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#1 2024-04-29 12:03:35


The Engan People - Mari Swaruu


The Engan People - By Mari Swaruu

Swaruu Oficial Channel:


#2 2024-04-29 12:29:15


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

I'm happy to learn about more star races.

It's as if we are getting acquainted to our new-old
friends again. As our knowledge and perception grows to the outside hopefully our compatibility in density gets closer too as we integrate more and more stuff. As you all may know our reality is restricted to our own capability of understanding so maybe we will live to see them one day if we keep at our expansion and sorting our bad stuff out. Self note to myself again to practice meditation


#3 2024-04-29 14:40:59


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

(TRANSCRIPT - looked over version with AI word sanitizing)

The Engan people. Hello again, thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see, as I have said before, and I will keep repeating it, as it is perhaps the most important message my group and I can ever give, is the hard fact that there are more people like humans out in space, being that humankind is by far not exclusive of planet Earth, did not evolve there and was not created there either.

There are more humans as such out in at least 400,000 different civilizations, all of which belong to the Lyran or star human family. Although the term human is widely used referring only to the Lyrans who inhabit planet Earth, they are all members of the same genetic branch and family.

One of the most interesting star races from the Pleiades is the Engan people.

They are active members of the Alcyone council, which is the Diplomatic organization that sees over the interests of all the star races who inhabit the M45 star cluster, also known as the Pleiades, and through the Alcyone council, they are indirectly members of the Galactic Federation as well.

Through the agreements developed through the Alcyone council, they are tasked with taking care of the Pleiadian M45 perimeter.

With their vast and capable military, being that they are the most numerous race in the Pleiades, they are too, and by far, the ones with the strongest military force, with the tans in a second place. They are a wise, old Warrior Race characterized by having a very strong ethical and spiritual frame.

They are also considered as guides and examples to follow for any other race, especially those of Lyran genetics. They are the perfect example of the culmination of strength and spiritual evolution of any Lyran star human race.

And as an example, you can see them as the stellar human version of the Urmah people, as they share many common traits and characteristics with the feline civilization, traits that can be seen reflected even in their architecture and social structure, which is a step Council, holistic Society being Guided by a patriarchal royalty in power, that is, they have a king, but who cannot do much without the approval of their High Council, which works much like a senate in Roman times.

This political system is also very similar to the one found in tea, with its matriarchal, holistic society and a queen in power, or the Urmah large feline people, who also have a patriarchal step, Council, holistic Society with a king in power, a white lion.

Many Urmah Souls like to Incarnate as an Engan, as Urmah starseeds, and many Souls who have been Engan also like to Incarnate as an Urmah, as evidenced by the memory of past lives of the members of both cultures, as well as with the aid of technological devices which measure the frequency and vibration of people and help to know where they have been as Souls before their present Incarnation.

This goes for Taygetans as well, as their souls like to jump from Taygetan to Engan, to Urmah and back to the first all the time during their incarnations.

The Engan people inhabit all three planets orbiting the Pleiadian star Electra, also known as 17 Tauri, which is a gentle, blue, white, Giant star in the constellation of Taurus, and it is located approximately some 400 light years away from Earth.

It is the third brightest star in the Pleiades open star cluster, M45, which is visible to the naked eye with an an apparent magnitude of 3.7. Much has been said in the scientific community on Earth that the Pleiades M45 star cluster is too young to Harbor any life.

Yet, as I have explained before time is relative to The Observer and does not hold the same value everywhere, as it depends on the Consciousness that is manifesting it as a mere sub product of the act of being aware of its own existence.

M45 Pleiades, is by far not too young and it is boiling with all kinds of Life. The Engan people are one of the most influential Pleiadian races over the development of humankind and they have worked together for Earth and Humanity, shoulder-to-shoulder with the Taygetan and with the Solatian.

People also from the Pleiades M45 star cluster, the Solatian people, also known as white Pleiades, are from the Star Pion and those are the ones who started the typical New Age androgynous Fitness idea of how Pleiades look like, that is, with perfect bodies, long hair and beautiful appearances in both men and women, and who have white porcelain like skin.

They deserve a video of their own.

The Engan people have been influencing Earth's culture since the beginning of civilization, as the expression goes, and are responsible for implanting many ideas and Concepts associated with human or humanoid looking gods and goddesses, like those in the Pantheon of Greek, Roman and Scandinavian deities.

The Engan were taken as gods and goddesses by cultures of old on earth because of their high technology and their affinity to directly implant useful Concepts onto humankind, Concepts like metallurgy, Agriculture and philosophical ideas.

But even if they were taken as gods and goddesses by the people of old on earth, as were the Taygetans and the Solatian as well among countless other star races, the Engan were and are only more people like the humans on Earth as well.

This fact can be seen reflected in the very human Dr drama and actions attributed to the Greek and Nordic gods and goddesses, which reflect their good and bad qualities, their love, life and drama, as well as their very mundane needs and wants.

The drama and the consequences of the Engan are clearly reflected in the Nordic and Viking sagas, as well as in Scandinavian folklore, but perhaps with wider detail it is seen in the works of famous Greek thinkers and authors, being that the best example of this subject can be found in hesiod, theogony, which was officially written around the year 700 BC, and it is the first known Greek mythical cosmogony.

Although I am talking about Engan influence here in this video, I must point out that all this I am explaining goes for Taygetans as well, as they often mingled with the Engan back then, as they do today, and with whom they cooperated to influence Earth's culture of old For Better or Worse.

The data and the descriptions in all that literature and sagas can mostly be taken as facts and not only as folklore, because it can be astonishingly accurate, especially when describing the relationships and behavior of the Engan and Taygetan, who were taken and considered as gods and goddesses in Old Earth culture, and how they mingled with the human population as well, although, having said said that, there is also a great mass of distorted data there and there are also countless human misinterpretations all over the place, so a lot of caution and referencing must be taken when studying all that literature and sagas, as is to be expected.

Adding to this, many Earth oligarchs have also distorted the data, added and subtracted information from those sagas to further their needs and to use it for population control, as they have always done, even if that may have occurred in times of old and not recently.

Many of the gods and goddesses in the Pantheon of the Greeks, the Romans and the Scandinavians refer to the same exact person, although this in itself is a subject for another video.

A perfect example of this is the Greek God Zeus, who is also Jupiter for the Romans, who was Amon for the Egyptians and who was also Odin for the Scandinavians. In their literature and sagas, they are all referring to the same exact person and he was a mortal like any other human.

He just had a lot of power and a lot of Technology, including exotic weapons and Advanced Medical knowledge. In those literary works and sagas, you are only seeing the same man as he moved from one place to another, being that it was in Scandinavia where he was seen last on Earth, missing an eye.

By the way, the place or area on Earth where the Engan influenced the most, perhaps because it was the last place where they had Direct contact, also mingling with the human population, is Scandinavia, especially in the Viking era from the year 793 to the year 1066. As officially stated on Earth.

It is in the Viking and Scandinavian cultures where you can see the most direct Engan influence, especially regarding art, music and architecture. The Engan influence can also be seen in western parts of Russia and all of Eastern Europe as well, among countless other places on Earth.

To this day, they remain so similar that for many, the Engan people are considered or called space Vikings.

The names of their tree planets strongly reflect Concepts found in the Scandinavian sagas and are interesting to notice, ordered from the closest to the star Electra to the furthest, their planets are called Engan, which is their home planet, then Valhalla and Asgard, noting that those names are from the Engan language itself.

Valhalla, as in the name of the Great Hall, in Asgard, where the Warriors who have fallen in battle are received in the afterlife, and as scarred as in the celestial realm, the great City ruled by Odin, as The Saga goes.

Loosely compared, Valhalla and Asgard may be considered a Nordic equivalent of heaven or Paradise. This sets you thinking, as many vikings and Scandinavians in general are genetic descendants of both Taygetan and Engan, and many of their souls to this day are star seeds of both.

When they die, when their Incarnation on Earth is over, their souls will most likely return to Asgard Valhalla or Engan to the heavens and their Celestial Realms in space, in the pad star cluster.

To make this connection even more interesting, all three planets orbiting the star Electra are considered as super inhabitable. This means that the living conditions there are far better for Lyran humans than the ones found on Earth.

The gravity is softer, the climate is less extreme and the biology is friendlier and more vast, and so are all other natural resources there, making all three planets orbiting Electra perfect examples of paradise planets.

The Engan people are one of the very best examples of how far Lyran people, who are space humans, evolve in every way.

The Engan race are very close to the Taygetan people and for many in the Pleiades they are considered as compliments, as their relationship with one another has always been very close and Cooperative, as is with the Urmah people as well, especially through their highend Pleiadian Urmah, large feline people who inhabit the planets orbiting the star marapi, also in M45.

Right now no official Engan starships are orbiting Earth, as agreed by the Alcyone council, because right now that Council, which represents the Pleiades, is being represented by the tans in this area.

Yet this does not mean that unofficial or civilian Engan craft are not here orbiting Earth sometimes, as they come and go all the time, as they are members of the Galactic Federation and they like to check on their star seeds from time to time.

The Engan presence around Earth right now is low, yet they have never stopped coming around here regularly. This will be all for today. Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more, and I hope to see you here next time. With much love your friend Mari Swaruu that.

Last edited by mes333 (2024-04-29 15:07:53)


#4 2024-04-29 15:24:42


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Super interesting I thank Mari lots for sharing with us! It was very cool and unexpected as I don't believe I have heard of the Engan People before in any of the videos I have watched from Cosmic Agency or Mari's YT channel. I know history is such a huge question mark here on Earth almost like it is a frayed wire where some of the information is being lost and not continuing on to us anymore as stories have been so manipulated by various people and societies. So I love to hear about these connections of ancient human societies connecting with there stellar family linages and I feel the Taygetans and Swaruuians are the most trusted news and history source for me so makes it extra exciting to know more. Truly opens up a new world in my mind with much curiosity and wonder. Great episode and I look forward to learning more about other stellar races and there customs and ways of being too.

I often even wonder about the simple things like even if the Taygetans use utensils, chop sticks, hands or something else to eat? Anyone know the answer as I might have missed it, just a curiosity question?

Last edited by mes333 (2024-04-29 15:27:35)


#5 2024-04-29 15:36:50


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

mes333 wrote:

I often even wonder about the simple things like even if the Taygetans use utensils, chop sticks, hands or something else to eat? Anyone know the answer as I might have missed it, just a curiosity question?

Hi mes333. Thank you for doing the transcript ★

From what I can remember, Taygetans use a spoon, knife and a third utensil that I don’t know the name of.

The third utensil looks like a three pronged chopstick, with a flexible joint in the middle. It has gripping teeth on the end to hold the food between the three points. Traditionally it is made of decorated wood.

And the spoon is not as shallow as ours. It is shaped more like a ladle for soup. I think the handles can be decorated too.


#6 2024-04-29 16:14:30

Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Mari broadens our horizons once more. Some of the most interesting topics for me are the ones that deal with Earth’s history and extraterrestrials’ part in it. I’ve always intuitively felt that gods familiar from sagas were really ETs, and that places like Valhalla must exist. Maybe it’s embedded in nordic dna. Though I guess I’ve never entertained the possibility that Valhalla and Asgard are actually planets. Always happy to know more about the space vikings.

Pleiadian starseed traveler hitchhiking back home


#7 2024-04-29 16:21:33


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Thank you Mari for the new info about the Engans. Curious correlation with viking realms and the names of their planets and where the vikings go when they die on Earth - back on their super habitable planets, very funny indeed. And about the Odin which is Zeus and other top god names and confirming the missing eye, also funny. And the last but not the least the friendship and the cross incarnations with Urmah and the similarities in politics between them two.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-04-29 17:52:24)


#8 2024-04-29 18:17:43


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Ariya wrote:
mes333 wrote:

I often even wonder about the simple things like even if the Taygetans use utensils, chop sticks, hands or something else to eat? Anyone know the answer as I might have missed it, just a curiosity question?

Hi mes333. Thank you for doing the transcript ★

From what I can remember, Taygetans use a spoon, knife and a third utensil that I don’t know the name of.

The third utensil looks like a three pronged chopstick, with a flexible joint in the middle. It has gripping teeth on the end to hold the food between the three points. Traditionally it is made of decorated wood.

And the spoon is not as shallow as ours. It is shaped more like a ladle for soup. I think the handles can be decorated too.

NP Ariya smile

Wow you are amazing with your knowledge and how you share it. I was quite curious as it popped up in my noggin while I was watching Mari's video today, LOL Truly appreciate your descriptions I thank you very much, cool to know!


#9 2024-04-29 19:40:55

Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

This video was wonderful. Thanks to Mari Swaruu for sharing her information and thanks also to mes333 for the transcript. I really appreciate being able to read while I'm watching. smile

Interesting to learn just how much mythology corresponds to the Engan people. Who would've thought Valhalla and Asgard are planets? I love the idea of Earth's Vikings really going home to paradise after their short rough lives here. It's so beautiful when something turns out to be true! lol

I also laughed a bit at the idea that the same guy was four different gods! The most surprising thing to me was that one person got around that much in one lifetime, but not only am I potentially underestimating the speed, efficiency and prevalence of ancient sailing routes/vessels, but also if he had the technology, time/place might not have been so much of an obstacle.

On the subject of the Taygetan spoon, I wonder is it more like a Chinese soup spoon, like a more shallow, shovel type ladle, or deeper and more rounded, like a bowl with a handle? I'm curious to know for sure, but also curious to know what others here think it might be.

I also remember from that same video that it was said that all the utensils and other small items on the starships are made of plastic to reduce the risk of fire. I'm equally curious to know how those types of objects look and are manufactured.

I'm particularly interested in Taygetan paper and plastic items. It's been said before that their paper is very different from ours but it was never explained in any detail. I'd really like to know more if they felt like sharing sometime. smile

The road appears when you need it.


#10 2024-04-29 20:17:05


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

What I find most fascinating about Mari's Eagan video, are the main three stellar military protectors are the Taygetans, Urmah and Eagan people.  We learn that they are related souls and reincarnate into those three civilization throughout eternity - they are truly noble woman and men of the stars!

The video also got me thinking that the Taygetans are the main military in Earth's orbit, instead of the Eagan people. 
Is it possible the Eagan chose to have more direct 'boots on the ground' instead of ships in orbit?

I say this because there seem to be many heroes or Key people on the surface on Earth now, who a making a big difference with their online activism and exposing the matrix lies.

In hindsight, one reason why world banking systems are still working and there's no breakdown of society, is because Kim Goguen has the abilities and tools to cancel all cabal bills passed in governments and has defunded the agencies and organizations that are working against humanity.
Kim is kinda like a strategic royal Lioness (or Eagan woman?) … Vq0L&t=457
and … start=4822

Last edited by Meridianwoman (2024-04-30 03:39:45)

TOGETHER we can move mountains!
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#11 2024-04-29 20:18:45


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

crystallinemister wrote:

On the subject of the Taygetan spoon, I wonder is it more like a Chinese soup spoon, like a more shallow, shovel type ladle, or deeper and more rounded, like a bowl with a handle? I'm curious to know for sure, but also curious to know what others here think it might be.

I also remember from that same video that it was said that all the utensils and other small items on the starships are made of plastic to reduce the risk of fire. I'm equally curious to know how those types of objects look and are manufactured.

I'm particularly interested in Taygetan paper and plastic items. It's been said before that their paper is very different from ours but it was never explained in any detail. I'd really like to know more if they felt like sharing sometime. smile

I found the transcript with the details of the Taygetan utensils …

This is important information incase any of us is invited to dinner with a Taygetan … especially if they serve soup smile

Questioner: Wow, what a curious thing you just told us. These little things are what make the difference, in my opinion. For example, sometimes there are also misunderstandings due to cultural differences when eating, with cutlery or table manners. Has that ever happened to you?

Anéeka: They are tolerated, but not very common. They learn quickly. When it comes to cutlery, we have the knife and the spoon, but it is different. It is like a bowl with a handle like a half sphere with an ornate handle for soups. The fork does not exist here. Instead of the fork we have a kind of utensil similar to oriental chopsticks, but made of three sticks with a flexible joint in the middle and have small tines on the end that touches the food. It grips the food between 3 points.

At home it is usually made of ornamented wood. Here in the ship it is made of composite materials, some transparent. We avoid unnecessary wood and combustibles because a fire inside a spaceship is usually devastating and very dangerous.

The transcript is here: … s-no-video


#12 2024-04-29 20:28:04

Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Ariya wrote:

I found the transcript with the details of the Taygetan utensils …

This is important information incase any of us is invited to dinner with a Taygetan … especially if they serve soup smile

Questioner: Wow, what a curious thing you just told us. These little things are what make the difference, in my opinion. For example, sometimes there are also misunderstandings due to cultural differences when eating, with cutlery or table manners. Has that ever happened to you?

Anéeka: They are tolerated, but not very common. They learn quickly. When it comes to cutlery, we have the knife and the spoon, but it is different. It is like a bowl with a handle like a half sphere with an ornate handle for soups. The fork does not exist here. Instead of the fork we have a kind of utensil similar to oriental chopsticks, but made of three sticks with a flexible joint in the middle and have small tines on the end that touches the food. It grips the food between 3 points.

At home it is usually made of ornamented wood. Here in the ship it is made of composite materials, some transparent. We avoid unnecessary wood and combustibles because a fire inside a spaceship is usually devastating and very dangerous.

The transcript is here: … s-no-video

Thank you so much, Ariya. You are amazing at finding your way around the transcripts. I'm going to practice so I get better at it myself smile

I can imagine that spoon so easily. I'd love to see the decorations. Now that I think about it, we have quite a few spoon designs on Earth, don't we? It would be interesting to know where they all came from and why each one was invented.

Last edited by crystallinemister (2024-04-29 20:30:43)

The road appears when you need it.


#13 2024-04-29 21:10:41


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

crystallinemister wrote:
Ariya wrote:

I found the transcript with the details of the Taygetan utensils …

This is important information incase any of us is invited to dinner with a Taygetan … especially if they serve soup smile

The transcript is here: … s-no-video

Thank you so much, Ariya. You are amazing at finding your way around the transcripts. I'm going to practice so I get better at it myself smile

I can imagine that spoon so easily. I'd love to see the decorations. Now that I think about it, we have quite a few spoon designs on Earth, don't we? It would be interesting to know where they all came from and why each one was invented.

I agree Crystallinemister it would be interesting to know where they all come from and there functionality reasons as to why also. I guess I side tracked this one a bit LOL but was eating making a mess all over my desk while watching so got me wondering if they have some better equipment to eat with smile Great find once again Ariya with the transcript and I am now imagining the Tri like chopsticks with the flexible joint in the middle! I feel like if I understood the functionality I would still make a mess so if I was invited I would bring my Spork just in case. tongue

Last edited by mes333 (2024-04-29 21:15:02)


#14 2024-04-30 05:45:50

Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Ariya wrote:
crystallinemister wrote:

On the subject of the Taygetan spoon, I wonder is it more like a Chinese soup spoon, like a more shallow, shovel type ladle, or deeper and more rounded, like a bowl with a handle? I'm curious to know for sure, but also curious to know what others here think it might be.

I also remember from that same video that it was said that all the utensils and other small items on the starships are made of plastic to reduce the risk of fire. I'm equally curious to know how those types of objects look and are manufactured.

I'm particularly interested in Taygetan paper and plastic items. It's been said before that their paper is very different from ours but it was never explained in any detail. I'd really like to know more if they felt like sharing sometime. smile

I found the transcript with the details of the Taygetan utensils …

This is important information incase any of us is invited to dinner with a Taygetan … especially if they serve soup smile

Questioner: Wow, what a curious thing you just told us. These little things are what make the difference, in my opinion. For example, sometimes there are also misunderstandings due to cultural differences when eating, with cutlery or table manners. Has that ever happened to you?

Anéeka: They are tolerated, but not very common. They learn quickly. When it comes to cutlery, we have the knife and the spoon, but it is different. It is like a bowl with a handle like a half sphere with an ornate handle for soups. The fork does not exist here. Instead of the fork we have a kind of utensil similar to oriental chopsticks, but made of three sticks with a flexible joint in the middle and have small tines on the end that touches the food. It grips the food between 3 points.

At home it is usually made of ornamented wood. Here in the ship it is made of composite materials, some transparent. We avoid unnecessary wood and combustibles because a fire inside a spaceship is usually devastating and very dangerous.

The transcript is here: … s-no-video

Thanks Mari, that was fascinating.

Thanks Ariya, thats super interesting too.

Is that Mari morphed into an Engan on the cover image?

"I see your face and sense the grace
And feel the magic in your touch."


#15 2024-04-30 12:22:39


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Engans are cool. Perhaps they are also the gods of Tuatha De Danaan.

Last edited by Brahman (2024-04-30 12:27:57)

There is only Nirvana (Buddha) lol


#16 2024-04-30 19:57:48

Horton HaW

Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Brahman wrote:

Engans are cool. Perhaps they are also the gods of Tuatha De Danaan.

Maybe. I have a feeling things got mixed up over time, just like with Atlantis and Lemuria.

Thanks Mari. Glad to hear more about different groups from a reliable source. Very interesting.♥
Thanks for the transcripts they are invaluable.

Last edited by Horton HaW (2024-04-30 20:09:50)

A starseed forcefully on Earth is just like holding a cork underwater: it is under the surface only because a strong hand is holding it there. ~Mari Swaruu

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#17 2024-05-01 07:34:06


Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

Thanks Mari.

Your timing was "spot on" on that one !

We now have a much better perspective on the subject of "New Age", and where it originated from.

Time And Relative Dimensions In Space Man


#18 2024-05-02 15:03:09

Re: The Engan People - Mari Swaruu

wandereringsoul wrote:

Is that Mari morphed into an Engan on the cover image?

It sure looks that way.

Could Mari also be implying that Nordic runes have off worldly origins? Nordic Nessie, Jörmungandr, might have certain extraterrestrial connotations as well. Alpha dracos come to mind, among others.

I wonder if the Engans wear horns on their space helmets smile

Pleiadian starseed traveler hitchhiking back home


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