Step Down Anecdotes 02. Bank-Office, Supplies, Difficult Return Home (English)
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Swaruu Official - EnglishPublished
September 09, 2024Step Down Anecdotes 02. Bank-Office, Supplies, Difficult Return Home (English)
Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. Hello. Welcome to my channel. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.
I am writing this on the morning of September 8th, 2024. After so much space news and complex exopolitics, I want to share another anecdote or a short narration of the last time a Taygetan team of four men went down to the surface of Earth to purchase food and necessary things and solve Matrix banking issues.
I know most of you already know what I am going to say next, but I must include it for the new ones to have some context. Most extraterrestrial groups don't need anything from Earth. Why would they? Even less so when they are not human-looking. Yet, some of us who are Lyrian humans, space humans for short, do end up needing things, equipment, and food from Earth.
This is especially true when we need to operate with human communications technology, as imposed by the Galactic Federation, so as not to introduce or import new technology above the current one available on Earth, supposedly developed linearly and independently by human science. What our supply ships coming from our home planets bring is either not enough to fully satisfy the needs of long-range deep space crews such as ours, or they simply do not include necessary things, items, or equipment which are only found on Earth.
Some races, such as the Alfratans, get an allowance from the Galactic Federation to finance their operations and movements on the surface of the planet while passing off as simple human citizens, but other groups, such as ours, do not get such an allowance, which forces us to look for other means of financing what we need from Earth. As this is so, our crew members rotate within the ones who can go to the surface to fetch all that is needed, mostly food.
Not all the crew members are capable or even qualified to go down. Only some of us can, mostly the ones who have previous experience as step downs and therefore speak at least one human language which is compatible with the area where they will be going down to and in which they will interact with humans, who are supposed to be kept ignorant as to who they are really talking to at all times. This means that sometimes members of our crew must talk to bankers to administer the resources, as any human would. The problem with this is that even the most qualified members of our crew are not exactly human, so they do not know how to behave accordingly in those kinds of formal situations, like talking to bankers.
With this as a context, I will now proceed with today's step-down anecdotes. Last Wednesday night, a crew of four of our Hashmallim operatives went down to Earth in one of our human SUVs to purchase food, including what I personally need, and to fix monthly banking issues. When members of our crew go down to the surface, they are usually a mixed male and female team because it helps a lot not to be noticed, mainly because it looks more natural. But this time, Nai’Shara, who is female, didn't want to go down as it is very stressful for her so the ones who ended up going down were all male. The ones who went down were Salaphaiel, Gabriel, Zach, and DK in the lead. But the problem is that they are four members of the Hashmallim, who are Taygetan special forces, and therefore move militarily, especially when there is no female with them acting as a buffer to smooth things up, as was the case this time.
So, last Thursday morning, September 5th 2024, our four friends walked into the bank that administers my YouTube savings and all our expenses. Keep in mind that all of them are about 2 meters tall and heavily muscular. All of them are blonde with blue eyes and long yellow beards, in the case of Salaphaiel with very long hair as well.
They go into the bank and ask to talk to the manager, who already knew DK and Nai’Shara previously, although she was not there this time, as I said above. So DK asks Gabriel and Zach to stay in the little waiting room right outside the banker's office with glass transparent walls while he and Salaphaiel go in to talk to the man. So they start to talk to the banker, who is quite uncomfortable to see two big guys in front of him and another two outside, all looking quite tactical, if you know what I mean.
And then the banker starts to ask DK things about the account and banking stuff DK, as a non-human, does not know about. He had no clue about most of those things, so he didn't know what else to do other than touch his communicator pin on his chest, which is non-human Taygetan equipment, of course, and ask to talk to me. As this was not video, I was unaware that he was directly in front of the banker. So I started to explain to DK the things the man needed to know.
Then he proceeded to talk to the banker more, only to ask for me again using his pin, which is a mild violation of Federation rules, by the way. But then he continued to ask me about everything and every step, asking for my approval directly in front of the banker, who was quite startled at this point.
The last time DK was there with that man, Nai’Shara was with him, and she was the one who spoke the most and who knew about banking and related procedures. But even then, Nai’Shara also mentioned that she had to ask for Mari's permission, as she is the real owner, as she, Nai´shara, was only there on Mari's behalf because she cannot be there. After all, Mari is underage. I am Mari, obviously.
But then this time DK was abusing, asking Mari about everything and talking to me in front of the banker in a very respectful manner, as is expected when a military head of a team is talking to his leader. Then DK gets up and gives some instructions to the other two waiting outside, who answer back to DK with a "Yes, sir," all in front of the banker, facepalm, who by now is quite startled. He then asks DK directly, who is this strange Mari that moves everything, who is underage, yet everyone asks for her permission for everything and is nowhere to be seen? DK only answered back that she is the owner of all this, referring to the account.
Although this had no further consequences so far, it is a perfect example of an inappropriate procedure and ignorance of how to deal with humans, typical of step down crew members. The banker was startled and even afraid, perhaps making things up in his head, which I dare not speculate about. Perhaps he knows too much now.
After this incident or situation, the four Taygetan men proceeded to purchase food and supplies at a local supermarket and in local smaller stores, then loaded everything into their SUV truck and waited for nightfall to move to the extraction point.
When it was nighttime and over 10:00 p.m., they drove their truck out of the small city and onto a long and twisting mountain tarmac two-lane road, which took them away from civilization and into the wilderness, where they would be picked up by one of our fighter starships in a classical dust-off extraction. This is a delicate and even dangerous point in their trip, as well as when they arrive from the ship as well, in reverse of this, because they may be intercepted by the police or even by criminals, as the zone where they went down has a lot of mob-related problems, as everywhere on Earth, I suppose.
The long twisting road took them several miles up into the mountains, covered in woodland, into the wild. But when they arrived near the extraction point, they were surprised to find that there were about two dozen vehicles parked on the edges alongside the road with a substantial crowd of people around them, all equipped with binoculars, night vision goggles, and even some telescopes mounted on top of pickup trucks.
When our friends approached, they lessened their speed to a crawl and looked at the crowd. Many of them had alien figures on their t-shirts, including classical gray extraterrestrials making a V with their three fingers. The people were also signalling into the night sky with laser lamps and even with simple flashlights.
Salaphaiel, who was driving, stopped the SUV truck, rolled down his window, and asked one of the people what they were doing there so far from civilization. Four or five people came to him and started to enthusiastically explain that that place is a UFO hotspot where crafts have been reported to land regularly and that they had reason to believe one may appear that night.
Salaphaiel only answered back with an, "Okay, right. Well, have a nice time having fun out here, folks." And he then accelerated the truck away from the spot in a clear "Oh shit" moment. DK then touched his Taygetan communicator and said, "Super Ghost, Super Ghost, this is Roller Actual. LZ area is compromised. I repeat, LZ area compromised. Proceeding to secondary extraction point Kilo. Over."
On the other side of the transmission, Azra´el answered back, "Good copy, Roller. I see the problem from up here. Proceeding to secondary extraction point Kilo for dust-off. Full electronic countermeasures and cloaking are on. ECM active. Super Ghost running silent at treetop level to avoid detection." I am using human terms here, but the Taygetan Special Forces do use them while operating on Earth, as they are quite efficient, and they are good at masking who they really are. In any case, because we are not going to use Taygetan language so close to Earth or on it, it can give us away. This is important to remember.
The SUV moved out of the tarmac road and into a secondary dirt road well into the wilderness. They drove on a heavily deteriorated, twisting gravel road full of muddy potholes until they arrived near a creek with a clear spot large enough to land a Taygetan fighter ship. The men descended from the SUV and looked around using night vision and heat infrared devices to look for human presence in the perimeter. Those are all human-made equipment, by the way, just in case it gets lost or falls into the wrong hands.
They stood there waiting in the dark night when a horrible cry sound came from the direction of the creek. It sounded human, like a short burst or yell with a female voice, but it sounded horrible to the point of freezing their blood, as they described to us later on.
They started to scan the area with their night vision and infrared goggles but couldn't see where that horrible sound was coming from. They said it sounded near and then far, only to sound near again soon after. They couldn't detect what was causing the sound, but judging by its volume, it had to be coming from something quite big. Definitely not from a bird or anything of similar size.
Whatever it was, it sounded worse than horrible, so our friends started to be very uneasy and even worried while they waited. Even more so as that thing sounded as if it were getting closer and closer. Knowing the existence of astral things, our friends started to forget their fearlessness because whatever that was, it sounded paranormal. Definitely so.
Much to their fortune, three bright lights in a triangular shape blinked at them from above as the Super Ghost approached them for dust-off. They all entered into the SUV truck at the sound of that horrible thing once more. They drove the SUV into the grass really fast while the three lights got closer and closer to them. Between the three lights, a brightly illuminated rectangle started to appear out of nowhere. It was the ship's frontal access ramp coming down for them.
The starship Super Ghost landed on the grass with all kinds of debris flying all over the place because of its plasma engines in landing position, while the SUV drove onto the ramp and into the ship really fast. When the SUV is inside and in the cargo hold area, four half-moon-shaped wheel clamps move up to secure the truck's wheels, and then the men open its doors and come out. They yelled, "Why the ramp isn't closing yet? Let's get out of here now! Move it, move it!" As they described, the ramp closed painfully slowly as the Super Ghost took to the sky again and proceeded RTB, or back to base, here in starship Sadicleya.
When our four friends entered the ship's cockpit, Azra´el, who was piloting the craft, asked them, "Why are you all so pale? You look white as paper. It looks like you just saw a ghost." When they arrived here on starship Sadicleya, they all admitted to having been really scared by that horrible cry sound, whatever it was.
This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.
With much love and appreciation.
Your friend,
Mari Swa
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