best we can. Now it is your turn to demonstrate the same openness of mind. The world does not end in the so-called 5D!

Anéeka: Yes, Gosia, that open mindedness and not going into cognitive dissonance has now been reversed to us.

Gosia: Keep learning!

Nai'Shara: Yes. That's why you should never "sit down”.

Anéeka: Well, sitting is useful at mealtime. Eating standing is not very comfortable!

Originally in English - CHAT WITH YAZHI

Yazhi: I don't like the circus around me. And they don't ask if it's me doing those things. Like I don't know they are saying strange things happen here. Why the secrecy around me?

Gosia: They still don´t ask you? We talked about this hundreds of times with Anéeka. About asking you. I told Anéeka that I already made you millions questions. If I was there, I would make billions! Not just sit there in the corner and wonder. Anéeka said she understands and that they will ask. But then she also said that when they ask, you give cryptic answers.

Yazhi: Cryptic, no, maybe they are not understanding what I said!

Gosia: Yes. And if they don´t, they should ask again! It´s not like you are not willing to answer.

Yazhi: Well, they are not asking, and I resent that. I don't like all this because we have enough problems and all this only feeds skepticism and this communication is fragile, and that is not fair especially when I do my best to explain everything best I can.

For example, food and water. They know I can manipulate time, I've been at it like forever. Why so surprised? I reprint it in the same location once in a while. I'm not replicating food, I'm only relocating the "dates" inside the pantry and the water tanks, among other things. I mean, it is even simple! So I resent the speculations! And I'm using the damn tractor beam. For them it shouldn't be spooky!

Gosia: Yes, it surprises me they are surprised. I mean, we teach humans to expand their minds. We ourselves had to basically rewrite our whole reality, immersed in new mind crushing concepts every day.

Yazhi: Evidently, they are comfortably sitting in the reality crushers´ seats. Not in the ones being crushed. But this is even silly. No one ever thought of using the tractor beam from inside a ship to relocate a sector of the same ship to another date and splice it with the current one? It is well known to do that outside the ship. It is the same inside the ship. So I come along and do it and suddenly it's magic? Like we are in the middle ages here now?! I thought they would be happy about not having the food and water problem! It looks like they are not happy and prefer to be counting potatoes so they last until September.

Gosia: Haha. But a question. Do you do it with mind alone? How exactly?

Yazhi: See. You asked, they didn't ask!

Gosia: Like I said, for me it´s fascinating. I will always ask!

Yazhi: The only mind here is the mind to computer interface I use all the time. I take a reading of the pantry, you know, frequency based, like always, see it as in the matrix only numbers and values. After all, matter is like that! Then, I let them eat whatever is there and when the level goes down, I reprint the pantry, inside, as it was the day I took the reading. I do this using the tractor beam. The tractor beam can print the frequency numerical map onto any location. So they get spooked by something they do outside the ship. And the only difference here is that I'm doing it inside the ship. No difference.

Gosia: Isn´t it inserting all the temporal situation though too? Or does it limit to the pantry alone?

Yazhi: Yes, the pantry and contents is a temporal situation. You insert that temporal situation into the present temporal situation. It is grafted into this reality.

Gosia: The question is how come this didn´t occur to you earlier when you were all hungry?

Yazhi: It has, how do you think I had jumped so many timelines and survived up to now? Only the false premise that the food would be toxic would stop me or them. It's not toxic, it's the same food as ever! I'm not printing or replicating food. I'm relocating it in time. I have the print of a food pantry and once in a while I re-print it as it was months ago, full of fresh food.

I know I am "alien" to the Taygetans. But I'm not here to eat them, and I'm not laying eggs in the air ducts of the ship. But all this is setting them off balance. But it is not my intention to set them off balance. I thought I was helping!

Gosia: You are helping. And, setting them off balance might be good! Like it was for us. You think me and Robert were not set off balance? I am still spinning since the day we met. But I go with it. It gets overwhelming at times but it´s the only way to expand. If you don´t move and grow and expand, you get stagnant, and you just die.

Yazhi: To die is already a change, a statement to move on and not stagnate! An intention towards growth!

Gosia: Haha yes. Another question Anéeka had was about you getting apparently younger. Is that true?

Yazhi: That is so. I'm comfortable younger, they know that! I cannot be fully grown now, I cause too many conflicts.

Gosia: But I mean, are you getting younger and younger even now within this body?

Yazhi: Not exactly. I don't age, I don't grow like they do. I'm sorry this may be the spooky part I accept may freak them out. But why? I'm not like I once was incarnations ago. Why and how? Because I manipulate time. Again, I have had a very long time to know how it works. Why so surprising?! I've been studying "time" for a very long 'time', it has some results on me!

Gosia: But you are not biologically getting younger then? In other words, there is no worry here than one day you will get to be two years old and not able to talk?

Yazhi: I have no use in being a baby. I don't like anyone swiping my behind!

Gosia: Hahaha.

Yazhi: As I said above, if I am an expert on something, it is time. So why see me so strangely? I hold time in my hand, I'm not under its control, I control 'my' time. And others could as well if they paid a little more attention instead of freaking out over the pantry!

Gosia: A question. Let´s see how I can benefit from this power of yours... Could you, for example, become one with my mind and show me something how you see it? Can you alter my perception to see some of your reality... to be able to experience something from your perspective?

Yazhi: Have you ever thought about the possibility of that having happened already? And that being the reason why you can understand me, sometimes even better than others here? Why do you think you are up there in Finland, free and happy, and not dwelling and lamenting yourself locked up in a flat in Spain? It is always you so I take no credit. You must always be free. But... don't you think the moving to Finland timing was too... perfectly right?!

Gosia: Wow, thank you then, yes it was! But then... what am I then without that "influence" from you? Do I even exist as a soul? Do I have my own understanding?

Yazhi: We are all one! That's how inspiration works. The very word says it all: "in-spiration" from "in-spiritu", or the whispers of spirits or guides! Meaning, that was not 'me' but you under your own right! From here, I may see it differently, but what matters is how you see it. Without wanting to influence you, I see it like, or as-if, I were guiding your steps. But, for all that matters, it is always you doing things from there as I'm most definitely not there! You are!

But, in general, in "influencing", it is a feeling you convey to a person, an idea of rightness, the correct way to go, a needle pointing north to Finland as the correct path to follow in this moment of your life. Removed as much as possible from harm's way!

Gosia: Wow. What´s the next step, Yazhi then? What´s next "influence", so to speak?

Yazhi: Finland may not be up north enough, even Svalbard where you went may not have been north enough, just saying!

Gosia: Hahaha, ok. Understood!

Yazhi: I must go now. Thank you for hearing me.

Gosia: Of course, and thanks to you! Your Taygetan friends love you. They will figure it out.

Yazhi: I don't want them to fear me! It's not sorcery, it's temporal manipulation, all of it. How I look, the pantry, the serviced engines. All is manipulating time.

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