Ecosystems in Taygeta **NO VIDEO**

ATTACHE, english
July 22, 2021

Ecosystems in Taygeta **NO VIDEO**

Anéeka: Temmer and Erra are very peaceful planets, few things hurt you there. They are based on symbiosis ecosystems, not aggressive exploitation. So-called super habitable planets.

There are two other planets in Taygeta, Procyon, nothing to do with the star of the same name or similar Proceon, and Dakote. Procyon is a very hot and hostile planet, with gravity of 1.2G where you weigh a % more than on Earth compared to Temmer and Erra with 0.8G. And there everything is hostile. Everything wants to make you its dinner, everything is toxic. Everything is carnivorous. The law of the jungle dominates. A strong contrast between Temmer and Erra and Procyon.

Dakote, on the contrary, has little fauna, has a gravity of 0.7G, but is very cold.

In Taygeta we are few people in total, no need to invade anything, nature is free and the funny thing is that it corresponds equally. Because, unlike what happens on Earth, it is very rare or very rare for a hurricane or a destructive storm to occur or form. So, it is a constant, efficient and benign climate. It favors life and its proliferation.

In contrast, on Earth, there are many parasitic ecosystems as opposed to Erra and Temmer where there is more symbiosis. On Earth, it is noticeable in things like the proliferation of poisonous or thorny plants, while on Erra or Temmer there are more phosphorescent plants. Which indicates not a 'go away', but a 'come to me' for the insects. Another mentality even in plants and insects. That is, they attract insects, not try to repel them.

Also, we have very few animal predators, since the system is symbiotic in nature, not parasitic, as I understand it. Even in the seas, it is characterized by the high population of cetaceans and the absence of sharks. On the contrary, on Earth, if you see a beautiful, warm and crystalline sea, you know that there are sharks. In Temmer, that same sea is full of dolphins and it is pleasant to swim in. Moreover, the dolphins are curious and friendly. They abound on Temmer and Erra, but on Temmer, especially.

Temmer is a mostly water planet, has few solid or dry continents, has a mild climate, two distinct seasons. Tropical paradise planet. Where palm trees abound, they are everywhere. Far from being an Earth-only species.

In addition, Temmer has a great variety of birds, also fish and cetaceans. Seeing a whale in the distance or several whales on the Temmerian horizon is a common scene and no one bothers them.

In Temmer, there is a lot of, let's say water sports, almost everything is dedicated to that. On the coasts there are many small sailboats as well. Its sea lends itself to sailing, as storms are rare.

And propellers are not used to propel boats. Propellers are very harmful to sea lions, cetaceans, dolphins and fish. Boats are not all sail-powered; magnetic water jets are used. Work or cargo boats are motorized but are magnetic so as not to harm wildlife. Water Jet. These work by means of magnetism compressing the water, which passes through a tube and propels it backwards.

In the event that a fish enters the tube, it comes out the other side, perhaps dizzy, but not hurt. And all power is Zero Point, with no or minimal wires.

Erra, on the other hand, is a planet with a very changeable climate, usually cold. The winter is strong. Also, two marked seasons. The planet is covered by large coniferous forests. On Erra, there are plants that run away if disturbed. The little plants are rounded bushes that if you pass by and disturb one, they run away senselessly, hitting each other and against objects and other plants and trees. And then they calm down.

I guess they do it to prevent being eaten or scare the animal. But they have no sense of where they are running to nor do they see obstacles. They are like explosions of movement, of rearranging, of which plant goes where. When the stimulus disappears they calm down again and will not move until the next stimulus. They live in areas of high moisture content in the soil, in Erra forests. There are many species that do that, their roots are like little paws, they are very shallow and they are retractable, and they can move at amazingly fast speeds, as fast as a person would run. They are from high mountain forest.

In Taygeta also some species of trees unroot themselves and walk very slowly to places that suit them better. They can take weeks to move just a few meters, but they move, and I am talking about large trees. In Erra, what a tree does is to look for the best soil, but they are very very slow. Weeks to move a few meters.

Ents do exist, but without anthropomorphic faces. They do not speak either, only telepathically. There are also plants that emit noise. Indeed, in many parts, there are plants that emit noise, but not as a lung noise, as an animal would have. They do it with vibrations or with knocks. They move. In Erra, Temmer or Procyon, at least. The noise is like a clicking, it seems to be to attract insects for pollination. They usually do it in spring, they don't do it year round. Same with photoluminescence, they compete for insect attention. Or they scare them away depending on the color.

It should be remembered here that in Erra, as elsewhere, the ecosystem is based primarily on symbiosis. Not on competition and/or parasitic exploitation. There are not many predators.

Procyon, on the other hand, is something else, it is plagued by dangerous animals and insects.

Regarding predators, in Erra there are wolves, coyotes, foxes and carnivorous felines. That's about as big as it gets in terms of carnivores. In Temmer or Erra, you can go into the sea with confidence and into the forest as well. The felines tend to stay away from people, but not the wolf, which is very curious about people. But you don't hear of many or any ugly incidents involving the Erra wolf.

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