Space News 41, Pleiadian-Urmah Treaty and now Antaria, Alcohol and Alfratans, Alcyone (English)
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September 07, 2024Space News 41, Pleiadian-Urmah Treaty and now Antaria, Alcohol and Alfratans, Alcyone (English)
Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. Hello. Welcome to my channel. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously, and for whoever has eyes to see.
I am writing this on the morning of September 6th, 2024. Sorry for writing so many space news together. A lot is going on up here, and this is what is on my mind. I hope things stabilize here a bit more so I can concentrate on other subjects, although I enjoy sharing space news and anything else with you.
There was too much to say about the Pleiadian and Urmah treaty that was signed last Sunday, and one video was not enough, even though it was a long one. In my last video, I concentrated on the military aspects of the treaty and how we would all unite to reinforce our defences and cooperation. Yet, this treaty is extensive, and it also includes other non-military subjects.
Going over the details, agreeing on them all and signing each part of the treaty took us no less than four hours. Such a long time certainly did stress me out because I am not used to being in a delicate diplomatic situation for so long and where I must be and act as best as I can, much less among so many leaders and representatives, most of which I did not know previously. Yet, I thank them all for making me feel welcomed, accepted, and respected as the new Taygetan queen.
The other non-military aspects of the treaty I had no space to share with you in the last video include agricultural assets and raw materials sharing among the members, as well as full technological cooperation, which includes all branches. The treaty also includes the sharing of information, which comes from space exploration, including detailed data about new races, interstellar and not, unknown animals and plants, and full sharing of space frequency maps among and along our fleets, as well as traditional position location charting. The treaty also includes specifications and conditions for barter and trade, as it cannot be equal for all the member races due to sociocultural differences, as well as the availability of resources of each star nation or culture involved.
Yet, this treaty was indeed mostly for promoting unity and military cooperation for the protection of each one of its members. Unity and protection against any potential threat or enemy. Yet, it is fully accepted that the necessity of creating this treaty came nearly entirely as the result of the drastic and pronounced obscurity of the Galactic Federation.
We accept that its members, who are in charge of seeing to the interests of their appointed locations, are very positive and cooperative. But I insist they are too much so, as those local races who represent the Galactic Federation do act way too permissively and blindly cooperative towards their dubious overlords. They do act in a very wishful thinking way, only assuming that the Galactic Federation representatives over their level are more people like them, with the best interests of the regions in space they control and of the people who live in them. They only assume that, as they would never do anything hideous, abusive, and wrong against the people they are supposed to take care of, so would the ones above their Galactic Federation level.
This problem is seen on Earth a lot as well, mostly coming from the general population, who, generalizing, do have strong ethics, to one or another level, of course. Most people on Earth only want to make an honest living, grow and love each other, enjoy life, make babies, and find something meaningful to strive for. All they want is something to make all the suffering coming from simple existence worthwhile. Most people on Earth cannot accept nor understand that the people, or better said, the entities appointed as their official political leaders do not think like them, as they can easily be extremely cruel and abusive just to further their own interests and agendas.
This is one of the main reasons why most people cannot accept nor believe in conspiracy theories, as they have no mental frame to understand nor accept anything other than what is according to their values and ideas about reality.
Since this new Urmah and Pleiadian treaty was signed last Sunday, there has been one further development. The Antarian High Command has reached out to King Ruhr and to me, and they have expressed their interest and decision to join the treaty. As they are not a Pleiadian culture, nor do they have a foothold in the M45 Pleiadian star cluster as the Urmah have, including them does complicate things a bit more as far as what Galactic maritime law goes or dictates.
Including the Antarians in this new treaty means a direct and clear expansion of the influence of both the Urmah conglomerate and the area of control of the Pleiadian Alcyone Council. It adds up to a military expansion, which can alert the higher Galactic Federation to start seeing us as a direct threat to their interests, even though we clearly state that our new treaty is for protection purposes only, among other cooperation items like barter, as I described above.
I briefly talked to King Ruhr about this, and we decided that the Antarians are welcome, as long as this is discussed during a council meeting with the other Pleiadian member races of the Alcyone Council, where we must go over the legalities, consequences, and details of including Antarians into this treaty.
In general, it is in our best interests to include Antaria, as they have started to awaken to the fact that something quite fishy and dubious is going on in the higher levels of the Galactic Federation and they also seek protection. Perhaps this would also inspire other races and star nations to want to join in as well. Before the end of September, King Ruhr and I will summon another meeting with the Alcyone Council to discuss this issue, hopefully with the attendance and participation of Antarian representatives as well.
Now that I could talk to King Ruhr again and I had his attention, I could finally ask him what he told the Andromedan Galactic Federation local representatives before the second one of them, the good cop, not the bad one, spoke to me in a far more comprehensive and respectful way. Ruhr told me that all he needed to say was that the Urmah recognized me as the new Taygetan queen and should everyone else, and immediately, as any type or kind of aggression, including verbal abuse, by legal treaty is considered an offense, aggression against the Urmah people.
Ruhr kindly but firmly told the Galactic Federation Andromedan representatives that he had informed the entire Urmah conglomerate that I, Queen Mari Swa, was fully and disrespectfully treated by them for no reason at all. Ruhr said that the entire Andromedan image of being ethical, spiritual, and correct was at stake because of that one incident, and it could worsen very fast. This is not said as a threat but as a fact already in progress, so the Andromedans and the already stained Galactic Federation should start to make amends and learn to respect others, or else the Urmah would start to progressively remove the areas where they cooperate with the Galactic Federation, becoming even more contrary to their interests. And he should not need to remind them that no one wants the big cats angry. The Andromedans only answered back that the incident was regretful, and there was no need for the Urmah to get all feisty. Well, I certainly do thank King Ruhr for watching my back.
Moving to something else, CIC noticed a lot of chatter and speculation about the Alfratan recent fatal accident, where one of their Black Knight fightercraft had an unfortunate encounter playing chicken with a mountain. This caught everyone's attention even more since their two pilots were heavily alcoholized when they crashed.
This fact opened the need to talk about why the Galactic Federation lets its pilots fly drunk, when on Earth there are a lot of control measures to prevent people from driving under the influence. It's not that the Galactic Federation lets them do so, as it is officially prohibited, it is more of an Alfratan problem, as they are heavy drinkers in general, so they manage to overcome or get away with drinking at any time, including before their missions. Even more so because they do drink before most of their flying and other activities with no perceivable consequences.
Alfratans are the star race that has by far the most step downs, as they regularly go to Earth for supplies, including alcoholic beverages of all kinds, including the cheapest brands. Going down to Earth is very easy for them, as they are by far the most human-looking stellar race because they originated from Earth, as their official history goes. And, as they originated from Earth, they are the ones who have imported human bad habits to space the most, as is to be expected. Alfratans, as a people, are very complex and numerous, we cannot generalize with all of them, yet the ones here flying for the Federation do have very bad habits, obviously.
As for Taygetans, no one drinks here. No one likes alcohol, as we find it highly toxic and with unwanted effects. We are also highly conscious that alcohol does open people to unwanted spiritual influence, parasitism and even possession. That's why alcohol, as a legal drug, is called spirits. There is a reason for the semantics, as they are no coincidence.
There have been one or two examples where step-down Taygetans have developed an affinity for drinking alcohol, but that had drastic consequences for them as drinking can be and is enough of a reason for terminating contact with them and leaving them on their own on Earth to finish their lifetime as more humans.
This may seem cruel at first, but it is only a protection measure for the rest of us here, as we do not want to import all kinds of hideous astral entities which are attached to them, as well as importing the bad habits of drinking in itself, because it starts with one or two people, and then it can and would extend to the entire civilization, therefore opening windows for invasion, this time from the astral, which is completely real for our science and understanding. Taygetans, as well as countless other star races, do not know anything about alcohol. We must keep them that way.
We know that alcohol is one more trick of the Cabal and the Galactic Federation masters of Earth to control and diminish the human population, also making them susceptible to their influence coming from the astral side as well, so it is an attack against humans' integrity coming from all fronts. Sorry if this was bothersome for some of you, yet I speak the truth, and I do not want to sugarcoat anything.
In the last piece of news for today, the starship Alcyone is being extensively upgraded in its hull´s main shields. Not the energy ones, I mean the material solid ones with which she is built. Our engineers from our assistance vessel Saska One have been very busy with it during the last week, all under the direction of Captain Gori´el and myself. With these upgrades, including aesthetic ones, starship Alcyone will be ready for action in a few days. I will keep you informed.
A big hug to you all. This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.
With much love and appreciation.
Your friend,
Mari Swa
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