SPACE NEWS, 33, JULY 29, 2024, ATTACKS AGAINST ALENYM AND CARROT, BYE BYE TOLEKA. (ENGLISH) Published 29 July 2024 by Swaruu Official - English Mari Swa: Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see. Today's first piece of news is an update about what happened to “Carrot” (Trump). I will be using that code name because I was informed that just about everyone understands to whom I am referring, as it is a widely known code name, and I'd rather avoid using the real one here. I know about many conspiracy theories and plain speculations and so on about what really happened there that day, and they are all over the web. As I said the last time I talked about this, I even considered the possibility of it having been entirely staged to make his rating go up for the upcoming election in the US, set up as in using red paint pouches that explode when you press a button and other movie effects. But now, after several days have gone by, and after I talked to my Hashmallim Taygetan Special Forces tier one operators here on the ship, they explained to me what they can see in the video footage and what they have learned so far about the incident. And this is what Dhor K´aal´el, Salaphaiel and Gabriel told me. Unlike what some people on the web are claiming, the 5.56 or .223 calibre ammunition coming from an AR-15 rifle, allegedly used during the incident, would produce damage to a human ear exactly how it was seen in the footage. Gabriel continued to tell me that it would be impossible to stage such a shot only hitting his ear as it would have been simply too dangerous if the intention was for Carrot to survive, and even less with such a low-quality and old rifle as the one allegedly used by the aggressor. Having understood all this, and the more expanded context as well, my opinion about this incident is that it looks like it was a real attempt against Carrot's life and he was very lucky to have survived. The whole incident is set up in the same way as many other similar incidents, where there is supposedly a single shooter who acted alone and that was later taken out so no one can question him, therefore closing the case as it leads to a dead end. This is a typical intelligence setup where their asset is brainwashed and programmed, even to an unconscious level, to react and obey orders when a trigger word or action is sent to him or her in a very “Mike kilo uniform” manner, use your thinking hat. The most important point I want to say about all this is that even though there may be a real struggle going on, including genuine violence and fights at one level, yet at another one higher above, it is still theatre and it is being controlled by the same people who manage both sides to create an effect and for population control. Even if the attempt on “Carrot's” life was real, it does not mean that what is being officially stated is the truth. Far from it. Just as an example, they said that the shooter climbed on top of the roof using a ladder. Yet, as informed by Taygetan Special Forces, it would have been much easier to climb up that roof simply by jumping on an AC unit at the rear of the building, then onto a large electrical box, and then pull himself up to the roof. It does look like a “Mike kilo uniform” strike with the cooperation of at least some security agency personnel of the Sierra Sierra. Moving in closer, and with more stellar information, what we see in the whole attempt scenario strongly resembles a situation where a force intervened in “Carrot's” favour. A force that already knew what would happen and the consequences of “Carrot” being taken out. A force with “Looking Glass” time travel capacity and who knew the exact split second such an event would take place, or close enough to be able to intervene somehow. A force such as the Taygetan sandclock elite time-jumping timeline-altering fighter ship squadrons. I am not saying it was us. All I am saying is that someone else may be using the same technology and capacity as the one we have, that's all. This event also looks like an intervention from the astral. As I explained in previous videos, entities on the spirit side can alter an event by causing the movement of a very small thing or object, which would create or cause a chain reaction leading to their desired effect and outcome. As there are bad entities, there are good ones as well, as the struggle between good and evil is everywhere in lower existential densities. This does not mean that “Carrot” is good or that he is bad, as he is only one more frontman, one more character of a far larger play where one side is placed against another while controlled by the same masters, who in turn are controlled by the almighty Galactic Federation. Black hats and white hats are all part of the same and are controlled by the same masters way above. Yet, I accept that white hats may be 2% or something like that less against the general population. I did not say better for the general population. I only said less against. Contrary to all the speculations in the media, “Carrot” is only human. I understand the need to seek hope in someone as a saviour, but that is not the way out of the Matrix and not the way out of your problems. That is in your hands and your hands alone. No one will do so for you, and you will only fall into more manipulation strategies of those in power if you place your highest expectations on anything and on anyone belonging to the Matrix. You are your own cavalry. The rabbit hole goes deep with real struggle on one level and only controlled theatre from another above, and it is all a multiple-density, multiple-layer chess game. Remember that. Moving on to yet another assassination attempt, the Taygetan investigations and research into the attempt against Queen Alenym's life have concluded. They could trace the specific biological attributes and details of the isolated pathogen used against her to the source who developed it. The pathogen was designed to attack her genetics specifically. The level of genetic engineering needed to develop and produce such a pathogen, as well as the specifics of the laboratory, its equipment, and its genetic engineering capacity for designing it against Queen Alenym, led us to one exact laboratory, which is found in the Galactic Federation headquarters who control this Solar System, and they are in one of the biosphere ships orbiting Saturn. Although it is unwise to say names at this time, we now know who did it to quite high certainty, and those are quadrant-level Galactic Federation representatives and authorities, most probably wanting to prevent Alenym from spreading so-called conspiracy theories about the Federation and all the things that are plain and simply wrong about how they are managing Earth, although it is not the only place where they do shady activities. The evidence has now been sent to the local Galactic Federation headquarters in the Andromedan Viera, as well as a formal complaint from the Taygetan society, from the Alcyone Council, who has already been informed about the situation and are already reacting to it, and from the High Urmah Council who is backing us up honouring their treaties and agreements with us, the Taygetans. It was also they who gave us the evidence that links such a Federation laboratory to the specific genetic markers of the pathogen used against Queen Alenym. I am well aware that I could be the next target of the same people. Very much so, as I am at least as troublesome to them as Queen Alenym, and I am not afraid to say that I will be even more so, especially because I can communicate directly with the human population of Earth and not only with other stellar races. I will not say I will try to be; I simply will be more troublesome. I do not try, I actually do. And yes, I am angry yet focused and logical and in control, and that makes me even more dangerous than a simple reactive person. If there are any further developments or anything else prudent to share with you, I will not hesitate to do so. In the next piece of news. As the Taygetan Queen and leader, I have also been appointed as the Alcyone Council ambassador to the Galactic Federation, at least until Alenym is out of her medical pod and states that she wants to continue as such, or while I can delegate the job to someone else. I am overtasked and overworked, but I am going strong and I will not falter. In the next piece of news, starship Toleka, which is Queen Alenym's official yacht, will retire its service here in low Earth orbit and will be taken back to Temmer, to the shipyards that built her 89 Earth years ago back in 1935, where she will be extensively overhauled and repaired as she is plagued with all kinds of internal problems. Most of them are small, like malfunctioning pneumatic doors and constantly leaking water pipes and lines, but those problems add up to create a big one. Just a few days ago, a large water line broke between decks where they pass through, creating a waterfall in the stairways on the levels of the main private rooms, including my own, and it was a great problem to fix as well as to clean up the mess, only to have another line break, this time over the laundry rooms where it literally started to rain inside the ship. When the main line ruptured and was repaired, the added pressure most probably ruptured smaller lines that caused the laundry room's water leaks, and the initial flood was big enough to cause a 10cm inundation in the corridors, which then caused several small short circuits that now plague the affected area, leaving the corridors of two decks with no internal lighting and permanently in the dark. So now each time we leave our rooms, we must take our handy flashlight with us. These are only some of the many problems Toleka has, and if you remember correctly, the maintenance and supply ship, Saska One, made a 3-month effort to service Toleka as much as possible while still here in Earth's orbit. Toleka has been a faithful starship and our home for many years, but she is 89 years old. Therefore, I have decided to permanently move my headquarters to the new starship Sadicleya, which is a Toleka 2 class enhanced heavy cruiser. She is brand new, just out of her construction shipyard, and starting her service just now in mid-2024 after 6 years under construction. Sadicleya is an improved and enhanced version of the older Toleka One class and was built and designed from the start to be a royal yacht and the new flagship of the Taygetan fleet. From the outside, she is essentially another Toleka class, looking essentially the same, but internally she is full of improvements I will be sharing with you soon. Unlike starship Toleka, which is carbon black, Sadicleya's hull is white. She is the new Taygetan flagship and my new home. The extensive, difficult, and even painful process of passing everything from Toleka to Sadicleya started last Friday, the 26th of July 2024, and is ongoing. It is expected to take a whole week. Starship Sadicleya is now docked alongside Toleka so the cargo forklifts and other equipment can be carried from one ship to the other. Starship Saska One is also docked in with Toleka on her other side so her machinery and cargo lifts can aid in the process of moving all essential things from Toleka to Sadicleya. I will be choosing a new private room and a new office on board Sadicleya, which is now officially the Taygetan flagship and queen's yacht, as already stated to the Galactic Federation, the Alcyone Council, and the rest of the star races. The captain and crew that brought the Sadicleya here will take command over Toleka at the end of the week. And shortly after, they will sail her back to Temmer. Whether she will be recommissioned to come back to Earth's orbit, tasked somewhere else with another crew, or finally decommissioned and dismantled will depend on what the engineers back home dictate after they evaluate her. I do feel bad for this ship, but she is very old and full of problems. It is sad. As Queen Alenym is in a medical pod here in Toleka, there is no other option but to have her sail back to Temmer in the ship because a medical pod is not one single machine; rather, it is a complex system which depends on many different mechanisms, so it cannot be simply taken from one ship to another while functioning with the patient inside. Queen Alenym will sail back to Temmer with her spouse, her support, and security crew, where she will remain for the remainder of her recovery time in the pod. When she wakes up, she will be the one who will decide what she will do next. Although I know there is a strong security concern around me, I have evaluated that it is not important to hide which ship I will be in, as the people watching this video cannot get to me anyway. And the Galactic Federation and other races already know I will be in Sadicleya, as I even had to officially state it is the new flagship so they treat her with due respect. While the transfer of command and control from Toleka to Sadicleya is ongoing, starships Alcyone and Asterope will be taking the lead for safety reasons until Sadicleya is set up and running. New Taygetan queen, new administration, new procedures, new flagship. This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more. It helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time. With much love and appreciation. Your friend, Mari Swa