THE MEDIA IN TAYGETA - STELLAR CIVILIZATION - EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT Published 19 April 2021 by Pleiadian Knowledge, Cristina & Estella TAYGETEAN MEDIA: How do the Taygetean people communicate with each other? Cristina: One question Anéeka, what is the Taygeta media like? The one used in the planets? In other words, how do you pass the news to citizens? Аnéeka of Temmer: Everything moves through a network similar to the internet. It is not a television. Only the news data is fed to the network and from there everyone decides if they want to search for something in particular or not, but yes we could say there is a platform to give it a name, with news or general data of what is happening. Unlike on Earth, any citizen can upload their news, but without the censorship of YouTube. However, it is not invasive, it is just there, nothing like: “We interrupt this program to…” Because as I have told you, there are no programs as such. Rather, there is a planetary Network connected to the Network of the Council of Alcyone connected to the Network of the Federation and others, all together, where the amount of information that is there is unquantifiable. And entertainment is not like watching movies and series, but it is with a view for learning at the same time. And the same thing happens with movies and series on Earth, but as programming towards humans of what they should think, like, values. It is still the same, learning, but the people of the Earth do not see it, they only see empty entertainment, not a mental programming where even the most stupid TV programs are programmed to accept idiocy, meaning is best to be ignorant and obedient. In Taygeta and other so-called “advanced” civilizations the same thing applies, but with a view to expanding the consciousness and wisdom of the entire people, teaching them to think for themselves, and to share what they have found within their introspections and within of their personal philosophy. With this enriching the entire society. *Pictures not supported* Estel·la: And how do people connect to this network? Through computers? Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, everyone has holographic computers. Holographic in two ways, that they are holistic or complete. And that the "displays" or screens are high definition and 3D holograms and if you like, also full immersion. These computers can do virtually anything. *Pictures not supported* Cristina: And how do you get a computer in Taygeta? Is there a place where they are distributed? Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, as with everything in Taygeta, you just have to ask for it. You do not hoard computers because they would only get in the way, and they are useless. So everyone has what they need. And if it occurs to you that for some reason you need or want 30 computers, you can have them. Only for something that is difficult to obtain for some reason, a Council would be convened to decide who gets what cannot be divided or copied. As would happen with an original of a work of art, because although you can replicate it, it is not the original, and it would be worthless. *Pictures not supported* Cristina: And one last question on this topic. How do you order the computer? Because now I imagined the Amazon delivery man, but I know it should not be like that. Аnéeka of Temmer: With another computer, a borrowed one or going to a distribution center that is like a shopping center on Earth. Taygeta is a women’s society… of course there must be Malls or shopping centers. But again you don't pay, you get what you want with a thank you. And the people attending there, is because they want to be there, and they are not there all the time, only seasonally or by schedule, as everyone helps. *Pictures not supported*