Space News, 30, July 01, 2024,?️, Hurricane in Temmer, Aftermath (English)

Swaruu Official - English
July 01, 2024

Space News, 30, July 01, 2024,?️, Hurricane in Temmer, Aftermath (English)

Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

The first piece of news for today: the aftermath of the hurricane that struck Toleka City last week. Yesterday I went to Toleka City again using the full immersion system. If you watched my previous videos, you can see that it is as if I were there in physicality, because for all that counts, I am really in Temmer, also as the people there can also see and interact with me.

It senses the reality around the area the user wants to be in, in all its details and qualities to a molecular level, and then it sends that data to the faraway user, where the supercomputers and their super high-resolution high-energy holograms literally print that reality around the user.

The same way, it senses the user in all its details and qualities, then it sends the data back to the initial faraway destination where the user is inserted into that reality for everyone to see and interact with, also using super high-resolution, high-energy holograms. For all practical purposes, you are there.

When I arrived in Temmer, the first place I saw was the High Council building and all the workers on scaffoldings and machines reconstructing the dome that was destroyed during the storm, including a yellow anti-gravity crane. The beautiful gardens around the round building were completely destroyed, and all that was left there was a muddy mess full of heavy vehicle tracks.

The group of people I was with were two High Council members, including its chairwoman and her second in command, the main representatives of Toleka City, and the group of engineers tasked with the reconstruction. We entered a small shuttle with a transparent top that provided great visibility. We moved around and hovered above the damaged areas at a very low altitude and very slowly.

Over 100 buildings suffered mild to severe storm damage, mostly with their transparent windows torn out and fallen trees and palm trees falling on them. Also, many trees were found several stories up and inserted into the buildings´ sides, trees that were de-rooted, picked up by the storm and slammed around against everything at hurricane speeds.

And here is where I started to notice one of the main causes for all the damage and also why the rescue forces and their equipment took so long to reach the citizens. Toleka City, as well as just about any other Taygetan metropolis, is famous for its convolution with nature. The cities are widely known for being constructed in nature and with nature all around the buildings, leaving its streets and pathways almost as if they were mountain roads moving through the forest, where the entrances to advanced buildings can be found between the trees where these buildings are built upwards as skyscrapers as to minimize the area below it is robbing from nature.

Almost all of the tall buildings in Toleka City are pointed upwards like needles into the sky because their structures also serve as free energy collectors of the type that gathers atmospheric electricity and channels it down to the ground in a controlled manner, exploiting the polarity differential between the electrical charges found in the air and on the floor. Taygetan cities are literally built in the forest with skyscrapers bothering nature as little as possible. Built in the forest or in any type of natural environment it may be in, and in the case of Toleka City, it is built in a tropical forest that blends in with a palm tree forest at the edge of the sea and at the mouth of a large river that is pouring its glacial water into Toleka Bay turquoise ocean. Glaciers that are found in the lower parts of the Temmerian high mountains that are like 80 kilometres west of Toleka City at the centre of one of the planet's largest islands.

Toleka City is built this way nearly on its entire surface except maybe for the parts of the city that are at the very centre, where the tall buildings are clumped together in a more traditional manner similar to Earth, for example. Yet, still have large amounts of trees among them as well as large park areas.

Although this sounds very nice and very ecological, it's not very practical, in my opinion. First, because the distances between buildings can be very large, causing the city to extend its surface a lot more than what a regular city would, and this makes traveling, commuting, and moving from one part of the city to the next very difficult and time-consuming.

This also causes the citizens to heavily depend on the city's Maglev train transportation system and on their electric vehicles, both land and aerial as well, as many times the distances they must move can exceed practical walking distance. And then there is the constant problem of clearing the debris, fallen branches and leaves that constantly get in the way of the citizens' movements, not to mention the problems that wild animals and creatures also cause while inside a city.

Although I must mention here that there aren't any animals that may be dangerous to Lyrian people, nothing worth worrying about at least, as the fauna is very benevolent and even friendly, but to a limited degree, I must add. There are no poisonous animals, no snakes, and no large predators there, at least near the city, because deep in the wilderness, far from the cities, large cats can be found, mostly of the family of mountain lions, panthers and leopards, as well as many subspecies of bobcats and lynxes.

Although there are sophisticated clearing and cleaning systems to face this tree debris problem, and that are quite efficient I must add, they were quickly overrun and overtasked when the hurricane struck to the point where they became completely useless.

When the storm arrived, Temmerian citizens suddenly found themselves cut off and isolated by thousands and thousands of fallen trees and landslides all over the city, which prevented them from moving to a safer area when their houses and buildings started to flood and also prevented search and rescue workers and vehicles from arriving to help.

Of course, search and rescue is equipped with all kinds of sophisticated emergency aerial vehicles, but as Temmer is known to be a very calm planet with a warm and stable climate, there weren't enough emergency aerial vehicles to attend to all the citizens calling for help. Also, the strong winds prevented the few aerial vehicles from flying and manoeuvring correctly, and, as I was informed, just about all of them crashed multiple times during the emergency while they were conducting rescues, sustaining considerable damage to their hulls, although they did not stop operating and helping the population, and none were lost.

When I went to see the search and rescue headquarters in Toleka City, I saw rows and rows of emergency aerial vehicles parked outside their hangars, and all of them were scraped, dinged and bashed all over, with smashed windows and missing parts as well. Nothing ever happens in Temmer, so there weren't enough search and rescue vehicles and personnel to face a large hurricane.

The Temmerian love for having their cities integrated with nature caused them a lot of problems and injured people during this hurricane. They respect nature a little too much, as they were already going against their own well-being and safety and not only against their efficiency and practicality.

Proof of this is that I found that one of the two main hangar doors from where emergency vehicles of all kinds, land and aerial, come out from was blocked by bushes, plants and palm trees, simply because the search and rescue personnel didn't want to bother pruning and transplanting the trees and plants, taking for granted that they wouldn't need that extra door and all the emergency equipment inside. This caused search and rescue not to be efficient enough during this hurricane emergency, as at least half of their ships, vehicles and equipment were unable to move out of their storage areas because of the doors being overrun by growing nature.

I know it is beautiful to have a civilization that is this respectful to nature, but they shouldn't have ever permitted plants and trees to grow to obstruct those large hangar doors. There is a place for nature and another for civilization. There are areas where they shouldn't mix.

I love plants and trees, and I am even very telepathically sensitive to their wants and needs, I feel them and I understand them. I even suffer for them and with them as an empath. But, although it hurt me, I had to order search and rescue to clear the area in front of their hangars and build a large concrete flat area in front of them.

Then I had to do the same again when I saw the damage and the fallen trees blocking the entrance and exit of the local Toleka City starport, the one from where medium-sized shuttlecraft take off and land, those that are mostly interplanetary, connecting and commuting between the four planets of the Taygetan solar system.

I also had to order those plants and trees to be transplanted or moved away from the entrances as starships and shuttles had to do unnecessary extra manoeuvres to avoid the trees and plants as they entered and exited the starport.

The interstellar starport is located south of Toleka City and also in Temmerian orbit, where there is a very large 25 km in diameter space station designed to accommodate and dock large interstellar starships. The interstellar starport south of the city also sustained damage during the storm.

After seeing the repairs of this part of the city, we moved north to see how the workers were reconstructing the damaged or destroyed private homes. Most were completely gone, leaving 54 families homeless. Yet, as a holistic society, everyone is doing their best to build or reconstruct their homes as fast and as well as possible.

But I was annoyed to see that they were having trouble getting needed help and raw materials from the nearby islands and their councils because they were holding on to them in case they would need them if another hurricane struck, even though this one did not damage their cities and towns. This is also because they were already tracking at least two other strong weather systems that could turn into two other hurricanes.

Doing my very best in my role as Princess Queen of Taygeta, I immediately ordered the councils of those adjacent islands to provide the necessary materials to the reconstruction workers, while I also mildly accused them of being unempathetic and very unlike a holistic society. And while I was at it, I also ordered space traffic in Temmer to activate weather manipulation and control systems to divert and dissolve those strong, menacing weather systems before they developed into more hurricanes.

And this is where some Temmerians started to accuse me of not respecting the planet and its moods, thinking that it should simply be allowed to run its course. And they also accused me of being anti-plants and trees only because I ordered them to be removed from obvious areas where they were causing trouble, a lot of problems. These were not severe accusations; they were more like rumours of what others were saying, for what that was worth, but I did take it as an accusation. This is a case where you cannot ever have or make everyone happy.

Temmerians were and are placing nature over their very safety and lives, with a little too much respect for it, especially when about 99.9% of the planet is reserved for nature, and no one ever bothers it. Can we leave that 0.1% of the planet for Temmerian people to live in harmony, may I ask?

This is planet Temmer, not the Earth where nature is being devastated, but even though that is the truth, it is not the direct fault of the people as politicians there want to make humans believe. It is the fault of the controllers of Earth and at all levels because they are forcing the people into a mere survival state, where it is either nature or them, as they are not given any other alternatives.

I had to make strong decisions there yesterday, and I stand by them, as it is my task to protect the people and the environment, giving each one its deserved place and not mixing them together, causing these disastrous results. This hurricane was a warning for the people of Temmer that their planet is alive and it can be moody, even though it is considered to be a super-inhabitable planet, and that is with easier living conditions than those found on Earth.

Although many people suspect that this hurricane was artificial and meant to weaken the Taygetan people, up to now there are no indications nor are there any clues that may link it to foul play. Even though it coincides in time with the attack against Queen Alenym, it appears to be a natural strong weather event.

It left behind a strong toll of unnecessary destruction. It left 54 destroyed private homes and over 600 damaged others. It left over 100 damaged buildings in the town, the High Council Hall with no roof, several large buildings in the starports and the shipyard construction areas with no roofs, and with interior damage.

It left over 100 sea ships sunken or destroyed, 34 damaged major starships that were parked in the starports, and countless other smaller vehicles of all kinds damaged, missing, or destroyed.

It left the tropical forest and palm tree forests devastated for several dozen square kilometres, with a heavy toll on nature and wildlife. And it left a total of seven dead Temmerians. Four from a private ship that crashed into the mountains as it tried to get away from the storm, three others who drowned when they were dragged into the sea by the storm, and 19 other people missing and feared dead. It left 1,122 wounded individuals with various degrees of injuries.

I do my best to help while I am in my role as the Taygetan Princess Queen, but it will never be enough. This will be all for today. Coming up soon, Captain Gori´el of the SS Alcyone will give us his report about the first Galactic Federation meeting about why Earth must remain as it is. It took place this last Saturday, 29th of June 2024, in the Andromedan biosphere ship Viera.

As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more. It helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.

With much love.

Your friend,

Mari Swaruu

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