Taygeta Space News, 34, August 5, 2024, Swaruuneans No More, Bad-G.F., New-Meetings (English)

Swaruu Official - English
August 05, 2024

Taygeta Space News, 34, August 5, 2024, Swaruuneans No More, Bad-G.F., New-Meetings (English)

Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. Hello, welcome to my channel. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

The first piece of news for today: I have dissolved the Swaruunian race because, in my opinion, it makes no sense, and it has no biological nor genetic support, contrary to what my predecessors have said in the past, leaving it as only a legally imposed useless spin-off of simple Taygetans. This is not a contradiction, and I am not going against Swaruu of Erra nor Yazhi for having published that information, as this is an evolution of the subject and not an inconsistency.

When Queen Alenym first suggested me as her successor, one of the things against me was that I was legally not Taygetan because I was officially a Swaruunian. This was simply because I am Swaruu of Erra´s granddaughter and therefore I held the surname Swaruu. And the Taygetan queen had to be Taygetan, obviously. So I had to make a case against the existence of the Swaruunian race to be accepted.

For those of you who do not remember this, Swaruu of Erra, who first started to be in contact with Robert of Despejando Enigmas and Gosia of Cosmic Agency back in December of 2017, went to the Galactic Federation local council in the Andromedan biosphere ship Viera and legally managed to create the Swaruunian race. With this, creating a rupture and a separation with the Taygetan people.

I talked to Yazhi Swaruu just this morning, as she was the one who, together with Swaruu of Erra, gave this information to Robert and Gosia, and she reluctantly agreed with what I will say next.

As it is understood, Swaruu of Erra provided the local Galactic Federation council genetic proof that her DNA had mutated to hold full 12-strand DNA, making it crystalline, unlike most of the Taygetan DNA, which is more Lyrian, more human, in other words. Therefore, different and another species.

What I have found, with the help of the ship's surgeon Senetre and using genetic Taygetan records, is that 12-stranded so-called crystalline DNA is actually quite common among the Taygetan population. Moreover, it is also quite common among Lyrians, regardless of the star race variant they may belong to, including Earth humans.

DNA, crystalline or not, is a materialization, a manifestation on the side of the living of the soul inside the physical body. 12 stranded crystalline DNA, or however you want to call it, is not accepted as a scientific fact on Earth because of its limited and controlled science. Yet, it is fully recognized elsewhere off the planet.

Therefore, holding any type of proof of having 12 stranded DNA as a Lyrian does not mean that the subject belongs to a new species, as it is a quality and a variant inside another. And, from my point of view, it is as absurd as me legally starting a new race simply because I have dark eyes, unlike most other Taygetans who have blue ones.

Another reason why Swaruu of Erra claimed that she was another species is that she, in her time-jumping variants, tended to self-replicate by pathogenesis, which is the ability of some creatures, including some Lyrians, to self-impregnate. Therefore, reproducing without the need of male intervention, although the product will always be an identical clone of the mother.

This is again only a characteristic of all Lyrian species, among others, and many space human women can also do that, although it is more common in some races than in others, including the human race on Earth, where it also occurs, although extremely rarely. Yet, it is there as a fact.

But my main point against the existence of the Swaruunian race is the simple and in-your-face fact that there are no males, and you cannot have a single-gender species. You may have a genderless species that reproduces in another way, like the Arcturian Dieslentiplex, but not within a sexually reproducing two-gender species. Where are the Swaruunian men? You cannot be an all-female species if you depend on the males of another. That makes no sense.

As it was later physically proven by a Swaruu of Erra time-jumping variant, and by my mother Julia, Swarunians can and do reproduce with a male as any other Taygetan or Lyrian variant because my mother Julia Swaruu has a father, and so do I. And that's why I have dark eyes, unlike the other Swaruu, but that is another story. Without two genders, there cannot be a Lyrian variant species.

Therefore, I am officially dissolving what Swaruu of Erra legally did and reuniting the so-called Swaruunian with the rest of the Taygetan population as more of them and as it should be. Swaruu of Erra's motivation to create a Swaruunian race is still shady, and it has no genetic sustenance. It has only been sustained legally and politically, not biologically. There is no Swaruunian race. We are all Taygetan.

The next piece of news. The official Taygetan accusation against the Saturn-based Galactic Federation which oversees this Solar System regarding Queen Alenym's attempted assassination has received an official response. Yet, it is only coming from the local Viera-based Federation and not from Saturn higher above. They state that the Galactic Federation's local representatives have nothing to do with such an assassination attempt and that they understand we are upset, yet, we should not generalize, as they would never try to do such a hideous thing.

In the first place, we never accused the local Federation of anything. We only gave them our message so they could give it in turn to the Federation level higher above, the Saturn one, because those are impossible to reach directly. You can't even go there in a starship, as Saturn and its surroundings are a no-fly zone. You go there and Federation warships kick you out regardless of who you may be.

The local Federation's useless reply has been taken by us, the Taygetans, as an unempathetic and illogical response, which also serves as a cover-up for those higher above as if they were protecting them. We do have genetic fingerprint proof that the pathogen, which was designed to attack Queen Alenym specifically, could have only been developed in the genetic engineering laboratories which are part of the Solar System-level Galactic Federation headquarters. That piece of information was provided to us by our friends and allies, the Urmah, but I cannot go into specifics to protect their sources.

The attempted assassination of a high leader, in this case the at-the-time queen of Taygeta and ambassador of the Alcyone Council to the Galactic Federation, is an extremely serious event and must not be taken lightly nor swept under the rug, as the local authorities in the Viera are attempting, because we do not see them moving to solve the problem and to find the ones who are guilty of such a crime, although we already have their names.

This event has caused a bad rupture in diplomatic relationships between the Galactic Federation and the Taygetans, Urmahs, and the entire Alcyone Council which oversees and guards the interests of all the star nations and cultures in the M45 Pleiades star cluster.

I understand that the actions of a few cannot dictate how the entire Galactic Federation must be seen. Yet, the lack of support and the lack of concern about what just happened leads us to generalize inevitably because we no longer know who to trust within that organization.

Even less so when Captain Gor´iel and his team were sent to represent the Taygetan people during the local Galactic Federation's meetings and conferences about why Earth must be kept as it is, were rudely and obnoxiously treated by their hosts. Thus we translate the threat to Captain Gor´iel and his team as well. Therefore, they will no longer be attending such meetings as there may be a safety issue there against them.

Anyhow, we've seen enough of those conferences which are only been used to manipulate the perception of the attending star races about how Earth Lyrian humans must be seen. This is quite outrageous as it is they who are asking us not to generalize. Earth humans, the population, are not causing the problems of Earth. It is the Galactic Federation-controlled governments who are, and we have proof of that. Furthermore, we are well aware that I am their most probable next target. Yet, I am here unafraid and ready to face any challenge.

The Galactic Federation has no legal sustenance to demand we leave Earth's orbit, as it would go against a handful of their own regulations. For example, the one that states that no race can be forced to leave their starseeds and the personnel they have on the surface of a planet. Thus, to be forced out of here, they would have to let us mass extract all Taygetans, which also would bring all kinds of ethical problems and conundrums as many do not wish to leave. And even if they would, it would mean a mass exodus which would expose the presence of so-called extraterrestrials. Therefore, endangering their cherished 3D Earth Matrix and its status quo.

Such action would also expose a less-than-ethical Galactic Federation to the rest of the star races who are also in low Earth orbit, probably causing a mass awakening to the fact that the Galactic Federation is at least acting in a very regressive and evil way. And that is not in their best interests.

Therefore, they choose to hide and act as if nothing were happening, gaslighting you to think that you are the one who is being paranoid. It is like them throwing a rock at you and then hiding their hand, claiming it was not them when you know it was. And then they counter accuse you of being unfairly distrustful.

The next piece of news for today. I have talked to my Antarian counterpart, who wishes her name not to be mentioned yet, and with King Ruhr of the Urmah conglomerate about the possibility of organizing a series of meetings or conferences about Earth where any star race can attend so we can expose and share our points of view to the other cultures in Earth orbit. Although this is still in its organizing stages, we hope to have them soon.

The problem is that it is inherently dangerous to organize in-person meetings where people go physically so we must see the possibility of using a virtually created place of reunion where remote presence can be used for safety reasons. Yet, the problem is that not all the interested star races have the same remote presence capacity as we have. So there is a system incompatibility issue to deal with first. Other races may have remote presence capacity, yet only for a limited amount of their people at one time, thus also complicating how the event can be organized.

In another piece of space news: starship Toleka is still docked with Sadicleya. Although we have concluded our move and only small things and details are missing, for example moving the internet equipment and antennas from Toleka, we are now fully living inside starship Sadicleya. Starship Toleka will be returning to Taygeta to Temmer in three or five days. Our crews have switched officially since last Thursday, August 1st. All of Toleka's original crew, all the people you already know, are now living and in their roles and posts inside Sadicleya and vice versa.

The issues and strong diplomatic problems we are having with the Galactic Federation have left all of the Taygetans with only one internet entry point, which is already saturated. So, for the time being, we cannot initiate the Second Contact Project as there is no technical way to connect 900 people to the internet. This issue is being addressed, yet it is not solved yet, and it does not look good for now as the Federation is not cooperating with us effectively.

In yet another piece of news, we are well aware of all the problems and the menace of economic collapse and war on Earth. Yet, for now, let me remind you that such threats have always been there. Most of it is being produced by the media who is being instructed by their masters to create a fear atmosphere among the human population.

As I've said before, even if it is just a sick game, people do suffer and people do die. As there are many struggles in lower levels, all that suffering would be dissolved if the people knew the truth of how and who is organizing it from well above. You know who I am referring to.

Both the threats of economic collapse and war, local or global, are a case of cry wolf, as they have been pushing that for so many years. No one can ever really know when it is going to happen, if it happens at all, until it has already come to pass. The best and only thing we can do is continue with our lives as best as we can while keeping a highly sceptical eye on all those psychopaths. The ones on Earth and the ones up here in space as well. So this I just said goes for me as well.

This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.

With much love and appreciation.

Your friend,

Mari Swa

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