STAR SHIP SADICLEYA (ENGLISH) Published 1 August 2024 by Swaruu Official - English Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well. Today I am Mari. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see. As most of you already know, we are moving from the starship Toleka to the new starship Sadicleya, as I mentioned in my previous video, and right now, we are halfway through our complicated moving process. Yesterday, July 29th, I moved from Toleka to Sadicleya, and last night was my first here on this ship and in my new spacious room. Therefore, this subject was logical and even necessary for today because this is what I am living right now. It is what I have on my mind. I will move on to other subjects in the next video. This is a descriptive video, as there has been no time to process or generate images, much less with the move. Yet, we will be able to make and process a few soon. Starship Sadicleya, which means “Midnight Sun” in Taygetan, is named after the white dwarf star also known as Tau 19B which, together with the main star Taygeta, also known as Tau 19A, form the Taygetan binary system. The white dwarf star Sadicleya, as seen from the four inhabited planets orbiting Taygeta, is not bright enough to turn the night into day. Yet, it provides sufficient light to serve wildlife and biology, as the Moon does with Earth. As seen from the planets orbiting Taygeta, as I have seen from Erra or from Temmer, Sadicleya is like nothing you have on Earth or nothing you can see from there, as it does not look like a Moon, nor does it look like a regular bright star either. It is more like a huge star that looks almost like a little sun in the sky, giving enough light to see a little better than on Earth during a full Moon. Yet, it cannot illuminate enough for the night to be considered day. It can be directly observed with the naked eye with no danger, as its naturally dim light is also dampened by the dense nebula surrounding most of the M45 Pleiades star cluster, which causes Sadicleya´s light to be seen as electric blue. The Taygetan nights, when Sadicleya can be seen, are blue, and it is a beautiful experience to be there in the open and around nature during that time. Therefore, it serves Taygetan wildlife's biological rhythms, which synchronize and coordinate with Sadicleya´s cycles of when it can be seen and when it cannot, and at what angle from the planet's horizon. And, as it is a dwarf star with its own light, it does not have phases like the Moon. It is either there or not. Starship Sadicleya is the latest variant of the very successful Toleka-class heavy cruisers, the first one of which was finished in the Earth year 1935, as calculated. She was ordered to be built by Queen Alenym shortly after she came to power, and it took roughly six years to be finished. Toleka class heavy cruisers are all designed to be multiple-purpose platforms for deep space operations, and their interior can be redesigned for each particular ship of the class according to its purpose. Furthermore, many levels or decks of any Toleka class are modular, which means that large portions of the ship can be removed and replaced with others with other characteristics and as needed. Starship Toleka was initially a multiple-purpose military ship that was later modified to be Alenym's royal yacht using that modular system. Unlike Toleka, Sadicleya's interior was originally designed from the start to be a long-range deep space yacht with multiple-purpose installations, and it was built intentionally to replace the aging starship Toleka. Many star races relate royalty with the colour white, as I have described before. Therefore, Sadicleya's hull is also white, and it is also a tribute to the star Sadicleya Tau 19B, as it is a white dwarf. There is an issue with Sadicleya's exact size right now, so I cannot say how big it is with exactitude. I have found this problem with all the official dimensions of virtually all the Taygetan starships as they were said to the public in the past. For example, I recently mentioned the Taygetan main space station and spaceport that orbits the planet Temmer, and I said that it was 25km in diameter. But thinking that number was too large, I researched it closely, and it is more like 5.5km in diameter, much smaller. Then the official length of a Toleka class starship was initially said to be 2,200m long, but when measured using human methods, a rangefinder, its real length is 1,734m. This is a translation issue from the Taygetan unit, which is roughly translated as elbows, to human units of meters or feet. A Taygetan elbow is 55.4cm long, so the unit is known, but the measurement errors do not correspond to a simple translation misjudgement, so I don't know what is going on there with starship measurements. I have not had the chance to measure Sadicleya correctly, but from what I have had a chance to see, it is as long as Toleka, yet it is clearly a lot wider. When I first knew about Sadicleya, I was told that she was some kind of mini Toleka and some 550m long. Yet, having her here, there is nothing mini about Sadicleya as she is at least as long as Toleka, yet much wider. So in any case she is larger than Toleka, not smaller, as her displacement is larger. Displacement is an Earth naval term, which calculates the tonnage of the water a ship moves apart, displaces, when afloat. Sadicleya is the first Toleka class match two or mark two, and from the side she is nearly identical to a regular Toleka batch 1. The only visible difference is that the hump at the top of the ship is a lot longer, extending more than half the way aft. Her engine housing at the rear is also lengthier as her engines are larger, and she has bigger side windows in many of her main decks as she was built as a yacht and not as a warship as Toleka initially was. Sadicleya's eight main engines plus four normal plasma jet ones for manoeuvring are 25% larger than the ones found on a Toleka mark 1 class. Yet, they can produce 75% more power output, giving Sadicleya the capacity to jump in hyperspace with less SIT time, that is “ship internal time” as perceived by someone inside and his or her wristwatch. In other simpler words, she is a lot faster. And as a ship's shields directly depend on its engine power, Sadicleya's shields are also a lot stronger than the ones on a regular Toleka mark 1. Therefore, I no longer need to hide in which ship I am on, as Sadicleya is now my official flagship, and with my newest security protocols, I feel quite safe in here. Unlike the outside, where Sadicleya looks a lot like a regular Toleka, yet recognizably more advanced, and although many parts of her inside are nearly identical to the ones found in any other Toleka class, most of her interior is very different. Sadicleya is designed around the idea of having a starship that is psychologically friendly to the crew for extended periods and while working alone in deep space. Where Toleka has several decks of empty cabin spaces for a large crew, Sadicleya has two levels dedicated to emulating towns built around nature. This for the psychological effect of having small houses surrounded by nature, as if the crew was back home. I find this area very interesting as it uses large tree hedges to hide the side walls of the hull of the ship, as well as emulated horizon and natural cloud emulators generated by special effects using hologram generators. When combined with realistic weather generators, it gives the crew a realistic hometown effect, which does wonders for the mind. The weather generators are complete with wind and rain effects, as well as climate machines that can produce any season, from a hot summer to a snowy winter, using real elements and not holograms nor remote presence reality-inducing technology. She has two park areas. The lower one even includes a small lake with fish in it, and the other has swimming pools and an artificial beach, palm trees, sand and all, as well as a wave-making machine. This, together with solar-emulating lamps which give off the same kind of radiation from a natural star, produces a realistic day-at-the-beach experience for the crew. Sadicleya´s state rooms and private quarters are 50% larger than the ones in Toleka, and the machinery rooms that were close to the main crew quarters were moved away, leaving the space in the middle of the ship free for small park areas which add a peaceful touch to everything. The best thing about it all is that it is mostly automated, so the natural park areas need only minimum maintenance by a crew member. In general, she is a new ship which is perfectly thought and designed to be a great operating platform for deep space operations for a small crew of less than 100 people. Yet, for now, all the original crew members of starship Toleka will remain in Sadicleya, except for Queen Alenym, her spouse Khila, and her close staff who will sail with her back to Temmer. I will not be accepting any new crew members for now nor anytime soon. Starship Vigilant Eagle, Eagle for short, will escort Toleka back to Temmer for her safety but will return back here after her crew takes two weeks off and a few technical issues in her are solved directly in spaceport and by her manufacturer. It's nothing really problematic, only a few electrical issues. Starship Sadicleya, my new flagship, will remain in low Earth orbit, and she is escorted by starship Hyades only a few meters away on her port side and by starship Asterope on her starboard side, as well as starships Alcyone and Saska One a little further away. I will continue with the good work from Sadicleya now as the new Taygetan queen, as the representative of the Alcyone Council here, and as a YouTuber, because I love talking to you all. And, despite all this, I still depend on Earth and its food and resources for my sustenance, as you already know. As a last note related to this, CIC has informed me that the emails some of you have provided with your beautiful donations do not work. CIC says that they send a thank-you message and it bounces back to them. Also, please check your spam folder as well. As we are halfway through the move, there may be a slight delay with the thank you messages. Also, because many of the computers had to be disconnected and taken to their new locations, but by the time you hear this, we will be back up to speed with them. Well, this will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more, it helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time. With much love. Your friend, Mari Swa